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Show -- ym- .mnn ...i j f At , " ' banka and spread over the plains RUSSIAS GREAT lLAJI. their TIi point of the V U always led by DEAD YEARS. WIDOWS NOT AVAILABLE. the flood water of the Irawadl often Fwstah an experienced old gander. Sometimes nt la Msrvytaff flowing over the country for ten or one or two of the Cock become ae;,a-- . 014 Times. WILL CONNECT BALTIC AND fifteen miles on either side to a depth A NEW PRISONER CASE OF IN GOOD READING FOR BOYS AND rated from the rest when they alght, He had to he a bold man, who mar-rle- d BLACK SEAS. of from four 'to fourteen feel The Inmill pond or a - YORK LATELY PARDONED. GIRLS. aa they often do, on-a w tdow, for a few rude Jokes and undated villages, however, do not sufwere not the only stream. Then they lecome bewllddieil a clattering serenade fer, as the natives, knowing what Uiey The In Ship f'nnnl World th awarded UrfMl over the around and him, fly makinr; ground, Two Llttl Editor In Chicago A New Long Legal Cirluln from the World punishments may expert during the rainy season, Is always looked J '111 Soon. b Began It Aim to are He waa deprived T1 llama for Horn Anni.niirnt - Durka a gr-a- t ouUTyt-'TS- .ls vte Bo t'oUawotf by Kmtoration'zo Life pincotfa. prudent enough to build their of on a Benefit a o storm. t of Master clergy Cur of and Larup sign on Hammer V xallou Tha Uoucml clergy. and Freedom fcttU UtlnUiu tike heunes on piles, and the flood watera led some te I follow by claimed these up (lochs priests Ata. aly privilege move but slowly. But one can easily of tbs Crime, bttrvUoU. or the Illinois -rlter the Ml.-before the ecclesiastical courtsJJXhleh Imagine how unhealthy the flooded of and occasionally they drop donn into offenders were nearly alwaya-Tar(Special Letter must with a country be, the d. also Herd 'great heat fe nnOlGH a to uni or the stienm lest tnjtyed Vi I,. eve y living pond acquittal Daymen n OW that the and a burning sun. During the time clemency of forme-Go- I'm r, whete the vo:tu:aa wauLcs for privilege tf they possessed the extremeRailway is of the floods, all hunting operations Morton there ly email amount of knowledge requilioi US In I: s' theta. far advanced toward are carried on by the natives from, vsKMIa-.l- , w ill Iron site for ordination. Read.ng and wittemerge s- a"' the boats; these boats, which are very comple.lon, pi Ison walls info ing were at a premium apd ajtuaanft-de- r h'T, till 1'jiir, 'e Russian the t.sme of governrioiRf' light, being manned according to their freedom dei.th next who CAuId Al of read sentence , J? Vv"N si he gta' ment is p anniug size with spearmen, peddlers, and who One of the jolliest -- at J tly gttues man a his ('i. '..a lu with- rA spring " a3 A clygy aud W .,m!st plead twother-fres- t rd 'tcefmen."Ht!ratftiA'Tfi this manner taf goer ly tkc'ii.ti..'iT u'C''O. srrttfTcx'"'"' haa uuftrvu ft llv escape-t- he penalty of having his 1a.n anwi,vin the scheme, which will au occupation of gteat dangei, aa It ts more the for e Takt of death every a head." pjr.y In by shortened the ing height 4. A f oatrlvilin pol tleai Impossible to guess what nnltnal may the Ji8Ue?s Miller .nan thlrt?-sn- e I Iua di that other room, ages when the custom orig'nat-- d learnand first around impo iance the Kiel be encountered in the flooded country, t a'luot The rare and ( lc.(r Monthly, let them look to be too waa years. precious ing Hearts trat hope will not retrvali. jCanal. j: hnsalways end Burmah has jv long Hist of wild that nat- destroyed, w A man might be a r, then go out. A terwurd Rive each perthought Hand of heal.ng iijer;Kse. been considered by animals, including the elephant, rhins son a penc.l and pa;er and ask him to urally comes Is that this man will he but If be were the only man In tell what time it was by the cloJt, almost overcome with, joy at the pros- fown who could read it was not expe- the Rueslan strategists ns a source of oceros, tapir, buffalo, many kinds of Tyranny s strong hr. ath is tainting Natures swiet and i hi how many colors tbe.e are In the c.i-pe- t, pect of his release. But on second dient to kill him. By the abuse of great weakness that the naval forces deer, tigers, leopards, and bears. But Na'lnns silently are faiutmg.air, how many plcturis there are in the thought, eays the Albany Express, this privilege, however. It came to be of the empire should remain divided in the Burmaus are an excitable, impulOr In despair only, either sive and courageous people, and they room tthe one lie went into for a few grave doubt arises as to whether this that a man in