Show CRUSA AGAINST I 1 6 JOY The police pollee department enl In lion with the tho sheriffs office are arc Ins up ump time the crusa crusade e against joy jar rid riders riders ers and autos aulos going over the speed limit Yesterday Deput Sheriff Holmes stopped a crowd o of youths at North Ogden and arrested thorn them for or exceed exceedIng exceeding Ing the speed limit an and during the afternoon D B B Brooks and Dr A were nipped hy by Special 0 Of Officer and booked for the same I II offense 4 The Tho crusade Is heln relentlessly I carried on and sooner or later the tho I auto drivers In ma In and cLime about I town LU willi I auto drivers In ma In and cLime about town LU learn that there thero Is such a thIng as asan asan I an ordinance providing for Cor the rate of sll sliced ed that an auto Is allowed to |