Show l IMI ItH f UNION LABOR I T T TIt It DEPARTMENT 1 t Under the Auspices t of the thet t 1 OGDEN TRADES ASSEMBLY I L j t t t H I I THE TWO RUtES WHICH ONE I WILL Witt YOU OBSERVE More than 1900 years ears ago ngo what Is ts It commonly known as the Golden Rule Itule was enunciated Do unto others as an you would that thal others othern should do unto you This was intended to be bo the tho law of or life tho law of our dally daily practice practice tice lIco This followed closely would have havo obviated the necessity for toe me i enactment of any other law But this was wag not to be bo hence the tho enactment of or laws and laws until tho brain is i iset set Into Inlo a whirl In contemplating the tho hundreds of o thousands 3 of volumes necessary to contain enough law Jaw to keep koep us straight and amid then they fall laii in much But there seems to have hae been an another another another other rule nile Injected into our indus Indu industrial trial life within the last few years ea or If it existed before it was not so noticeably adhered to as aM of lato late f 1110 ho rule rille has no specific name so far as ns we know it might like liko booze in pro prohibition prohibition prohibition states stat s be bo called by br any old name For FOI a better boller name It might DO DJ I called the tho brass rule and it il reads Do others as they the would do 10 you I but do them thorn first Unlike the me I of the golden rule there have hae been no laws enacted to enforce Its observance ance anco Those who wished to observe It did and amid those who did lid not care to were not compelled to But this brass rule has been more conspicuous otis OilS In the observance than In the tho violation especially so by the corpor corporate corporate corporate ate and an trust Interests They The have huo done lone us and done dono us to a lovely frazzle We believe In high prices It we can have havo all round high prices but the tho high prices are all aU on one side If railroads and other othor vested Interests would by br charging high bight rates pay par pa high wages to their em playes the shipper and consumer would be eventually compensated but they Ule dont Even now there thoro is too great a difference between betseen rates rales wages ages and what hat would It bo be if they tiler were permitted to raise their rates 3 still higher Is It supposed that they the would raise wages accordingly ac Not unless they the were forced to as they the have havo been In the past All that the has got out of or them they the I have had to squeeze e out and they have had bad a nard time lime doing It Yes I they the have done us first They have havo I come to us the time people with smiling I faces and smooth tongues have patted lint teti us on the back and called us good fel fellows fellows lows until we have hao granted them concessions without number mum placing them In a position to do us and they the been slow sl either cither Oh Ohm yes jes es wo we believe lu in high prices pric i but we wo want them on both sides ot the house The Good G od Master said The Timo poor yo ye e have always with you and we believe he spoke an inevitable truth We Vc e cannot conceive concelo ot of a con condition I wherein all will possess equal I Vi wealth but we ve can conceive of or a i condition where all aU may have havo equal op Ope opportunities for accumulating wealth according to their several abilities and that condition will exist when the people themselves make maleo the tho laws expunge the brass bra s rule rulo from our civilization and enforce e the tho tenets oE of o the tho Golden Rule Rulo How long 0 O peo people I plo will this bo ho OUR FRIENDS Continued Wo Yo are certainly proud of our Baby the Cooks and Walters Waiters union In less than three months they have havo accomplished as much as some of us havo lone done in iii as aa many man years ears While they the have not as yet received rec their then house cards canis they the wear weal tho the green I button hutton and aud have Induced the follow following ing tag houses to agree to sign for the card and are considered friendly ly un until until til Ul further notice Cafes Tho The Elite Elile Falstaff Ken Kennedys Kennedys Stimsons Grill White House Healy Heal Oxford Palm Mayflower Little Lit Little LittIe tle tIe Queen Owl The Peoples rant Mexican Chili Parlor Daisy Dais Lunch and the following coffee coffeehouses coffeehouses coffeehouses houses Kennedys Kenned s Downs National Portland and Ier tamales lon on tho the street These are all good places to eat cat at at rt varying prices and served by union people Tho The Barbers union has hns not been Idle and has the following follow In list of barber barbor shops displaying the tho union shop card Myron IrOll Fuller Brighton Frieze FrIese Richards Fiske Gysin G Sander Hallow curt ChilL Tho The ThoL Lone Lono L ne Star St SL Str J 1 II lI Martin Broom Hotel Shop tho the Reed Hotel Hot t Shop Adam Farber the Lone Star St G W Gayman Cayman C J T 1 Tribe H N Folkman G 0 W Hadley