England could commit such a way that one-ha- lf Not to those distracted wills conthe Sea Baltic or The Trust the Judgment of tl e r woes; ae B.auk fleet, could really seem to enjoy this sport, noteven how or be abtheft w..l man stood, and be unfortunate minutes), where the chairs murder, rapine While the cup of anguish tills. be In solved from punishment by glibly be available at one time. Beiween the withstanding the risks they run. They to learned all sorts and tent he must have as were the curtains draptd Arm of Juatlce! Interpose. of things of this nature. In This precious north and the south there Is no way are also anxious to secure a hog or a prison when he Is again out In the reading n few words. Pleasures night and day are hovering deer; for although their staple food la he Was i a where not pleases. privilege, which license to crime, tor naval concentration, communicaworld, free to go ginning of this game you must Hound their piey of we.ry hours, doubt waa taken away from a man ho comrice, which le as cheap as It Is in India, tions such the blocked no north He in being allowhas by are himself the and probably they boys why Weakness and unrest discover. ng girls In the best of human powers. climatlrjFnd in the south by political tfie Inhabitants of Burmah eat fish or ed to go Into the other room; the now, but It Is much to be feared that mitted bigamy. A man who had takbeEre the fond delusions tire, en a widow to wife could no longer kill obstructions. In his dealings with his meat daily, and in all respects lira game, you see, Is to test their powers when the prison doors have closed Ere envenom'd passion grows is It what will him realize hind he find out to or steal with Impunity; he had no long- grandmother's government his Majesty better than the lower classes of India. of observation that is, From the root of vain desire, now. to realize him for Mind of Wisdom' Interpose. er benefit of clergy. The unfortunate the Czar is never so warm and conciilj Therefore, In going out to hunt over bow much they notice, how keen their Impossible At the age of 66 years he will he fact that his wife had had another atory as when the Baltic Is frozen. To the flooded country, these men are In not first at on. If so attention and Is, Now no more in tuneful motion rerendered the living husband this actual thermometric condition may search, not Only of excitement, but of a single one can remember any of the utterly alone In the world, without I.lfe with love and duty gl.des. to spouse dinner. be ascribed hla recent expressed dcs.re without sources, s strength d Reason meteor-lightephysical ocean amenable to the civil law. he Is asked to tell, you need not things of B ars us dowp its mazy tides; little what his make for in way through the easL peace be A good many very much surprised. Head is clear and hand is strong. life may remain to him. She that was Arm at Strflh Throve Off. There Is a motto In maritime affairs Terrorised by White ftp. grown-u- p But our heart no haven knows; people can look all around his wife. If Bhe still lives. Is the wife There is found In the Mediterranean that can be every-thin- g Sun of Truth1 the night 1b long, nothing Improvised; a roqra and not be able to tell what an of In The actions organization of another, fpr he was legally dead Let thy radiance Interpose. has to be foreseen. It was with and Jn adjacent seas a starfish which , them-they saw when asked. It la a Indiana, county, calling ImShelby when the life sentence had been a clear understanding of this truth has been noted to havs when young thing In this world to keep your him and she exercised her selves "White Cape is causing consid that the late Czar, Alexander JIL. gave slxrma, whilst the adults only hare upon posed Two Little Editor. erable complaint, and the grand Jury eyes open and learn by observation right to marry again; those who were will five, and sometimes three of these arms be called together to investigate Once In A While is the name of a that Is, by seeing and th! observaall those years ago are dead friends his are much smaller than the others. first-rat- e a The and is other tion lesson a game He their proceedings. little paper published In Hyde Park, morning or scattered through the world. Dr. E, von Marenseller has observed of fun a lot same at farmHiram time. the Record. Fox, young prominent a In the writer eays Chicago the arm are actually thrown off, that a letter him received er, Informing Its that are K'.f Roy D. and Phil F. Hawley a not uncommon custom of echino-derm- s, In If he persisted contending for his editors and publishers, and the