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Show HUSBANDS FIGHT Ai WIVES CALL OP THE POLICE ! The sequel to a quarrel, which oc-curred oc-curred on Saturday afternoon and caused the arrest of the two partici pants, came this morning in the mu-V?!P,al mu-V?!P,al court' when Judge Reeder gave William Coats and William E. Hudson Hud-son each a six months' susnended sen- tence. , Th.e two men are living with their families in an apartment house on Lincoln avenue, between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth streets. Coats is a. waiter and Hudson is an engineer. 1 he quarrel was over a diiference of opinion as to whether a train that they were talking about stopped at a certain station. Hudson, the smaller small-er of the two, became somewhat too pronounced in his opinion and Coats made a grab for him. Hudson dodg- e?nd fel1 over a coucn. Qls head striking the arm of a chair, and an ugly gash was made under the right eye. Hearing sounds of the molee. the wives of the two men enme Into tho room and .seeing tho blood on Hudson's face ran out and telephoned for the police. Fearing that the call would not be answered without delay, de-lay, after telephoning to the station, the two women ran out of the house calling for an officer. Patrolman Marlin, who was near the scene, came to the rescue, went with tho women to tho house and placed the Coats and Hudson under, arrest. Alma Nelson, a drunk, who waB arrested ar-rested Saturday night, bv Patrolman Hearn, was let oK with.. a flve-da? suspended sentence. Nelson said thai he was from Nevada. James Casey was sentenced to serve fifteen days. Casey was the man who had the five bottles of bogur "dope" on him when he was arrested His case was taken under advisemeni Saturday, In connection with Ca sey's arrest, it was learned that the officers had been called to a Twerfty-f Twerfty-f if til street saloon to investigate an alleged case of carrying con6ealed weapons, two men being under suspicion. sus-picion. When they entered the saloon, sa-loon, Casey was seen going out the rear door. The two suspects were searched but no guns were found. It was later learned that Casey had been with them just before the officers came in and he was suspected or having carried off tho two guns. One of the men is known among the "fraternity" "fra-ternity" as "Doc" and the police be lieve that he is the one who has been Tixing up the fake "dope" to sell to the unwitting "dope heads." Edward Dempsey, the morphine fiend, who was tried last -Friday, was sentenced to serve six months in Jail. Since his trial, Dempsey told the officials of-ficials that he wanted to be kept In jail until he was blc to go without using morphine and then wanted to be sent home to his relatives in Missouri, Mis-souri, to start life anew. |