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Show S. B L. Th flrtt regular meeting of Ihe ft. H. L.tlnce xiijournmentfortrieetimmer, waa held Wednerday, Peptemlr lith, al the leihlenro ol Mr, J, T, lfcnlion. I More than ututl lime waa riveettarily I given to bueinee. The annual rutettng of the U. F. W. C, will In held at Ogden the laat week in October, 10 which the president of all the ladle' literary club In Utah ate delegate by Virtue of office. A a delegate to accompany Mn. Eldredge, Pre. Went fi II. U, Mr Norlheott wat choren, and Mn, Thackeray aa choten alternate. Mra, Callia wa elected reporlernl the P. II I.. The review of Roman Hltlory waa r-inmeil r-inmeil and eontlnueil (through the Second Sec-ond Tunic War The remarkable twur-J age, pera'wrance, and patrlolum of Hannibal weie broughtout, atwull at thi Ingratltndeof hi Uieenintrymtri I'rngram for thejo.ir upon hich Ihey aro Juit entering, and Hit of memlwie, tiate Ivan received from IhnSjIl Ike WimicnVl Inli.'aiul from Iji Cnitfrieol Ogdrn It-it li ate hamlioinelv xotten up, and ale a credit In llic clilbe by which i icy wcro ent The program were retl br Mr. Nnrtlirolt, The f-alt Lake Women'a Club hae made a nlie eelrcllei of practical eubjrcle. I a Cuttrle will eindr (terinany th'.a )tar, Including dccrlptlnnnf touriale, tt.'ro-tiunafrnin tt.'ro-tiunafrnin the greater! German nrl'.cr, etc., making altogethar innt iuierrtt-Ingixillincf iuierrtt-Ingixillincf work. The Ml, I,. Hl conllnue ltomn HItor with hlttarlr! ekelcheabr dinVrpnt inemlKTiof thnl club, a lot rontcmplite taklns up nthi r branch of aork which will requlro more etudv than heretofore. Thn -uh iprald with pleawnt anillHiiioiit ol noeeettnl work for tin romlng jcur. Tho neal meeting will be u-M at tbe reehleno nf Mrr. Ilntmer. M. C. |