paper On an Railroad. while the disc that remains will Interest In a ease in court be would be is now in Its second year.. Her Years ago railroad travel wasnt as often bud out fresh arpiL The reason murdered. Friends came to the city dunaiurf The Brothers Hawley live at 5843 well is today. A pasfor this It as he gives aa foldeveloped demanded and Indignantly that the Madison avenue, where the paper Is Mtt itm on the old Peninsula railroad, lows; are The affected by a senger animals convened be and the grand Jury guilty issued from forms 74 by V4 inches. between Battle Creek and f certain parasite called Mysostoma, Lansing, parties be ferreted out Later In the Volume 1, No. 1, numbered only twenty-Mich., tells of a ride he took many which, passing in at the mouth, takas day It was learned that Cldude McDonone copies, but the paid circula'ion road was the Not ago. years an a inoffensive up Its quarters In the blind extensions only resident, ald, witness Is now mord than 100. Once In A While and dangerous, but, after going of the stomach that pass Into, the arms. for Fox, had opened his door one mornrough It while six has pages, and, ordinarily some time at a snail's pace, the Here it grows, and occasions such Ining to find a note which read: its edi- for is Issued In the midst of train in If this convenience suddenly to 11s host that the latter stopped twenty-foyou.are community tors. nevertheless, got out an extra cn now we will hang you a deep forest. For half an hour the hours the course of get ting .rid from takes heroic some a home at the birth of baby their but the to the first tree In sight. of the arm in which the parasite rej time ago. The two boys are editors, enginedidpuffed energetically, the WHITE CAPS. not start. At last pastrain sides. At first the creature Is endowed publishers, business managers, comw ttimr so frightened McDonald that all and got off This with It full complement of arms, and sengers grew discouraged positors and pressmen for the paper. to see what the matter was. They that has been found of him was his should parasites get into them all, they In the Christmas number of the "U i oat, hat and vest on the banks of Flat found that the fireman had run out of will all In turn be dispensed with and paper was an article on Maj. McKinley, Rock river. Hla body has been of stick his last used fuel, but most cases only five are having who Is now president of the Cn.ted searched for without effect. Great exand thus renewed, and occasionally only States. A copy was sent to him at wood. Accordingly the trainmen citement exists over the affair. GEORGE E. GORDON. went off Into the woods, three. Canton, O., and he acknowledged Its passengers THE PROPOSED CANAL. and fallen limbs dragup logs, picked his secretary. a will be through receipt private stranger among strangers. Instructions to his engineers to study Found Dead In Ik Bathe. Frah sad Salt Wstefv But there is another Once In A While ged them up do the track and loaded There is none to whom he can turn for A farmer's boy at Hillhurst, Wash., the possibilities of a maritime canal Into- the tender. At last the firethem A striking illustration of the differpublished in Chicago, and the Other for aid of even for the op discovered the sympathy, man got up steam enough to blow the decomposed body of a to connect the Baltic with the Black paper got the acknowledgment and portunlty of making a living. More- man in a clump of bushes about a mile Sea; this canal to be constructed with ent effect of fresh and salt water on climbed the whistfe; passengers the bulls of ships was recently afnot as never over, there will come to him, printed It, not knowing that it had from town. In one of his few was dimensions sufficient for the transit of forded by the steamer which been intended for its publisher. This aboard and the train started. In a ply on before, perhaps, the realization that a check to a valise, whichpockets had been the largest war vessels. After a thorminutes, however, It stopped again. his life, with all the opportunities loch Lomond when undergoing their letter read: sent from Seattle last April. In the ough study of the various possible annual overhaul. Two of the leaden, of the wood cruTh woodwork of which it might have held, has all but valise were Canton, O., Jan. 8, 1897. Mr. Roy found silk underwear and roads, one has been selected as the moat the D. Hawley, Editor of Once In A While, sade went out and fdund several cows passed away. vessels, as usual, showed signs of of number as a It on mark practical, running, does, entirely on the track In front of the