Show FARMS MUST MEET I THE WAR DEMANDS Washington. Nov. 9. Possibilities of increasing the production of Amer-loan Amer-loan farms to meet the war demand for food were discussed by leaders in agricultural science who gathered here today for meetings that will con-tlnue con-tlnue through the week. Ten nation-al nation-al associations were represented by more than 1000 delegates. The American Society of Agron-omy. Agron-omy. The American Farm Manage) ment assoclntlon. The American As-soclatlon As-soclatlon or Farm Institute Workers and the National Association of State Universities arranged their programs to beerln today. Other organizations whose sessions will start later In the week including the Association of American Agrlcul-tural Agrlcul-tural Colleges and Experiment S'a-I S'a-I lions. Society for the Promotion of Agricultural Science. American Asso-elation Asso-elation tor the Advancement of Agrl-. Agrl-. cultural Teaching. American Society of Animal Production. Land Grant Engineering association and the As-I As-I soclatlon of official seed analysis. |