Show SUNDAY SERVICE AT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The high esteem in which Felix Mendelssohn len IB Is hold held by the music los lov loving lorin losIng ing in people of today J shown by br bythe bythe the thc fact that the music journals for lor forthe the tho coming cominS month aro are giving almost the he entire issue to lo his life and praise of his productions production He Ie in a marked way war brings tho classic music into a place of ready rend favor of the music loving multitudes The Tue centenary of oC his birth Is February February ary ar 3 1 and an this win will be noted by b a praise service Sunday Su da evening In the tho First Presbyterian church at which the following praise numbers will be given iren Prelude Andante Mendelssohn Miss Diddle Tenor Solo If With all Heart Men Mendelssohn Mr 11 Saunders Saunder Offertory Midsummer Night Mendelssohn Miss Diddle BiddIe Solo Hear My ty Prayer Miss Ellen Ellon H Thomas I Song Without Words I Miss Diddle I IThe The evening sermon will be upon the relation of Religion and Music I |