Show I r 1 H l i j RANDOM I I REfE ENES ENESI 1 I Dont eat cat oleomargarine or 01 inferior utter lIlter when whon you ou can eat B C G itI 1 I I lost you ou less mone monc m in the 1 lot lun lunI n It i I run Buys BC Beautiful E Helm helmI J on h Southern Pacific I his Ill home Twenty third street I to Frank F Lach fur for cash l 1 ill Loath is a cattle caLLIo man 01 Nevada cuda and is 14 hen bere to Lo educate his I veil rn J A L 1 Helm 16 Isnow running ont ant ontI 11 I f I of where his family I reside for a short limo Ile 11 will rill willI I homo home here You Yon save mone money h by storing your winters supply o of conI before Sep I 1st The Tho Coal in bard hanl OJ I flOrl 2001 OO pounds In eer every ton tom Short i I fir Company Rings Stolen Two vaIn ohle rings urd 1111 l 15 in money were 10 slot 1 ert In f fOgden roil the tho camp In Ogden canyon i h by a thief who entered the camp while the tho owners were temporarily flue matter Was report Cd to Sheriff and 1111 a sus suspected us of Itie he t then was picked up on the tho of if O Ogden den As there was vas no evidence to his being hell held the negro was later released STOVE for relit real Club r at Past Noble NollIe grand wIll meet ai 01 Drug store A tug ug list 5 talc lale the Callyen car for Park where the monthly club meeting will be held If you rou want ant to save sao you 01 in inveRt invest vest veRt In Lewis Lowis Good Coal Phones 1 M Saturday j 7 p pin in Saturday Jasper II 11 McWilliams of Stanley W Vya o and Maud B 13 Bald Baldwin Baldin win in of Stanley Wyo wn were united In marriage b by Re I e II I r 1 D of the church Thu Th mile were at hy by the tho lIsse Parsons and alii Wilson After spending a few days ill Ogden Oden and Snit Sall I Lake City Mr Ir aural aull Mrs will i Il depart for fOl Stanley Stanle whore theil I future hone will I be made madl Beware of Typhoid Is IsHum mama Hum times time caused by Infected to flies files in a filthy I abb YOU are safe if you Oll eat cal U S Inspected Meats Dopart for T 1 D B Mil Miller l ler r has returned to her home in Chicago ChI caso cago after visiting four months with her parents Mr and Mrs Ir Peter An AnI Berson 2 street Ir dr drand IrI I f I and 1181 Miller will spend the re rei i maHIer of nr the tho summer at South Hay en cn Michigan i U That Good pounds to ton top p n a lon Ion Rock Springs Clear Creek and Castlo Gate Damberger Bamberger Ogden Coal Co Washington avenue Both phones 2000 He Was I T r u AI word was attempting to a crowd I of rowdies In the alley near hIs store on Grant avenue Saturday night one of the gang gan picked his pocket of a aIA IA purse containing In checks notes I and a little silver Sunday Sundar morning I the tho pocketbook was found back of the skating rink by two small boys who returned l It Ii to 10 Its rightful awner None one I of the tho notes noles or OJ checks had bean dis displaced I placed place Iwo silver dollars and n coun counterfeit coin were missing Rock Springs Kemmerer Castlo I Gate Gale and COliC Coke M L LJones Jones Coal Co Boys bo boys s ranging In from eight to seventeen years ears were arrested hy by Special I front from Saturday until this morning I Thc were ro all of riding their bicycles without bells bell They Thc will ap ap appeal peal 1 before the juvenile court couiL lIo Ilow Is lL it possible to tell whether whet the tho meats are U S Inspected I watch for the tho blue stamp on each picco of S Inspected and Pass Passed I ed cd I Plc Pleaded Not police court this ibis morning B B Drool Brooks and Dr Dl A Al l Ferulund pleaded not guilty to time tho I charge of exceeding the speed limit with their automobiles Their case will lie he heard tomorrow The They were allowed to go on their own recognizance ance Kodak In Police John lohn Coon Cooney Coone e ey arrested James Bradlo Bradley and Geo J Lloyd for creatIng n a disturbance in Electric AIle Alley Bradley did hl not appear appeal i In m police court this morning and his ball of 10 was forfeited Lloyd Llord as asserts assorts sorts lie he Is of the tho charge He pleaded not guilty and will have huc ills his trial tomorrow afternoon at 2 The trouble originated is the kitchen of the White House res where It Is alleged Braille Bradley entered and created no little feeling with Lime t c cook by putting pulling his hands In Inthe inthe the potatoes SprIngs Castle Gate Gao and Clear Creel Creek Gillette Coal Co West Vest St Phoned 1079 1074 He Appealed in Vain I wish you rou would kindly enlighten me as to what the word vagrancy glanc means asked C of the police judge this morning morn ing After the word was explained ed to him he pleaded pleadell not guilty to lo being Jein one of those things He told his story