enphotographs, Gov. Morton, before the expiration of i setivs deterioration, but so well does Chicago, 111. My Dear Sir: I am di lying one of which Ju d cm d wnwt'ri 'nd uteu Russian territory. On the the fresh water of the loch , rected by Maj. McKinley to thank you gine. They helped the brakeman drive his term, commuted the life sentence taken in SL Louis. The letter O T F through plan selected there are no great diff- both iron halls sod boilers frompreserve corrofor the Christmas number of your them off and then the train etarted of George E. Gordon, now In Dahne. w ere found upon one piece of nnder-wea- r. iculties of level to be alovercome, Into Lansing mora prison, to fifty-tw- o sion end pitting that the makers name years, so paper, Once In A While. Yours very again, finally pulling were Near the body bund an though the European watershed sumsafe and sound. Not much like rail- that he will be released on May 8 next, the material of one of th vessels JAMES BOYLE, truly, mit has to be crossed, but this last upon whisky bottle and a road traveling today, was it?. built thirty years ago was found Intact the time oil for good behaVlor being empty Private Secretary. the cork out. That was no lakes place at one of Its lowest points. bottle with allowed. Gordon was sentenced In tbit and clean and sharp.' The The photograph from which the picevidence of foul play and It te considThe proposed canals entrance will Insideperfectly of the boilers also was found city in 1866 to life Imprisonment, after ered probable that the maa nmmitted be on the tures of the Hawley brothers were With the Speed of Lightning. Gulf of Riga, at the mouth conviction of the murder of a stock drawn is "home-madRoy Hawley suicide. A brand on the ceat Indicates of the river Duna. It will follow the extremely free from the deleterious Ten thousand miles in less than - I drover by the name of Thompson in is 15 years old, 'and attends the Hyde minute how is that for swiftness? that it was purchased of A Garland, course of this river up to point above sea water upon iron and steel Is the West Albany cattle yards. Gordon of any kind. The effect Of the Park school; Phil is 13 years old, and Mich. f ; Not long ago the editor of a newspaDunsbourg. Then, leaving this valley, was a resident of Greenbush and was Howell, reveres of this, but the sallna th ts a pupil of the Ray school actly it reaches the Berezina river by per In Chile wished to flndDut just 85 years of age when convicted. of the ocean tend to improve properties Tirtv-lr-01d Girl how long it would take for a telegram Laat, cut and passes through straight The application for pardon has been woodwork. A New Game 6 the ValN On March to go from London, England, to parents This brings It Into the Dnieon file in the executive chamber for her alxrd the cars per, and, following this natural declivBring up your chairs and try a game paraiso, Chile. Accordingly, arrange- twenty years and was signed by soma Elva Ham placed Tbe Frln f Arnaatai Cut out the diagram ments were made with the telegraph of the most prominent people and pub- at Vandalla, Ark., and t,ged her by ity, it reaches the Black Sea, opening of Waterloo. ( Letter.) (Paris on her coatli her grand- Into a magnificent roadstead below a note pinned t published below and paste It firmly and cable companies to keep open the lic officials In Rensselaer county. GorGuy de Luslgnan, prince of Armenia, to a stiff piece of cardboard or play wires. Ten minutes before the mes- don Is at present the prison librarian parents, Mr. and Mrs.s Washngton Mor- Kerson. The total length of this colos- Cypsus, and Jerusalem such Is tbs southsal waterway will be something like on it as it is. The game, which has sage was to be sent the wires were at Dannemora, and bis good conduct ris, of Llnton.twenty-three'nlleproud historic title which has descend-e- d Haute. Sina her depart- 1.600 kilometres Terre of east entire and the cleared distance our for and Invented along been boys girls, (about 1,000 mllee), during his long confinement, together to Its present bearer from the chivis exceedingly simple, but wbenyou all - the ordinary communications with the fact that he has always con- ure from Arkansas she Its been aa and It will be excavated to A depth of alrous De as If Luslgnan of the twelfth cenlost thi earth had S'A metres (about 27 feet). This will have learned It you find it much more through the cables were suspended. tended that be did not commit the completely who was the foe of Sultafi Sals-di- n, The tury, wallowed her. relatles are wrltastronomical time At the or than allow the largest