Show THE EARLS DOUBLE I I hadnt rwenvery long In the force when they gone me plain clothe and b I mide me a dlvllonal detective Iit 01 toutie It wunl a good as the real thing In the yard To be a full blown criminal Invellgator youve got to how youre fit for ItJo oniethlng out of the conm mke mar urtueor follow un tonic blind clew Hut one diy I was sent for by the big boss at the yard Klyeove says he to me smIte quietly quiet-ly I terewlng a glass In one eye md filing me wIth It at lilt was a glml 1 hrar l youre i mart young chipmd thit you want to come to hudluartu 1 got rather red and felt lIe a fool hut I Hammered out something like Yes So > ou hall1 he went on sharply when youv ernfd It Solell m I how much do you know bout your ills Met and the smelt people In I Itr sail I knew my way about a bit and P had teen tomelhlng nl lIe bloke and Johnnie but that my Rime had been mostly the chap on the cross t have tim eve un Ird Mluterlon who live In 1lntalCnrt squarer Would you know hln agalni Now there I wi In luck The old well hd been shown lo me the first lime by a friendly tabby and igtln by nU who hJ been on beat through the quire He wi ilwiyi 1 dfeued up to the knocker but In I eoniieil old lith lonrd way Shnri light brown cutaway Newmarket and bra I button bull walittoat white spats 1 md a low crotn edhal lswisd like a sporlssnan with a chin lull over his blue belcher lleand nl straw In his as often it not a wisp mouth I told the chief ill thli and he termed term-ed pleated him Well youve got to thadow mark him out and where he goes follow fol-low him ill bout and tee him h gain that hnI all lIes a bit pecsilc You undertaml lIeshe Dotty Is I that It sir ° Riactty and the way he howlt Ia I lIkely lo get him Into mIschief lie doetnt always 1 remember whalt hit md what linl ° Irlgt In thorl ilrr i Youve hit it Flycove md tome diy hell be getting run In by those who donl know his little ways Therell be I a scandal or one and that why I want you lo keep your eye on hIm The long ind thorlol It wa that the old lord wit In Ihe habit ol going to ill the well end shops and tilling what he could Jeweler and illverimllh for choice lilt wi my builncitj to watch him through the plaIt glass md be ready there wit my trouble lo go In and eplain hut bleu you the shop people didnt mind They Hk < dIUJlUmU a Ihttt io > I > y 10noll > lnll Thry sect In theIr bill and either got the thing tick with a big fine or mId the good it their own price The old peer hid a confldentlil caIn who emptied lila pocket every evenli g compared the thing with the Invoice and cleared up the whole In a regular butlnettllke way My lord > titt oil slung Ilccidllly looking Into ill the hop window ss he goes down Regent tree ind home by Waterloo place lied done right well nude a big haul You could tell Ihit by hit lice Dut one diy there wn a bt of a fuss the chief tent for men md so much it to say I wnnl doing my duty It ippcired that the fimlly hid com plilned my lord diughter I believe who lived with him the complaInt wn tint the bill tent from the stints didnt tally with whit wi found In the old chip pockets My young lady hid been imirt enough en-ough to find till out and the uipectcd the valet So did I Only the young laity Insisted one fine morning on compirlng the good with Invoice herself and the hid lound 1 they didnt agree o The shops were ill night spoken land l-and fair They could weir to the good tht hid gone ind whod taken Ihem So I put i witch on the valet I soon n got my chince I wi tree enonghof 1 in evening you know for my lord I played hli gime by daylight general duMng the afternoon walk One night ilout 9 the valet come loping up the arra steps look around ilyly docinl tee me ind I give ehusse lie mike night for the cIrcus through Cockspur tree to Seven Dial ind stops short oppo lte i rig and bone hop It wi fence recelmi we known to the force illhough we never could Uy hind npou he old mm u kept It I called up he constable IIn the bell meinlng huron In the whole blooming lot Hut now who should come grinning around the earner > t thl moment but im lord hlmwll lie gain > tritht up to hIs valet atapo t dim on the buck 1 and atti I t Whit cheer old pall lInen I im with i line haul Seven ticker two let of pirkler and eleven ting Then I looked it him again more denial and I sinswd to see a differ tnce cncII wainl liU lordhlp all only hits double and A monlrou gooj double too t We run em Inihim lord real valet i the fence sad IInd soon got on the Inlde trick of the whole gimej It wu he valet whod plinnei It and as he hii nfy lord cut off ewhe he hid rnofe thin enough to d guIle hi pohf V e ul of the g61e WII easy a 5 in as the real we homo wIth his h Inll and Iwo I 0 01 the way The sb em chap tllltlt on on the second roUl bul IRcrent dads wlrd tIlt aLondon 0 New |