Show RICH ORE UNCOVERED IN RAWHIDE MINES Wedell and Steele received additional news J WS today from Crom rain Rawhide Nevada Neada In regard r gard to several of tho the mining prop properties propErties owned in that thai district by Ogden Ogdon Inventors Several strikes have boon been I made recently which have Med fired the Imaginations of at who have hoe ven vem ventured en their dollars The Marigold drifting gang broke Into a vein eln of or picture rock the other night said Mr Wedell redell which will vili make a lot of them sll sit up and take tako They Thc are running a drift In lu that mine now from rom the tho level leol going In a northerly direction from the tho vein eln which was struck a few weeks ago while sinking a shaft The Iho new vein ein shows up lip some 7 I feet of values alues and rotU has high grade stringers shot throughout tho the vein vain w ln An unusual feature of oC this strike Is 13 that th larger part of or tho the pay Imy rock comes out of a Much Inch streak or of pic lic lure ture ore oro in tho the very ory center centor of tho the vein oin proper Generally It Is found round on one of lf the walls The screenings s from irom the tho seven HOen feet feel of ore assayed i g 82 i to ton while the tho streaks or of gold wili run as an high as a n dollar to tho the pound Tho are arc malting making a big bl shout about another strike which they thoy claim assays S thousands This was made at nt the tho Murray mine and so sec see rot ret are arc the owners regarding the ex cx at their discovery that the tM mine Js is carefully guarded only personal friends of o the tho management being al iii allowed lowed to Inspect tho the vein eln In question The strike was mado made in iii a crosscut about 15 feet teet out from rom the level the tile vein being five toOt feet In width lull pud containing gold In fabulous amount throughout tho the entire ledge led go goThe The Murray owners state that thal cold blooded assays from Irom the vein gave save re returns returns returns turns of from rom to per or orton ton This of course e sounds pretty big but Mining Engineer Jack Ja l Flynn lI of tho the Rawhide district said himself that the strike would surprise sun tho the world wold in a few tew days He Ho said It was tho the most meat marvelous ledge lodge of lug big rock ho had over ever seen and beat oven oen the famous Mohawk wk mine for richness Further work on the ledge develops the fact that tho the same sarno shows a decided tendency to gain In width the iho last report stating staling that It was WS tour our inches than at the tho time of the previous IH lous report J |