ironclads to navibackgammon . interesting thg given, crime, led to the governors favorable and tbe last Christian king of Archeckers. If any of you are to give an dispatch was sent from London to action on the application for clemency. gate It freely from one end to the other. menia. The Prince d Luslgnan of towhence' was It af?d know transferred entertainment a time at dont law Carcavellos, that cost The estimated Is put down at f Under the person evening Is s by adoption, and Parisian, day cable to PernamJust how to amuse your friends, try through a submarine charged with murder could not testify lives up to his hereditary title by devotWaterloo." It may also be played buco, and from there the Brazilian In his own behalf, hut he then deIts strategic importance doe no! ing bis fortune, as well as hi personal coast cable conducted the message to clared Ws innocence, He was convictn,eed demonstration.- - By the selection progressively, two at each board. and influence, to the succor of energies Buenos Ayres, where It was dispatched ed on circumstantial evidence considTo play the game cit from cardof a course running at a safe distance the oppressed Armenians. Born and American transcontiSouth over small squares, six the white twelve ered board from the frontier It places back of the reared In strong. -Constantinople, fie was ex- i nental telegraph line, arriving at Valand six colored. Russian forces stationed In Poland an , Robber Invade a Convent. secondg after leaving The player using the white pieces, or paraiso fifty-fiv- e unassailable base of operation. Fully Two men roblted the German Cathomen, places them on one of the end the London office, although the disprotected already by a whole network cf fortifications and railways, this rows, as 1, 8, 3, 4. 5 and 6. The op- tance it had to travel In this short lic convent at Port Smith, Ark., the 0 canal is intended to act as a feeder for other morning and shot one of the sisponents men are placed on 38, 39, 40, space of time amounted to almost 41, 42 and 43. Call these two rows the miles, and the eight words of the ters. Sister Theresa was aroused at 3 all the war material. As to' concentration of the whole Russian fleet message had to be repeated four times oclock by a noise in the kitchen and camp rows. The object of the game Is for each Get out your geographies and see if started to investigate. She was in the in the Black Sea, this means an absomen to all his into to get try lute control of Constantinople and the you can follow out the route taken by middle of the kitchen when a man player ' his opponent's camp row.' The one who this message. Straits. crourbigg behind a stove shot her in The 'bullet the ba k of the head. first docs this wins. Observe the folBut If this enterprise Is of utmost from her skull and made only In a military point of view. glanced lowing rules: Importance la litwaoiti Kornen, a scalp wound, but Sister Theresa sufMoVe only one space at a time (I. e.. also will It ELVA prove unquestionably very HAM When the Dyaks of Borneo have te fered a great nervous shock and loss of from one circle to another), except In beneficial to the agricultural and Indusfr two decide between disputants, they blood. Other sisters found he? uncon Ing letter to all parts ohe case cf a jump. country, trial interests of the country. It place to each the same sized lump of scions on the floor when they ran into circulars have been seabed broadvast grain producing regions In cheap Always move forward, never back- give ' are ' Y J into salt. 7 Tbpse lumps dropped 'i i the kitchen after hearing the shot. cast, and three railroad H panics, ov- romnjunteaticn with Odessa, th ward, on either the diagonal Or the is whose he and took lump water, coffee, man on Hour, a djssoHed the er ctrce sugar,, The lines whose burglars lines. Thus, girl of export, while the Immense tom straight first Is to be . decided in the wrong. etc. They cleaned out the larder com- have passed, have detesttupposcdU) point 4 in parsing to the opposite camp row work fields of southern Russ a will come Into at shellfish two on a p'.ae pletely. No clew to the burglars has upon the case, but aa Or they put Jiye may move to 8 or 9, but not back from jet 5ft haa been easier connection with the Industrial one for each litigant and squeeze been obtained. found no clew. Having reached 9, the 8 or 9 to 4 PRINCE GUY D3 LlSIGNAN, districts cf Poland. There are reasons, next move may be to either 13, 14 or lime juice over them. The verdict 13 believe that new factories will pellcd from the sultan dominion to too, to which mans fish Lons-LoBrotbor