Show lllllc Millllr The BrItIsh Medical Journal It I In I clghlng agaInst the u > e of sicalled rice powder for the face on the ground of Ita InjurIous effect on the skIn Some of the rice powder are illeged In be no longer computed ol rice but of chalk white lead march and ilibi tIn t-In varying proportion A 14month child ol Reading 11 rejoice In the rather unique dtitlncllon of having four greatgrandmother llv ng Only one el the greatgrind mother wears ipecliclet and all live within a short dlitance of the home of thIs presumably wellcodled mls The pychologlilt of North Adami Man are punled over the cite of an Italian schoolboy aged 6 yean who nuke all hit figures and letter 1 reverted I revert-ed to that when viewed In mirror they teem correct Ills techer hu tried to correct the matter but he seems to have great difficulty In making Idlers and figures the right wy The experts arc unable to ny whether the boys vIsIon Is I defective or whether the trouble trou-ble Is I with the brain One of them a former uperlnlendent of schools at lloolck Falls N Y remember a sIn > liar eie there A writer In the Contemporry Review confirm the old tory that the Sultan cook teali all the dishes prepared for hIs royal matter The ielt are broken when the dlihe reach the table and the food ha I hosted by an official to guard against poison before the Sultan bodies It Inlead ol hi usual Sunday evening ernion a clergyman of Chapman Ka U I reading to hit congregation a contlu tied tory entitled Jk the Merchant which he wrote hlmiclf |