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Show pius em us in ab. Ciut Cmp Almost Wipe OK ol Existenct. Th. jlmif-urr i wm rH tr llnir IIIIH.H. Ihllr. nhlleia tnniHr I-etl l'artr City, Utah, Jne . The onee proud and proaperont mining town of I'ark City la uoaolau and In rain. SerentytlTr bualnea ualldlBg and' a hundred or awra happy, coxy home hare grma np In amoke, deepltt the dmperate Bght that waa made tn control con-trol the fire .lemon More than a hundred hund-red famlllet, folly MM aoala, are home-lea home-lea pennllrM and dependant npnn charity for Mfr n-celtlei. and wlth-ot wlth-ot hope for the fntore. The money low I appalling ll will range upward up-ward of IDOO.OMO, whereaa, in liHire prstperoua time th ame property km worth double that figure. The In-aurane In-aurane U liitlgnlMrally email Th aggregate I but Huh- mora thanfl'm,-OHO thanfl'm,-OHO ttecenlly. a - Insurance rlak hate been expiring, the companies liar ilecllneil to rtsniw, aaylng that It wat the Ifileution to retire from the l'ark City Beld. All of the agonete litre contlnned In write rtike, but at atlffer ratnt andon abatlaofthrlnklng ralue. When nt :M Sumlay nMrnlug the ahrlll whlatle of to Manai mill aounded fourth the dread fir alarm, everjroov .felt that the doom of I'ark City wat emled. The fire atorted In the freeman Iioivm, a large fram building, build-ing, whlah wat tiirnmnded by entailer I budding on all aide. A atlff I breoMi wa blowing fniia np Mie vtf yun, nd aoou the rnont aaiigulne of tho lire flghlera eould ee that no hii-! hii-! man handMnild stop the prog re of the flainct Down the rul tide of Main etrret the fire bore anlftly and furlouOy, taking ta-king Judge, Irs pi S. Keith' llrery tta-blc, tta-blc, the I'ark Opera honte auj Shield llro'. Rlorv IWery one hopetl and Ih-IIutmI Ih-IIutmI tliat the towering briek wall of tbe magnlllcenl new (Irand Opera IIoum would tay the progrto of the fUtne, but ll wa a forlorn hoe. He-fore He-fore tho terroriiett people knew It tin fire hd mntiiinnl the opera home and wat nulling madly on down the atrret fanneil by the breeae that wa uow a brltb galo. The wind wut not content con-tent with keeping It rourfte, but Tested Test-ed both way, carrying ahret of llaino baekttard and to tho Wrtl tide of Main atrcet nnd eattward to Chinatown China-town and the acoreaot line cottaiea on HomIo hill Ifonoaldo fit .Main timet wtt not I burning muro furiouily than the other I ll wa booaute th wind wa momentarily moment-arily wreaking Ha reogeaneo on tho eatt, only to return to tho writ with fury for It apology for apparent neglect. neg-lect. The big Atohelm ttoro building, the Methodltt, Congregational, KplMo-pal KplMo-pal and Mormon rliurvli rdHleee, the Connor huute, Hie I'nrk llceord ollleo th iHMlufflon, tha 1'lral National bank building and the adjacent lire-proof trueturea, tho City hall, park City hotel, ho-tel, tlorct, aaliNint, butcher thop, of-fir, of-fir, reatnuranU, ruldeuec all went up tn thu eemlng twlukllngot an eye. ao tliorl no tho time. Again and again building were blown np by giant powder to urwito a gap arcr which tha llro would not leap, but to no arall. Allatt the wind had penllt force. There wutllttle left to burn. When ll wa all over there were the blackened, ainoklng, ruin, extending from the Dndler building and the old Hindi-man Hindi-man More, onhothtldeanf Malnttrret, to Kimball Ilrothcrt' llrery barn and Uie Union I'aelSo depot. On tho cut from and Ineludlug tho Cretcent concentrator con-centrator and otieoup to and Including Includ-ing Chinatown and back to Mottle hill, nothing reintlnt but thu Manuo mill, rrflnlng ahop and ofllee, the latter a frame building fronllngon Main ttrcet Clow lo It, but removed from other ox- poture, la the frame olllce bulldliig of I). C. MeKaughllu Went of Main ktrcet, from the Crnoent tramway lo within a rouptn of hundred feet from the Catholic church and extending back lo I'ark avenue, not a alnglo building remain. On the neataldeof Turk uremic, ur-emic, from tbocro ttrcet extending down nlongeldc tho old lllriehmim tore building and running nortlmanl patwil tho Methodltlcliurtthdowu tn and Including the tplendtd homo of l'red V. Ilayt, there I now nothing but blnk, black apace. The fire ttopped nt tha rettdrnre of David Keith, but from that point don northward to the Creneent tramway, on Ibe WMtitdenf I'ark avenue, thu houtea are eeorehed and dlteolornl from the heat. Atleatthalf thehouto IonlloMleMI ' ' "' ilng atjoet fitly and a few in th' I "-r alley road, aatl of the Crow-en t "inceutrator, art o troyed. In all. the bnrn d dutctafovw. a praxlmauly, v acrr. It wa a eorr ptetly built area, peopled hj ful7 aoa ton! Pew If any eaeaped with mot than what they had on their baeka Hon, fnrnlture, clothing, totti. erorythlng gone. I'ho work of deMroc tlon wa u completely nnd quietly rlooe that the people Mere ooiuillpa toaeek wifely in flight. Early In Ike morning It waa uen that help mutt eont from other tlUe and word wa dltpalched to Salt IaV City and Ogden for their team rjre engine and a crew of fire flghtcra. A pecil train over the Illo (Irtade Wralern left Halt f.ako City at :, bearing No. I uleamer, with Aaalttant Chief McCarthy, Captain Hywnter and Lieutenant Karl from hoadiiuarler. They and the Ogden relief wurked he-roloally, he-roloally, but little wa left for them to do but to quench the dying rmlicra and pal otita few flrekrnnd hern and there. Thrcanec of tho (Ire It altogether clothed In myttcry. It attrteil In the kltehen of the freeman Hniito, former ly the Harrington The boarding houte Htople have lieen known to uh eoal oil to kindle the morning fire In tho kitchen utove. and at frequently at they have been reinnnitraled with fut their caralettne, it appear, from all the known clrcuuutaneos, that tho lu-nammable lu-nammable atuff m lined onco to often. |