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Show BERLIN A CITY OF WOUNDED MEN By WILLIAM DUCKWORTH. (Special Cable by London Dally Telegraph). Tele-graph). Copenhagen, Nov. 8 A neutral subject, sub-ject, just returned after a week's stay In Berlin, says that the crown prince is being blamed for the failure of the German advance in Prance. Tw. aiI mil tlioli- trnt in him tn iiit- lr 1 ' l' 1 ' j ' ,J i 1 1 ' 1 11 - reach Paris within scheduled time and now he is being openly attacked for failing to penetrate the French right An enormous number of slightly wounded men and bo s limp about the streets, drive in open motors and are seen In restaurants and theatres. They nre so numerous that they seem to be a part of a gigantic street campaign cam-paign to advertise the army. Every' man seems to be deeorated with an iron cross The number of Iron cross es distributed is now approaching 100,000. The gayety in the cafes seems forced. The general impression is that the people seem to realize that the success ot the German arms has been too long delayed This, along with the mys'erlous whereabouts of the kaiser and the awful monotone or the dally reports from the headquarters headquar-ters staff, which have, it is feared, some deeper significance. Is making the winter shadows black in Berlin. Hundreds of women in mourning are seen in the streets, and the peo pie are beginning to learn that they are faced with an economical crisH. It is reflected in the faces of the business men and In the streets are increasing numbers of unemployed. Also there has been a sudden jump in the cost of living in the last fort-night fort-night This increase is local. More business houses have been closed and 6tlll further reductions In salaries have been made in those houses which have kept open London. Nov. 8, 9:42 p m. A Melbourne Mel-bourne dispatch to the Central News says the steamer Norfolk caught fire Saturday night and was beached on Ninety Mile beach, near Uort Albert., on the southwest coast of Victoria. The crew is reported safe, but the vessel's position is critical. oo ITALY FORCED TO SEND TROOPS OVER TO TRIPOLI Rome, Nov. 8. Italy is sending garrison gar-rison troops to Tripoli to defend her settlements and loyal tribesmen against Arab rebels and Bedouins who have raised supply columns In the interior and have attacked an encampment en-campment of submissive tribesmen at Derna. Turkey it seems, has disregarded the promise made to Italy by Germany Ger-many that the porte would not threaten threat-en Italian colonies and that Turkey-had Turkey-had no designs on Tripoli. Events are tending more and more to force Italy into the war . The most momentous mo-mentous crisis has develeped In ryrenalca, due to the aggressions of Bedouins News received here today indicate. Turkeys intention to drive the Italians Ital-ians out of Tripoli and to regain the provinces lost In the war between Italy and Turkey. For a week Be- douins In the Interior have waylaid detachments of troops and have wounded Italian soldiers. Bedouins appeared at Derna, on the eastern ex tremlty of the S;. nnanata promcnade-and promcnade-and made savage efforts to destroy the hi nmpment there, but were driven driv-en off by Italian Infantrymen. It sceniF probable that Italy will soon demand an explanation from Turke and possibly from Germany since Germain Ger-main lm M'd to guarantee the safety ol Tripoli. Gho General Emeglio has sent from Cyranaca an urgent demand for more troops and the war office Is now re-, re-, sponding. Italian garrisons have been strengthened. uu BRITISH STEAMER DAMAGED BY FIRE London, No-.. 8. 7 p m. A dispatch from Lloyd's Sidney, N S , correspondent corre-spondent sajs the following wireless has been received there from the British steamer Norfolk, bound from Mew York for Melbourne: "Am afire. Position, latitude "8.L'7 south. longitude 147.6 east. Steamer X Ceram. Kooiida and Alabama art standing by." The British steamer Norfolk. C; 4 tain Hughes, left New York Septc-it her 13 for Melbourne, Sidney anl Brisbane. She is a vessel of 2551 tons. The point at which she reports herself In distress is off the south east coast of Victoria BRITISH STEAMER SHIRLEY ABANDON El Kobe. Japan, Nov 8. The British steamer Shirley, bound from New York for Hongkong, has been aban doned. The steamer Shirley, Captain Mace, sailed from New York September 13, by way of the Panama canal. for Hongkong. She was a vessel of 298-5'J tons. |