Show Un mi IlllTline lullroiil Years ago railroad travel wasnt newell ne-well dceloped as ills I today A pus icnger on tho old Peninsula railroad between Ilittlo Creek and laming filch loll of a ride ha took many years ago Not only I was the noah rough and dangerous but alter going for some time at a snails pace tho train Hopped suddenly In tho midst of u deep forest For half nn hour the engine pufttd energetically but tie train did not start At last the pas fentcm grew discouraged and got oil la nee what tho matter was They fonnil that tho llreman hid run out of fuel hating used his last Hick of wood Accordingly the trainmen and I passenger went oil Into th woodr picked up fallen 11 mini and logs dragged drag-ged them up to the track and loaded them Into tho tender At last the fireman fire-man got up steam enough lo blow tho whistle tho pasuMircrs climbed aboard and tho trail started In n few minutes however It stopped again Two of tho leaden of the wood crusade cru-sade went out antI fOund sotcral cons lying on the track In front of the engine en-gine They helped 1lho brakeman drive them oft and then the train started ngaUl finally pulling Into Lansing safe and sound Not much like railroad rail-road tnnellng today was ItT |