Rmaltwd. given according 17. RhnrMns Crelk.fc develop along the canal on account of many years ago on account of. this ac' traveler remarks An exfirst. in stirs as Engll.ih checkers, An Italian woman in M york wa, the eheapnos of this new mode of tive sympathy with his Christian comyears ago two boys named Jumps are made the reaiilt la sometimes EllThirty wood were sent west by the Home splitting wool on a firs-- , ap of n transport It this scheme- - has ben patriot. liis home at NeuUly, in tbe cept that the pieces Jumped are nbt gravely that as the judgment of as accurate of the Friendless of New York. One New York tenement, wt nocco De adopted, there is r,o doubt that me Rustaken from the board. When pos-iblenvirons of Paris. Is the headquarters ' courts. was left at Decatur, Mich., with Mr. Vlasqo, aged 6, was play rtn the yar(1 sian tenacity will bring it to success. two or more pieces may be Jumped at of latter-da- y refugees from the late and Mrs. R. L. Thompson.who years af- below. To split a toug'p,e of wood the same time, as in checkers. of terror of the "Butcher of the reign . Mesa Hope and Cheap 1teaaarea. The the woman laiJ It acr4),e No jump can be made around an anter removed to Kaskaskfa.-'MichThe General de Lusignaa Bosporus. llnntinc In Dunati. railing 14 to 21 the pieces Jumped from mean as from us Del.ver hopes ana other was left with Mr. and Mrs. Hora- and struck at It with a ,r strength Purmah, the largest province of the of Nspoieonis army Is Egypt was ths . gle, lie slipped ftt'ber must lie in a stra gf.t Hue. A player from cheap pleasures." The are tio G. Ramson at Buchanan. The lad TTax-ba- n fcan.,g Indian Empire, Is a beariiful and present prlnucs grandfather. Ills lats must jump when there la a chance. . a part of & prayer written- by Robert left at Decatur grew up, to mankood, and the ke.n ax descend ,ll frl?ht. varied country, covered in many very wife, the beautiful Princcsse de places A study of this gatpe wiT bring out Louis Stevenson to be re.d at family married and settled at Kaskaskia, ful rapidity, striking ihv and the mo' her of his two surBp. with forebts which In the month of some very Intel estlng troUema. , worship in his household at Samoa, .Last mop th hlff. wife, wrote the New ly on the head killing viving children, was the Com tease MafngtanU are tbe with colors many bright March , They suggest a lesson that life loaches York home for particulars concerning Wlmn urh accidents arPde a crlme and swget With 'the varying scents of rie Godefroy de Gottpil. Vacation, Docks a Their Bnm to men of any creed. Between the his early history and found he had a carelessness will ceasels of flowering ir'es and thou;ni!s whose last address was .with L, In th t'altcd ntntte. Almost any bright day at this time mean hope and the cheap pi 'ascra come brother ifamed Samson at shrubs. This country is travejsed by of Ln the Buchanan. a tc31 family of and pf the sky closely, the beginning thread were every built in ths United 1x96 there In t of the Is whkh of year, if you the rivers larger The lines of human W are Devr many Correspondence was opened up, photoobjects go- form of aio. Youth's Companion.' .1,175 locomotlvese an increase of States a course of ith you will see faint Irawadl, probably When alike. lawir.-- Tf graphs exchanged and now the brother exactly aveier'in eleven hundred miles from Its un- 74 over 1893. Of these S' '9 were for you ing northward, high up wt Kaskaskia Is Visiting his long lost China desires a paspohl9 The present fashion In house furnishwhere palm of countries. South America cam everything country, the in, live the hand la covered wefefl 0ll paln. known source toamong the snows of foreignRuisia next and then in England la a revival of early brother at Buchanan. down of first, Japan, la the Bay Is still, perhape you can also bear I ings Bengal Thibet, an and impression If tjj 0 lh, styles. Cut glass chandeliers, distant quack. Quick. For the V YlcteHan These rivers during tbe rainy seoeon 1194 only 80 were exported. For 1897 This paper. Elect be old and Bride "The the name msy damp furniture,Freath f harps gilt wild geese shaped object Is a flock of (which lasts for a Ion Urns) overflow Japan has already placed orders for 70. signed, is his pas5j of the next Hopper operetta. art very much In vogue. "at ducks flying to their summer homes. spinets THIRTY FOB BOYS AND GIRLS. a H s' trans-SiHcila- v. nv, o. A pa 4 o-- tcii. ys muf-dere- the'- very-goo- Old-Tir- ar self-divisi- gd$ y-- ) ur fV i 1 e. Bab-rouis- k. oflj-year-ol-d 0. m4 4 , 10,-00- te -- ebt , st e, -- clv-4kiz- ed -- - V n .s |