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Show I JULY 4, 1898 H TO BE CELEBRATED H IN COALVILLE. m Sports, Firoworku, Ball M and Many Other At- M 'tractions. H Following is the program aud H order of exercises to be carried M out in Coalville ou the coming H Fourth ot July: H PROGRAM. H Thirteen gum nt sunrise, fol- H lowed by raising of Flag. . M ,8:30, Music by Coalville Baud. H 'o:oo, Salute of three guns ns a H sigunj far citizens to assemble H at flag to form procession. H Grand military parade at 9.30. H OKDltll 01' l'ROCKSSION. H Flag bearer and two guards Hj mounted, H Mayor mid City Counail. H I3oat containing Goddess of 1 Liberty, Uncle Sam, Cuba H and John Hull, with appro- Hj priatc, flags. , H Children with bauners and H small flags. HM Coalville Brass Hand. yM Company of Infantry. HH Company of Battery. M Rough Riders, U. S. V. H Bicycle Brigade, followed by H Hicyclc Brigadiers H KXTKA ATTRACTION. H Through the efforts of the com- j rnittct Murk's Big Pavilion LH Undo Toms Cabin Co., has H been procured to give one H exhibition under their nig H Pavilion in the evening; they H carry their own special car, H loaded with scenery, Blood- H hounds, Donkeys etc., and H nlay the great drama in its H entirety. Their fumous Al- H gcrian Baud will be one of the H features of eur street parade, H together with their genuine H Siberian Bloodhounds, Don- H keys, etc. Making a solid H block of uniformed, parade. Hj ' Citizens on foot H Committees H Citizei's in carriages H Line of ujnrc1 - I'rom flag to I H Sccoml North; thence to Second H East; thence to First North; thence to Main; thence to Third South and countermarch to Stake House, when exercises will commence. Ol'PICKKS OF THK DAV. Marshal Mark Hopkins Master of Ceremonies Alma Eldredge Chaplain V. II. Wright. I'UOQKAM OK KXRKCISKS AT STAKR 1I0USK. Music... Coalville Brass Band Prayer Chaplain. .P. II. Wright Double Quaitettc ...Mrs. Lena Thackeray, Miss Bessie Fad-dies, Fad-dies, Miss Lizzie Walker, ilisi Olive Rbead, John Callis, F. M. Pinueo, Joseph Jones, Robert Calderwood. Reading Declaration of Independence Inde-pendence Prank Evans Male Quartette... P.M. Pinueo, John Callis, George Beard, Joseph Jones. Oration ,....C. A. Callis Duct.. Mrs. J. A. Smith, Mrs. ucna Thackeray Flag Drill Children Prayer.,'. Chaplain Music Brass Baud SPORTS AT C1TV PARK. I'riii 2 p. in. Quit game $ a 50 Tug of War. eleven men aud captain, each side 1a 00 Foot Race 100 yds., entrance en-trance fee joe 900 Old Gcutletuaits Race (over 60) 50 yds a 00 Old Ladies Race (over 55 years) 50 yds a 00 Wheelbarrow Race(blind- folded) and pz. joe. 1st 1 00 Young Ladies Egg Race (30 yds. and Kctnrn) 1 50 Girls race (under 10 yrs. 30 yd.) and, 3rd pz. 35 50 Boys' Sack Race (50 yds.) and 50, 3rd as aud 1st 75 3 p. in. Baseball 10 00 3 p. m. Cricket S 00 Juvenile baseball a 50 4 p. 111. Young Ladies ' Racc(75yds.)frcctoalI 2 00 Boys Race under 10 years I 50 yds. aud and 3rd 35, 50 Girls under ra years 50 yards and prize 50 1st 1 00 Standing broad jump 1 00 Running troa(1 JU'P ' 00 High jump 1 00 Putting 15 pounds shot 1 00 Greasy pig -.,. Pig 6:30 Bicycle race 1 mile, entrance fee 50c. istp. 400 and prize, f a.50 3rd p. 1 5 Ladies Bicycle race I Mile...,.,... ...... 00 Horse Race 350 yards, entrance 50c 7 5 |