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Show L. Jt' Tea is better tresh if it bn t, whit does the grocer mean by telling you that he some tea just come from abroad? Fresh doesnt mean just picked; it means just roast- bj ed. Schilling's Best is roasted as fast as your gro- cer wants it no faster ia San Francisco. ASUU.;kCM,Mr fee F A VERY GOOD REASON gov-ernn- Nor was Jocelyne St. Auguste alow to perceive the aqulrea bent. He doea not like me, and why? (he asked Mlaa Martynla. My dear," said the maiden lady, therea no accounting for a mans freaks. I'm on y glad Im not married to one." But one night just aa the stars were beginning to peep out through the purple glow above the ayrlnga hedges, the In aqulre cme In much perturbed spirit. Who la that fellow I saw walking with Mlaa St. Auguate out In the shrubberies? I didnt know ahe had any acquaintance In the village." Oh said Mlaa Martynla, who waa t, knitting in the twilight, thatVM. Parisian an old frlendorayoung one rather who happened to be passand discovered ing through the village that Jocelyne accident merest by the was at Trenholme Parkl" He's a humbug, said the squire dis- Du-moti- contertedly. Why? demanded his slater. He twists his mustache when he talks, and and" And what?" And I dont believe In these old 1 hope he Isnt going to young friends. Trenholme In villagt." remain long The squires hopes were not destined to be crowned with success. M. Gaston Dumont was merely traveling, as he said, pour la plalsir. He was In no haste. Trenholme was a lovely spot, and Mias St Auguste, a very heautlful on. girl. So M. Dumont staid Ill tell you what George, said Miss nod of Martynla one evening, with a wisdom, that M. Dumont Is lp love with Jocelyne. Nonsenae, shouted the iqulre. But he Is, though, Insisted Miss I dont know; where your Martynla. to have seen It before. Well, not are eyes well, I suppose we shall have to look out for another governess one of these days. Mr. Trenholme made no answer, but he sat long and quietly by the window the fiery eje of his cigar, glowing In the darkness. She would be a fool to marry him, said he sullenly and abruptly. Why a fool? questioned his sister. All the world knows what a French husband la," tartly responded Mr. Trenholme. I suppose they are as good as French - wives," hasarded Miss Martynla. The aqulre got up and walked out of the room. She must do as ahe likes, Of course, be sald to hlmaelf. 'but I can't bear to think that her whole future being blighted by a union with that swarthy looking foreigner no, I cant Shes Poor, little too pretty and graceful. lonely Jocelyne!" He started as Miss St Augustine confronted him In the shrubbery walk, her white daeas glimmering through, the dusk as an elfs silver draperies might il - - H iii j t j i havedont Miss thought St Augustel Who would have of meeting you here? ejacu- lated the squire somewhat astounded. I hope I have not startled you, mon. aleur," said Jocelyne In a low, tremulous w voice. No; but my child, you have been crying." Please let me pass, Mr- - Trenholme, faltered Jocelyne. But I shall not let you pass, the squire bluntly, "until you tell me what the matter la. Has that that villain Dumont dared to annoy t - 1 nTiJ Mr. Trenholne'a blood syemed Did you save To H haaa Ul la a Dreary any money last ye; turning to fire within his lena at the ardem 1 did you (houtd-depol- t k where mere idea. then and To sleep but once In 14 days, "111 work for you this year jut as you No; nothing of the sort, Jocelyne of Influence opiate, under the only I said faintly. orked tor It last year. Zions Savings teems a cruel enough condition. It II?" B Bnk and Trust Then what is M. which torture company of Sslt Lake He has asked mg to marry him, mon- only part of the of Bradford, Clearfield City pays j per cent. Interest on any Cowdrick sieur U countv, Pa., has tuffeied for the past (mount from $ I up. Start an - account The rascal! how and add to it a often as you can, Indeed, Mr. Trenholme, you are mis MiCowdricks life during that time Write lor taken. Gaapard la good and kind. I any Information Uird. has been one of such unending agony have known him for years. It waa Wiltord Vl'ooDare ls President and state of the damhim to offer a home and a heart that nothing but the M. Gxokgx ned cap, he worse, Human Ingenuity Cannon, Cashier, VS to pouf little dsaolate me, me, only lie would And here Jocelyne stopped short, but never devised such cruelty, -Three Fastest M tree ' the squire made ho movement to let her belli good Tuck If he could change places It is said that s hurricane holds the wlih a victim of Turkish or Chinese pass. is un- ket time record for one mile, egsl torture. His pain, which covering Only what? he persisted. can be the distance In half a minute. Then a It as It at plain Only, monsieur, I could not love ceasing, just without depriving him of life and put- balloon has done the mile In forty sechim." 