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Show oo CZAR'S TROOPS IN EAST PRUSSIA London. Nov 9, 12:25 a. m A dispatch dis-patch to Reuters Telegram companj from Rome says: "German advices received here say that Emperor William, much affevt-ed affevt-ed by the Russian victories, has held a council of war which was attended by General-Yon Hlndenburg. the duke of Wuerttemberg, and the Austrian chief of staff. Field Marshal Baron Conrad Von Hoetzendorf, to decide on a further plan of campaign " Petrogrnd, Nov. 8, via London. The Bourse Gazette's Warsaw correspondent correspon-dent says that 21 persons have died in hospitals there during th last row-da row-da s from wounds received from German Ger-man bombs dropped from aeroplanes. Petrograd, Nov. 8. The following official communication was issued from general headquarters toda "On the East Prussian front our troops have dislodged the Germans from the region of Wirballen, which was strongly fortified, and have progressed pro-gressed as tar as Stalluponen (16 miles east-northeast of Gumblnneni. In the region of Romlnten forest and Lyck our troops continue to press on the heels of the rear guards of ihe enemy. "On the left bank of the Vistula our cavalry has penetrated German territory, damaging the railway near Pleachen station, to the northwest of Kalisz. "On the roads to Cracow on November No-vember 6 we attacked the Austrian rear guards along the Nlda river and the next day were operating on the river Nldica. "In Galicia our troops are continuing continu-ing thjoir offensive movement. In the latest engagements on the San river we captured 125 officers and 12 000 soldiers, as well as rapid fir-ers fir-ers and munitions of war. South of Przemysl, on November 6, we took more than a thousand prisoners." |