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Show (H CIGAR aSr'' "'7?" Jl PorfPCTo Grande 1 52 (or JlKj ' ' " " " " fil About 5 inches of Kulrf 'M most pleasant smok- JSfiV I 1' ' ?I-o ! '. t'Si inS is yours when fi-" you get behind a mSt Z'.Z'2 i'l A- !! i'.iwSf "Monarch" si-p Bjf'i 1 U ' zHm ivionarcn siz,e fWf- "'""'" Ir ' Tom Moore. mPm i ' ', V sfife The rare aroma of mild fBsk ' ' ' ' " JHH'.l H J " 7 m i Turn Moore it due tot Drag i i ft" i "A V ' " ' ' 1 'SSPS manship is the expert hand IkS" "j flA'B7 T ;:J kind Tlie satiny wrapper hSM ' I BlXw tr c JgtP if from Sumatra fwj ' ' " IB W7B MHC Juke the band off a Tom tSfiQL " 1 " V " a8Bt Pa Moore and go to itl XCfc ! ifl H Cfc rojjff iBEfSSBBSEMAVIlVtMHMkBSEsS ! i ' afi 3 iB i Hemenway & Moser Co., Ogden, Utah. for the best I I gas and electric I 1 service Possible 1 i that's a goal worth fighting for. and with your help we are going to reach it; going to maintain a gas and electric service of the very highest efficiency; a strong, adequate, ade-quate, dependable and economical service ready instantly every hour of the day or night to meet the maximum demands of all our customers. ; that's one reason we now want to know the exact individual require- ments of each patron. The total of these requirements will tell us how great a capacity of service we must keep constantly on tap. t therefore we have arranged to make a complete survey of our gas and electrical business. Authorized representatives will call on each customer and list lights and other appliances in use. one of the chief purposes of the survey is to receive inquiries and suggestions customers may wish to make relative to their service. These will have our prompt attention. it is our sincere wish that we may enjoy your earnest co-operation in the efforts we are thus making to render you service that is max-! max-! imum in value and minimum in expense. I Utah Light & Traction Co. I Brown Carlson Treseder Clothiers and Furnishers 2421 Wsh. Ave. You Mutt Be Suited Here. Advertisement no YOU SHOULD NOT EXPECT YOUR groceryman nor butchsr to extend credit to you unless you could show that your previous record warranted warrant-ed It apply this to your .nances. Deposit regularly, either checking check-ing or savings account, In the well managed and substantial UTAH NATIONAL BANK OF OGDEN Four per cent on 1 |