Show PRISONERS T TAkEN fROM KANSAS TO THIS IS RESULT OF MISS BAR BARNARDS BARNARDS BARNARDS NARDS COMPLAINTS Kansas Accused of MIstreatment of Convicts From Oklahoma Refuses RefuGes to House Them Thorn Longer Longor Lansing Kan Jan 30 Nine coaches composing a n special train to convey conyer the tho Oklahoma prisoners from tho the Kansas City penitentiary hero bore to McAlester Vinita and anti Atoka Okla o a where hore thoy ther the will be Incarcerated In tho the county count jails left leu Lansing at noon to today today today day The convicts numbering In la all three hundred and sixteen of tiC whom aro arc women were wore shackled together In pairs those considered to tobe tob tobe be b unruly being chained in groups The removal of the prisoners today grew out of oC an official investigation started by Miss Kate Barnard super superintendent superintendent I of or prisons and charities In Oklahoma who charges that the tho Okla Ukla Homa convicts were cruelly cruell treated Following the Investigation Kansas re reo refused reused used fused to renew its Ita contract with Ok Oklahoma lahoma for COl the Iho care of or their convicts The old contract ended today and Ok homa l officials wore were forced to remove the convicts notwithstanding Okla Okia Oklahoma U homa ii ma has no state penitentiary in which to house them |