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Show HAVE TMblR INSTRUCTIONS SpasUh. (otmnlulnnrrt Will Male a lltht Cor the I I lllpplora. Madrid, HcpL 97 Duke Almodovar do Kin, inlnltler of foreign affair, ttatrs that tha Hpanlth rommltsloncra have liecn Instructed to contend strongly strong-ly for tha Integrity of Hpanlth sov rrclgnty in tho Philippine on tho ground that tha protocol between fpaln and the United Hlatet wattlgncd before Manila capltulatcili and also to mnka n Arm ttand n gardlng the Cuban debt and the l'lilllpplno loan ot 104, It Luton is ceded to mcrlco. Should tha United Hlatet prove lets exacting than 1 cxpntcd the coin in la-lonrr la-lonrr have power to make nil possible possi-ble eonecsaloni, commirctat and wlltl-ral, wlltl-ral, compatible with tho retention of Hpanlth sovereignty In the Philippines; but in the event uf losing a portion of tho Itlnnde, Ihey nrc Instructed to resist re-sist to tha utmost any attempt of the United States to claim tha right of prcferinca over other powers, should Spain dcttro tn sell orieda thu remainder remain-der of the Uland. |