1 tl1U, onds. The third ting him out of his misery. It place Is held by rail-WAnd you have refused him. f J Old Squire Trenholme needing a for hU (our motherlets children, hit maiden (later, Martynla, en gaged a beautiful little Frenchwoman to the aqulrea great disgust, aa he deteated the French unspeakably. What possible fault can you find with her?" pleaded Mlaa Martynla after Mlaa St. Auguate had been In the houae a month. "Shea French," waa the aqulres ! MONEY SAVED ?ing by Mail And " Jfli rtncuco SLEEPS ONCE IN TWO WEEKS. you?" Yes, monsieur." "The mot sensible thing you ever did In your life," ejaculated Mr. Trenholme In a strangely relieved voice. Why ? Jocelyne looked up, with soft Inquiring eyes. Because I cant bear to think of your Because, my marrying vny one but dear, there a the best possible reason for your refusing him." What is It? Jocelyne asked hesitat-Ingly- . the most appalling form of suffering which the human mind can toncelve. Eleven years agoMr. Cowdrick was attacked by paint which he thought to be rheumatic. They soon caused him acute suffering, and he consulted a local physician. This mtns treatment was tried for some months, and had ne good results. A second physicians was consulted, and again without effect. Mr. Cowdrick then went to Philadelphia, where he consulted a well known pedallst In the treatment of rheumatic disease. The exact nature of his complaint was a mystery to the practitioner. He experimented with various remedies without success. The physician visited In succession three other well known - Philadelphia phyiflclans. Not one of them was able to relive him. One of them recommended pine baths, and these ha also tried with?' out success. During this time the disease had steadily been growing worte, until Cowdrick was in the comRtion he still finds himself. The pains were Incessant and he had to spend hit time sitting helpless In an easy chair, aqueexing his racked limbs. Natural sleep became Impossible, and only opiates brought this great reliever. After physicians he tried patent medicines, and on these alone he spent over Siooo. Before his illness he was a well man ; now he Is on the verge of poverty." Eleven years ago his condition necessitated a heavy use of opiates. The Initial dose soon became powerless, and had to be used very rapidly. Now the quantity that will give him relief Is so great, that it means a further weakening of his shattered health. It Is not pot slble without endangering his life, to put him to sleep more than once In two engine In jj Dispatch. HE E. 57 seconds S. DEAN re modern facilities inaugurated by us in our mail order system baa made shopping by mud an easy ,nd satisfactory matter enabling ladies living at a distance from Salt Lake City to dress with taste and elegance, and enjoy the advantages offered by our great stocks without visiting town. In this department many clerk are constantly employed in cutting yards of new goods into samples, matching goods, arranging and filling orders sending them to custom atl'overthe country. So much pain are taken to- fill orders asif thrttistomer was preseftf Irt'persVii: u ''?,. as CATALOGTE 914 1 LED FREE TO A! I ADDRESS rpOfff APPLICATION. ' WALKER BROS DRY GOODS fUtshnrg COMPANY. MoUqi, This Live Stock Commission wH lw Dividends paid to Salt .Lake City depositors on 00 deposited Sep tember ;.t, 1896, on our pyramiding plan: September j ;th, dividend paid - $ 5.40 October ut, dividend patd..,..,f. 793 October 15th, dividend 930 paid November 1st, dividend paid 945 1 FRED A. SEARS, McCeaaicx Bleu, 23 SALT LAKE CITY Fapf luterMi paid 5 po.ud, writ laeerperaled Capital tl.MS.SS4, CO ot &HVlira Deposit. Conjyouudl Fourby Utah Commercial and Savings Bank and 34 East First South Street, BaH Lake City. Utah. MARYS ACADEMY. We do e aeeeral hanking boetuese and ot Vorp rations Firms and Is dlvtdiiala upon the most fnvorable terms Established, 1K71 Under direction at the Sisters o t the Holy Cross. One or the most prominent JLducatieee P"', Because and Squire Trenholme reCtmfr uorras,toa!"rT,liy U"k matron Ketlden lentlessly imprisoned both of the cold, pared to any sphere of life to which Lev P1 wiLlSr I want be 1 horough called. to msjr 3. . trembling hande in his of ha you knowledge 'November Cashier ttb, dividend paid... 7.8J ters, science and art, musts in all Its brsa- marry me. I love you, little Jocelyne December tt, dividend . , 11 75 paid.... Surope, Ssxo Ks Psoar sen: t. and I never shall lekyou go away from December ;th, dividend GRAND OPERA HCUS&- paid... 93ft Trenholme Park again. Do you think an. . 