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Show The "Id Fdlki' Party The Old Folki Uaanlon, given by th Cealrlll ttHf Society to the o'd folk lait Monday wn a repetiiina of th grand event given one year aio Hotneof lledearoM people, lobeure, were mined from the talile. bavleg geee t their final reitj but we ventur thai they f Billed down In gratification at the company aemMedan4 blened ! It and th good people whe were) to In-1 In-1 tereted,aad who hadlaliored to bard lo tbro a rayoleunthlne aceroii the path ol Iboea old aitoelatei wh are ae rapidly rapid-ly tottering do lit aearv way. Th date f.r tkeie par.if had been (i I prevloualy In take plaet on Grandma Grand-ma Wikle'a birthday in hnner ol her year and her many gaod deed, and alio al-io Itnra Iht fact that an n the pioneer ol Coalville, rihe wa81 yrittnl tgt Piinday.and the party waiheld neat day. Two table th entire length ol ClufTe Hall had been epread I tit every delicacy a well a anbitantlal by the geniroue handi in charge el tbe effrlr, and frcin II o'clock until 2 tin old Llki and a law lavited goeiie were trailed to their heartt' rentent. About IM In all eat down to the aptead an I alter all had been aatlafled at the table the -IIolng program wai aiiereeefully earn, I out Chornt, liy fiunday r-cbnnl chlldran. Pelecllon Iroin the "Kingly Oueil. Addreia ol,W.kome, .Magtl It. Salmon. Sal-mon. Keaponie, John II. William. Comic Sons, ftaae M Hiaw, Keeilatlon, "Will You Iive M V. hn I'm Old." Maml Salmon. Duer, "A'ml Laurie," Mr. Jwepli Wright and Mr. 3 . ftawley, Mr. Mark Hepklne, aentmpanltt- Addret to tbe Old Telk. Her. Webb. Polo, "I.ttt ltoee ol Summer," Mr. J. A. Smith. Doxotegy. by Ihe company. Many nnrubere rie. enoorw, ami Iheheariinf th old people ni inldu glad by eirry klmiw aixl aittntlnn. Hvery dikwIio wa Inairuiiiental In pmtldlng till cnlertaliiiuent nd lb epread drt thnwarinettcitnsrelula tioua for ila entire) lucieaa. The; all have the thaiiki ol th,' old lolke, and when another )arehall roll ainm.l w hopfllniee aiiAtbrr one, at there no doubt will h. |