Show Hun mil blue Jlmmolh A remarkable dlicovery was made a few year ago In the andttone rock at the Nevada State trlion The find wa consIdered wonderful not only from t geological ttindpolnl but from ari ithnologlcal point of view also While the convict at the Initltullon were unearthing ome huge block of tone they discovered ome peculiar Indentation In-dentation In ore of the slabs Closer Inveillgatlen proved that these queer niirkt were the trackt of ome gigantic beast of mudlluvlin time perhip a mitodom or i mammoth When trie ttirlllng Intelligence wi announced to the prIson oftclit they had the sandstones sand-stones slabs containing the mirk carefully care-fully cleaned whereupon another wonderful won-derful dlcovtry wi made In the um piece of lone ometlme it the tide and lomettme between the trick mode by the great prehIstorIc beail were a serIes 1 of human footprint which proved concluilvely that man and the mammoth lIned not only at the tame time and In the tame ashes but that the huge bent and the man hid pilled thit way during the time year and perhaps on the lime diy The wonderful relict ol a bygone age were found In a quarry IS feet from the lurlace anJ had previously previ-ously been covered with a triturn corn pissed ol hundred of ton of tone the accumulation of age > tint hn Intervened Inter-vened between the late upon which hue track were made md tint npon which they were revealed tnlhe clenllit Expert Ex-pert geologlit who have sInce red an opinion on the matter iy that it the time the trick were mule that which 10 I now hard sandstone was a mucky ° ilcpolt of suIt eillment probably the border of n lab where the mm hid been fishIng and where Ihe mimmoth had come to bathe ml drink |