8 14 let, 189;, dividend paid...'.... J. . MftWKBW. Hgr. you can learn to love me, Jocelyne? R. A. & CO There was a sparkle through the star In tio da,$;ohat earned...... $69 14 WEEK OF FEBRUARY Ut, iNCoarotATtD.) light, as if a cascade of diamonds had Tbls U our Special Order Depart SALT LAKE Cl? Y. glittered over the French girls cheeks. rnent, where our Customers have never The Ew t of, the Season Books and Periodicals prepaid s des Ine Hob at Publishers Prices SpscU' Squire Trenholme felt the hands thrill failed to get s dividend of osa 15 days put every veea of Mtsa Victors Bate, within his clasp, and then she nestled im r.th.r lx and one half years. Call or edcsearal saoelle man In close tohls side like a weary dove re write for Information. The E. & Dean turning to his home. company, Nos Atlas block, Sslt sthashahilrwel(r sad ?!! "Jocelyne! City, Utah. Th Madrid Correo announces that ALEX. X Oh, Mr. Trenholme! WTATT, bait Lake City. And then there was silence. They the minister of finnnee Is preparing a Eyes examined free. THS PLATERS! w understood each other quite sufficiently revision of the Spanish customs tariff. N, D. Blair more, Victor! Hutcmftn, When the squire and his companion Jessie Isrtt, Jp Boss, HEL STAMPS, WES. came Into the house a few minutes later, Mamie Bargers, Tarshe Miss Martynla, glancing over the gold FraukHafch, of her spectacles, perceived the sitrims Prlems, . . . Mr, , uation at once. Matleee Saturday Mr Come here, Jocelyne and give me a ertirwnuetv 133 M2! Se St - SALT LAKE CITY.UTAH As for you, kiss, she said warmly. I. M. N. U. 3, 1896 Salt Lake. George" Well, as for me? Interposed the squire, with a beaming countenahce. Im very glad you have got over deand. testing the French." Mr. Trenholme't glance toward his promised wife, full of pride and happl ness warded off Mist Martynlaa friendMONCMEHTS and HEADSTOSES ' ly arrow. Jocelyne waa a sufficiently weeks. Mt)IN,,44, good excuse for any masculine InconsisNight and day he sits la his Invalid tency, Exchange. chair shuddering with pain,'wringing his hands in hopeless supplication, mailiBe lien of liUka. Within two hours ride of Yokohama, ng for (he relief that never- - comes. MLG.W.SHOIES, Japan, the traveler may aee the most Hls once strong frame is reduced to Oldest Tke still but tpeatelist to realstsvthe wonderful statue In the world. It la a writhing skeleton, seated Image of the god but attack of the enemy that never relents. ft Is built upon suchglgantlc propor Sleep Is possible so seldom that lt Is no Mont that its height Is 633$ feet more than a drop of dew to the tongue r THI The total weight of the metal in this of a man dying of thirst. Medical sciSalt Lake City, opposite TKMPLB . la great statue 450 tons, 500 pounds of ence caa do nothing for him, aadas which U pure gold.' Near the statue are long as hlr strength liolds out he must WRITE FOR PRICES AND DESIGNS, several shrines of Buddha. , In one of live a life that Is worse than death.. these the visitor Is shown tome of the New York Journal. GEO. If. FOTT, 4A8, GtEISDIKNlNO, bones of Buddha and the table vessels B. . BCMF1KLD. President, and Treat. as beeretary. which he used during hts earthly carTaira fra Besllsit. eer. In Ceylon there Is a'B'ddhlst Here are some stories worthy of Bardr. a. W.jmOREO. always el shrine which contains one of , Buddhas rie; An old Scotch woman once called te help tu eonvlnoe paeple that ha eves. minister and on her communicated to oaivad far every dollar ausoksvy, tn him the intention of herself ad her deckled tegtve position Its death Wow, and brother, John, 0 worship at home by suffering oil see, from the Phosphate Peek la fcaatsers. (INCORPORATED) at q One of the most Important of the re- themselves thereafter, as they had de- asatboda euffi IMPORTERS AND cent discoveries In the south is the large cided that all the members of the Scot DEALERS IN In believed kirk false doctrine. deposits of phosphate rock In Middle tlsh I am very glad," said the minister, Tennessee, says the Tradesman. The TerVouMia. net W are Iryly, that there are two of you who practically deposits urn. yh -- JrACENTS FOR will or and be aaved." . . ' shruiikau organs, with the boundaries of the blue grass are right and ail edaar private no said de Tennessee. Im BuBalo The of Middle Aweel, scale Detroit Jean caused by Igneraimu Stove Co, aaylngl county Company, Atlas