which might have hae to the tender heart of those not harden hardened ed to the dail daily police court grInd but it made no apparent impression on the judge He was lined finell HJ 99 o 01 as man mandas many days das In the city Jail The successful F Farmer will m market marlet his hogs hog ahead of his neighbor and m J the benefit of the high price Now ow Is the time to bring them In Og Oglon lon tIen Packing Co Purchased the C H Page an experienced re has pur I the eating department or of the I Elite milc and aud is now in charge of the tho cafe Advertisers must have their copy for Cor tho Evening Standard the evening be before fore foro Iho ho da day on which the tho advertise mentis mont is to appear In order to I publication I to of the tho Southern Pacific shops in this city aro at present engaged in iii arranging au an elaborate pru program ram of exercises for fol their annual outing this year A special train will carry and anel thick their families to for the thc day da dalU lU It Is likely time the big excursion wi vill l on day August S a few dun Buys after aHel pa pay tiny when all the tho boys hoys feel 1 generous and have lave plenty of cur currency rency for the event Tho hest service at Allens for inhale calls funerals or 01 operas also Iso baggage dell delivery very Both phones 22 3 street Board of Harriman have hae been heen advised I Thal ha t the Worcester oar of Trade part party lIn of people and occupying titre Pullman sleepers will arrive In Ogden from Seattle mil milI the I he tono Park Pall on time morning of August HI 19 After AHel a short sojourn in hi Ogden the pity will continue east eastover over oCr the thc Rio Hlo Grando system COAL celebrated Peacock eacock Rock RockSprings Springs omit the tho summer coal John Fa Farr 11 Phone 27 At the R Winch Winell th the Snit Salt Lake theatrical man ratan will take charge of the new ther ater alpl as manager tomorrow The lice deer orating at aL the tho pla play house Is nearly and Is hl beautiful The Tho big a drop curtain has been finish finished ed cd and is if being hung this afternoon It H has bet been n painted rind and Is In keeping with the oll other cr attractive features s of the tho theater R Raced ced With a a F Goss Gos stage manager at tho now new Orpheum and Robert on one o of the tho house houlle carpenters went to Salt Lake on their I motor cycles yesterday returning this morning mot The They made the lime trip down devil downIn In two hours and and camo hack back In three hours Tho They sa say time thc roads are arc ball bad In places While returning this morning GOtiS Goss ende or ored d to beat an Oregon Short Lint Line train Into Ogden a 1410 ln ors li n result ht he was Os I thrown Into a h and balI halIy shaken up ills machine was n nearly In water inter lint hut the tho engine kept running just the same mme The Tho train got goL hero horo first need needless loss to say aar Make Mke of county were In regular this morning and after con routine business was transacted the of In Increasing increasing creasing taxation on sheep and cattle was taken up and amid discussed at sonic length lenth The instructions from the state stale board of equalization were flied In ht regular forni fonn the board ad adl adjourned l d In order to accompany Asses or Dix to Salt Lake Lale where a formal protest will Ill be made to ro the state slate board of equalization against limo tho JO 90 per pel cent increase In assessments on cattle and sheep In county Jt It Is ii maill that the assessment on oil took tock of this character II Is fall fair and at al present mid and that a 1 40 10 per increase would he unfair md and nn and entail a great deal or of addi lIonal work and hea heavy expense Opium Mitchell N Ed Mar shallI anti S G Coal members of the gang or of were taken when a smoke joi L was raided early Sunday morning have nrc each cach forfeited their bail or of 50 Schultz who Is an anI I m ci Ie has left town rna and limo tho other dop hope fiend Is still In Sail jail The These e nuen are believed to bo be ment mem members hers bers o of a gang of crooks for whom the Ogden police were warned to be beon beon on the lookout by the Salt Lake au authorities Jerome Whitton le Je Jerome leroue rome roue the lie son of Mr Ir and Mrs John Jahn Whitton of 2117 Quine aye ave nue was s thrown from the tho faintly car carriage yesterday morn morning In near the Catholic church chin and narrowly escaped being crushed to death under the tho horses feet Ho He was wag finally rescued and taken to Dr DI Conro s once office where examination showed rath mth rather mthr er r severe injuries about the tho head and face hut but none or of which are arc consider considered eti ed fatal |