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Show Tha Colotirntlon. Tlie 1'otif Hi of July enmrnlttt die meeting with eneourairetnent, ail It la an aiturinl Inet that the cell hralloii will be a MittoMfiiloiinfruniim-ry xHnt ol ylew The ureal low Ht l'.itk City Ima occttpleil thtf ihIikIk olotircltltene 'r a few ilayt. kiiiI nt Hut, tluew quite it wet blanket uu thr onlliuilmm , but noting la bravely the eltltena ul that oarup ro luretliiu their nncrio.oml with itbatemiratfo luey are putting their houlilcre to thn wheel, our people have again talon heM o( the oomlnK celebra-lion celebra-lion wlllnplrlt. A Urn numWr Irnm the atrlcken camp bml IiiivihImI JotnlnK uion that day, ai well an many (iciiu other Hiliita ul the county. mlevrn yet, with all their aiMeil buriletia, many will come flnm I'artt Olty, for they are ple wbo cannot tupprera their en-thuilaitn, en-thuilaitn, uinler any clrouimuiirM. In a wonl, they are Weiterlieri 8oIm celebration will be oarrlrJ out on the Knot lint prupim.il, ainl thla Jay, In thiiyoar, will im uui that will be m-iiieitiberril m-iiieitiberril ae a ilouMe tiollilay. u ex-peel ex-peel liy that time ta hate the lMimre nl amiuuiicliiK Ihu lnileMinleiiee ol Uuba, the vnlun ul tha Philippine ami l' itn Itlen, ami n Kraml hanging bee with Weyleral the loop enl ol the ropo. |