Hartley Don Dont t forget forgot to look for the card Tho are arc great hustlers for home and home industries They Tile Th Inform us that there thero are three fac factories factories factories tories the tho Columbia Club Cigar Co 0 Cigar Co and A E a Close employing only on about die Hie number of men that lint might had find em CIll employment If It smokers could be bo od ed to lo use ISO the tho homemade union minion pro product product product duct In preference to lo the Ito cheap John Chinaman brand from abroad It is said that a chain Is only as strong as its weakest link and a so BO socIety clety of oC any kind can only on I measure Its strength by b the loyalty anti anil cour courage ago age of or Its average member So then brothers when we wo are arc tempted to criticise others lots lols examine our ourselves solves selves first and mind see seo If we wo are up to the tho standard There are arc ar plenty ot ol knockers on the outside we wo want only on I boosters within What is the tho difference between rove revo revolutionist and evolutionist If H you will look bolt closely you ou will readily see soe that lint by beheading revolutionist you spell spoil evolutionist mis IS We Ve aro aN evolutionists I Be Dc a man or a mouse or n a long tailed rat In other othor words be what you ou aro are There Thore is no ono bno one so mean low and contemptible a n CUI our as the hypocrite Dout Dont expect the tho respect res pact of men mon unless you Ol are a n man If you are aro of oC the rodent specie of either cither the tho Address all Communications to toW tow j jW W M iVL PIGGOTT Editor i f Street 3 I 1 l J f l L n long or oi short tailed variety you OO are arc beneath tho the notice of ot mono mon menTHE THE MAN WHO WINS The man who iho wins must do so ito by his own efforts But what Is 15 meant by I winning It is not that a man must accumulate great wealth or that ho be must secure finished education or that ho he must attain groat social heights or that he lie roust must possess great ability In this that or tho the other thing timing but that he lees does the tho best he ho can ac according according according cording to his ability I say tho the best he can Dont sit down clown and mourn or com corn complain complain plain because you OU cannot become a n great grent orator or because you Jou cannot delve Into the mysteries of or the tha scion sciences ces Comm or because you cannot become a great leader of oC men mon for tor It Is not given to everyone to do great things that la is those things that appear outwardly great Do with they tho thio might what thy th bands handa find to do 10 Whether It be ho great gr m or small Many times what ap apparently patently may ma scent the most moat Insignificant things are arc the thc things absolutely 1101 needed to complete completo the greatest things and nn arll tho man who Joes loos I those small things has a great reward TIme The man who doubled his one ono talent received tho tIme same bame reward that the tho theman thoman theman man who lio doubled his five talents So my m brother If you would win do the your best host no matter If J some sonic one else elsema may ma outstrip you yon In the race for Cor his reward is no greater grenter than yours ours in the end ond No greate truth has lias been ut uttered no more pertinent sentiment Y expressed than Is found In the tho follow fallow following t S Slug ing lug lines Jines It Tho The man who wins is the man who docs does t The man who ho makes things hum and iI buzz f 1 The Time man who works and andl the man who acts Who builds on a n basis of ot solid facts Who sit down to mope and dream r But humps bumps ahead with the tho force of ot U steam Who Wh tho the time to fuss and fret re reBut But gets there thero every time you bet betI I The man who wins is the man who wears A smile to cover his Ills bunion of cares Who Tho knows that the sun BUn will shine 1 again I That the tho clouds cloude will pass pails and we need the hernia rain Who Sho buckles down to a pile of work vork And never neol gives up and nn l never nover will shirk 1 Till tIle thin task Is done and the tho toll toil mado made i sweet While the tho temples throb with tho the red bloods heat 4 ci The man who loses is 15 he ha who moans monna That the way WRY Is rough and he the stones Who Is looking for something soft to do In Where Whore the pay par Is big and the tho hours are few Who dreams of ot o this and dreams of or that But never soils sails In and throws off his I hat Who fears the tIme fool feel of a drop of sweat And never nevor gets anywhere you ou bet The rhe man who wins Is the tho man who climbs The ladder of life to the tho cheers cheor chimes Of the bolls boIls of ot labor the tho bells belis of toil toll And afraid that his skin will spoil If rr he lie faces aces the glare of the shining sun s n nAnd And works In the light till his task is done doneA A human engine with triple beam beamAnd beamAnd beamAnd And a hundred and fifty pounds of steam Selected I |