Show j I i I LOCAL DREYITIES = City Council Monday night Tlio streams ute rising at n rapid into lIuel1I guinea and hortvthoes are the rage at iretent Dr lloilncr report Mri Ghnppvll 10 Improving In health Hhcrlft Undlay iiturnrd l homo to lark City Monday The Ilumer JIIMlro bunt had rcacht J37W 60 lint bl tliU week Mr II Chandler was a visitor tu SAIL Lake Oily till week Ikpnty 1 Bherlinadille went down to llcnuler on business buoy leorge Wild and family hay l moved to their ranch up the Welwr About true only thlngt tliat te tna to Ill 1 tjoralnit at proem are the ricers Attorney Ollrlen ol Ogden hat teen in Ooahllle 01l1 legal I bnl linen Ililo week Frank Iteming and family have reiaov eJ to tlielr ranch In Upton lor true turn tour TIll People Mercantile Comuany had ha-d anew alnln Ito front ol Ibo aletrootn Mr and I Mr Thorn Walker and j daughter ot Croden Were In Coalvllle jcttardiv 71 Klggt A Co are canvaulng Coalvllle for a very useful piece ol kitchen lomltnre Joteph JonM the tinner ha been qilte 111 lor the pail week but li I mush better at preienl Uri Emma ildhle nee Farnsworth 1 cause down from Talk City Monday on a visit to relatives andlrlendt here RaID ell almo Inctmntly lor throe 1 u Iou ban Wednesday night and it high waUrtiantIelpatodlncon I enqenr8 S 1 iergeOlen l and Win human luyt gone cot to Waiutch to open up their l tore toiupplv sheepherders want during dur-ing tbt herding and ibiarlng xaian About the only incitement this week wai occasioned by Comer Thamaii cow that ate lm moth lucerne and Miiltd up Ilk a toad Uror BwMtlnjcot a hot In her aide I however ud tea DilUbor tbu ht It wu a mint I t whistle that wal blowing off for about ten mlnuttt The cow survived JM Easton thy popnUrcoramerclal traveler made his regular Ml te Coal thli week Mtrgan andThomai Moor left Tees day for Idaho where they expect to hulnemplovmrnt Tle County Clerk has liiueil a mat Mr Joseph Wright and rliglicenietoMrJeKpb Mill M E Bawley 1 in Tim will advocate l 1 nut week the olnlllil rile tired straight out on First North to fipringMoll Mlit F E Uaker teacher nl 1 the Jw West shoot ha teen quite 111 lor eteraldayi 1 andthe school wu clod forth week 1 Mrt John Andenon and Win Minnie I Young daughter ol lip Robert Young oMVanihlp were In Coaltllle yesterday yester-day visiugwith friend A match game fcl Laictallletween the and the lUckpott CoaMllo Irlnd nine toys It I new going on at the City Irk l an we are going to prase hamuel Clark lore jumped dale mice with him ThurllY IhrowlnR him in the lioni ulthe settle I which hat 101n11I him to lay olf work erilnc alrrtnartrr Camplll ban peen tak III tJuii the eddltclieion Center ttrecl amt rrpUclnn them In a nubitantlal li being manner The order tu clean UII generally ohrrrvrd The writer won thebicyclu rallied oil by Thoiuui Kemptuii Tuesday night the only limn In history when a newspaper news-paper I man tcr got any thing by chance We now have wheel gtlorr besides l Ihoo In our brad The cougar captured some time ago and now at Samuel Clark place It I bo coming qnllo tame leorge Wilde lOCI Into the pen with him daily and rub him down Weeipocl to teethe least lollowlng Oeorge down town some day The K O T M held another good meeting at the I 0 0F Hall iMon ilav night and ladle regular butlnet completed arrangenienti fur the itwlal ball to be given to night Sir Knlghtt Mill end Mallet 01 Horttvlllo were In attendance Monday morning William I Church ol Corinne pane on to the great tier alter He alone1 the urllereltbo ol that town bating lived there from boyhood and wa well known not only there but throughout Utah and other Western Stales through hit business traniattlont The writer and ida wile rent Sunday beet with Mr and Mrs Samuel Clark at their picturesque home up Chalk truth We pent t dHvlittul hour I among the great variety of house plant and flower which Mr and Mr Clark lake no much Interest In and arc to iiccrmlnl In railing We alto found Mr Clark well along wltli hi garden toe rabbuge rmliibei taUd coda nuin Wr ol other vegetable being up and thriving Wo consider the day most rulUably spent I I |