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Show Coalville Times Supplement "t a Vol. Y, COALVILLE, a, 1 TO BE CELEBRATED OFFICERS OF THE DAV. IN COALVILLE. Marshal Mark Hopkins Master of Ceremonies .. Alma Eldredge Chaplain.... 7. . .F. H. Wright. 1 s Sports, Fireworks, Ball "and Many Other At PROGRAM tractions. - Following is the program and order of exercises to be carried out in Coalville on , the coming Fdurth ot July: t PROGRAM. Thirteen guns at sunrise, followed by raising of plfg. , .8:30, Music by Calvillft.Band. Salute of three guns as a 0:00, ' signal for citirens. to assembly . at flag to form procession. Grand military parade .at 9.30, ORDER OF PROCESSION. Flag - bearer and two guards ' . i , mounted, u ald Couniil. City Mayor Boat containing Goddess of am, v Cnba Liberty, CUncle and John .Bull, with appropriate, flags. , Children, with banners small flags. t . , , - Coalville BrasS Band. Company of Infantry. Company of .Battery. Rough Riders, U. S. V; Bicycle Brigade, followed Bicycle Brigadiers EXTRA ATTRACTION. Through the efforts of the committee Burks . Big Pavilion Uncle Toms Cabin Co.; has been procured to give one exhibition . under, their Big Pavilion in the evening; they car, carry their own specialBlood-, loaded with, scenery. and bounds, Donkeys etc., its olay - the -- great- drama in Alentirety. Their jfumouf on wil offe geriau features of ur street parade, together with their genuine Siberian Bloodhounds, Dona solid keys, etc. Making block of uniformed parade. Citiiens on foot Committees : , ' Citizers in carriages ' Line of inar,c From flag to Second North; thence to Second East; thence to First North; Entrance fees must .be In hands of Georgy Lindsay, Jr., by noon the 4th., Three entries and two to start in all .conteata. Childrens' dance at 3 p. m. in the City Park Pavilion. Grand ball at night. Grand display of fireworks at 9 jx m. A cordial invitation is extends ed to all Summit County to join ..with us on this day. AT Music. . ..Coalville Brass Band Prayer Chaplain. .F. H. Wright Double Quartette .... Mrs. Lena Thackeray, Miss Bessie Fad-di- es, Miss Lizzie Walker, Miss Olive Rbead, John' Callis, F, M. Pinneo, Joseph Jones, Robert Calderwood. Reading Declaration of IndeFrank Evans pendence Male Quartette i ,.F. M. Pinneo, John Callis George Beard, Joseph Jons. A. Callis Oration..., Duct. MrSt. J. A. JSmith, Mrs,- v Lena Thackeray -. Drill.. . .Children . Flag , Prayer. Chaplain Brass Band Musip........ ...... ( -- .... SPORTS AT CITY PARK. Prize t f ix -- , OF EXERCISES STAKE HOUSE. No. M. 1898. thence to Main; thence to Third South - and countermarch to Stake House, when exercises will commence. JULY 4, 898 - UTAH, JUNE $ a 50 p. m. Quit game men of eleven War, Tug and captain, each side 13 00 Foot Race 100 yds., entrance fee joc 900 Old Gentlemans Race a 00 , , (over 69) 50 yds Race Old JUdies (over 53 1 00 years) 50 yds Wheelbarrow Race(blind-folded- ) and pz. 50c. 1st 1 00 Udies Young Egg Race (30 yds- - and Return) I 50 Girls race (under 10 yrs. 50 30 yds.) 2nd, 3rd pz. 25 Boys Sack Race (50 yds. ) 75 s, and 50, 3rd 25 and 1st 10 00 3 p. m. Baseball. ; 3 p- - ns. Cricket. 5 00 a 50 Juvenile baseball Ladies m. 4 p. Young Race (75 yds.) free to all 2 00 Boys Race under jo years 50 50 yds. and and 3rd 25, Girii undef 13 years 50 yards and prize 50 1st. 1.00 Standing brpad jump I 00 Running broad Jump x 00 z 00 i . . . High jump x 00 shot Putting 15 pounds n , Fig Greasy pig. 6:30 Bicycle race I mile, entrance fee 50c. istp. 4 00 apd prize, 3.50 3rd P- - 15 Ladies Bifyd face 3 Handrd ' , Horse tfaee - i 350 yards, T-- entrance 50c... - r 00 T y50 in- R.ta-ad- y by raoding what ft baa dona for etb-er- a, and baring tested Its merits for themselves art today it warmest frieada For sale by John Boyden A Sons. Burk's great pavilion Uncla Toms Cabin will be one of tha attraction-- , in Coalville on tka Fourth of July, Dont fail to set it. They will be in the pa ., fajet - . . . . Tharaa no nae in talking, says W. H. Broadwall, druggist, La Cygne, Kas. Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Dl arrboea Remedy does the work. Aker taking medicines of my own prepare-tio- n and those of others, I took n deae of Chamberlains and it helped me. A ' second dose cured me. Condidly and Conscientiously I esa rscomraenl it the best thing on the marzei. - The Si nod SO cent sizes for sal by John Boy-de- n 4 80ns. What Dr.' A. E. izlter says : Buffalo, N. Y. Gent From my personal knowledge, gained in obeemng the ' fleet of roar Shilohs Cars in case of advanced Consumption, I am prepared to ssy it is the most remarkable remedy that has aver been brought to my at - tSBtioa. It has certainly saved many from Consumption. ' Sold by John Boy-de- n m . .. A 800 . .- i ( ,'t. The Cubari question and political sink into Insignificance with the msn who suffers from piles. Wbat ho most desires, is relief. Ds iVitts Witeb Haze Salve cures piles. John Boyden A Sous. Batlroad Lzadi For sale and lease. C. E. Wantland,' Salt Lake City. ' ' t 1 unis 8. C. P, Jones, Milesburg, Pa., writes : T have used DeWitts Little Early Bis- . an ever since they were introduced here and mast say I bars never need anr pills in my family daring forty years - ef housekeeping tbet fare each estlsfee- - tory results ns a lax ally or cathartic. John Boyden A Bona. JUNE 1ST. RE-OPE- N lie Weber House t v ........ nitp .4 . bare been duced 4e try Chamberlain's O'jugh - ........ t fi of thousands 4 COALVILLE, First-Cla- ' 3 , A ccommodatiott ss - . Steam heat tbroogbont. -- Hot and cold baths. J - tJTAJI. I J d i - ' Prices Reasonable. . - - MRS; C. ie UuU. Large sample rooms commercial men. - t J. LUSTY,.. . |