Enr!neWorks, head.' Times I hae ms too. no matter tow John Van & Home Steel Ranges, posits are exceedingly rich, comparing shaking her DR. O. W. SHORE, consult Wooden Coles Dodge Pulleys, Heater, clan who baa given hls Ufa very favorably with those of Florida, doots o John." California Powder Works, lent, adWorthington Steam Pump. sa ohronlc dlseeaa, and be A doctor received a from visit to aa 84 professional shipped per containing fl vised. treated and ciiicd wittouti wring Celebrated Anchor Brand Cylinder and Revere Rubber Co, cent of phosphate of lime and lea than from "an old Scotchman, to whom he kina eae dollar aaUl the eure lo wwlad Engine OU, Dodge Injector, The doctor rsesrws the rtirbt, Howe, Brown & Co., Drill and Tool Steel, Leviathan Belting. 3 per cent of the oxides of aUtmlna and gave Instructions, regulating hls diet, to refuse any incurable boss If we to he don't cuts yea yeor advising him to drink Buck Iron, which are the objectionable con aa offer was sever ik MlnersTools, Stoves, Tinware, etc,, no spirits for some time. On the pa a responsible phvsiciaa. SdDv! stltuents. Shores lo mdy ahlo to make H to leave Without tlents rising having ka positively ourao She I And a General Assortment of Mill Findings. 1 tsheu t'Masi He Cured referred to the usual fee the doctor waste soother cent aa "Old tke consult but tors, by local appnoetlens, as they cannot reach spoke: "I am In the wajf of charging be cured. BUBLNE8B BACK the dlisascd portion of the ear. Thar It for my advice and will trouble you for ELDiONTIAI STORE 168 MAIN STREET, WAREHOUSE only on way to eure deafness, and that Or. Q. W. 8 uj W. SECOND S. half a rown." remedies. Deefnees by constitutional Loclf Box sensed by na Inflamed condition of the mu said the canny Scot, Oh, maybe, Salt Lola Cl eons lining of the Kustaehlaa Tubes. When but Im nae to tak your advice! gaun this tube gets Inflamed you have n rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and whan It Is entirely closed deafness la the result, and Aa Abeaton Bkts. unless (he inflammatloe can be taken out A Massachusetts firm Is about to en and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine gage In the manufacture of a new shoe, eases out of ten are sensed by catarrh, which made of asbestos and Intended for work, Is nothing but na inflamed condition of the lngmen employed 'In foundries and mucous surfaces. , We will give One Hundred Dollars for any smelting works, Instead of the nob. cess of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that nailed shoes now worn. A great many ! aanaot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Scad articles are made for smelters use, such for Circulars, free. as face etc aprons, leggings, F. J. CHE5BT guards, Co., Toledo, Ohio. and sometimes whole It will cook adlnner fit for a king and It never gets Bold by Druggists, Bs clothes sujtof Ball's Family Pills are the beet, ; and now the demand Jor a Supply of out of order. The only fault we have to find with It la asbestos shoes has grown to be so great that it laat too long. It will outlive two generation. Ills claimed reports of the India fam that their manufacture on a For further particular applyto our agent f scale large Ine have been greatly exaggerated. Is to be begun. The jeather shoes now iworn In smelting works cost probably Frank Andrew ...;.Prk City I Cooper Prper Oo...u.. Keph 'about 2.so a pair cn an G. T. Petllo..,. '....KiiyeevlUa W.O. A.h A Co...llt. average, and Oo A. B. Been A Co., .. ..Pocatello j H. Flra wear out In two or three week, whereat M. t. Jmlon....St, Anthony) Imae KdweU Logmi .. .... MoroVi Provo Hardware Co. ... Provo I Moroni asbestos shoes. It Is claimed, will cost H. W. Oartl H- - Lund ...flpbrelml Blackfoot i. less money and will wear Indefinite. OR. The Star furnace waa destroyed by fire at Jackson, Ohio, on the 26th The lo 1 $to,ooo. Hugh Martin and YOUR Frank Davit, employe, were burned to GROCERY death. DEROE ;' 1 . )(, CAPRICE 216-3- 17 Jg vi' SDtfSk u, - n to-d- Dia-bota- u, Tie-Preside- - Elias Morris Sons Cpmpany, MEN Marble and Granite, Mantles, Grates, etc. MOT ONE DOLLAR NEED.BE PAID UNTIL YOU CURE LOST I Geo. M. Scott & Co HardwareBAR AND SHEET IRON, STEEL PIPE Air-Tig- f WRITE SALT LAKE CITY, You UTAH Can't RANGE MAJESTIC I Use Three Crown Baking Powder- - ' J . AND SELLS IT, best. Hewlett .it Salt Lake Hardware tnt PUREST. 1 Co-op- Bros. Salt Lake City, Utah UrttS Wnwt Ad. ltd UilS. Uxub hrnip. Tsmm Gnu. Urn I JI Iff timR fi'ild hr M ltrnjrlgf(L 1 the .MF.LD-FAKCC- mm S AB ABOVE C 42 igi,steii.mmheablk Miff AND 44 WEST SECOND -- SALT - ' J. Co.,--; ,u LAKE CITY SOUTH ST UTAII e feat |