Show Two Itllle IMItnri Ono In A While Is I tin name of n j little paper published In IIdo t Park I aloft n writer In the Chlcigo llecord Hoy It and Ihll P I hawley ore Its editors nod publisher nail tlio paper Is I now In Us second > eat Tho llrothcrs hawley lira at 6845 1 > Madison atcnuo where thn paper It I Issued from forms IV by V4 Inche Volume 1 No I numbered only twen tyono copies but the paid circulation li now morrf than 100 Once In I A While ordinarily his six pages nol while It I Is IHUCI Mtmlorcaslonnlly Us cdi ton ncterthcloiis got out an extrn on tho birth of n baby al heir I home tonic time ago The two boy urn editors PublUhrrs builnnts managers compositors com-positors ami preMiiicn for the paper In Iho Christmas number of the jwper was an article on MnJ McKluley who II now prcsuliiit of the United Stain A copy was seiit to him nl Canton 0 and ho acknowledged Its receipt ihrough his prlvnlo sccretiry hot there Is I another Once In A While published In Chicago nnd the oilier paper got Ibo acknowledgment unit printed It not knowing that It had not teen Intended for Its publisher This I letter read Canton 0 Jan 8 1197Mr I Itoy I n hawley IMItor of Ono In A While J I Chicago IIIMy Dear Bin I am directed r di-rected by fbi McKlnley to thank you f for Ibo christIna number of your paper Onco In A While Yours cry I truly JAms riOYUJ Prltnte Secretary I Thin photograph from which the pictures I pic-tures of Iho hawley brothers were drawn Is I homemade nay llawlcy Is I IS years 0101 unit nttcndi Iho 1110 1irk tchool Ihll Is I 13 > enrs old and Is I a pupil of the Hay school |