Show GARY INDIANA IS UNDER STATE RULE ChIcago August the he of a clash state and city of eve Oer Iho suppression of In law w at al Gary hid Ind hint city wIli be o tinder state rule mule today j sheriffs under command of r Sheriff Hunter of lf Lake county charge of the over the tho heat heal I of Knotts and his pollee d tie va eLi t FollowIng the lie announcement of GO I einor that he would send the tho bUtte to GarY Gar If lhee ell city ot of not take Immediate steps to out the lawlessness Assist Assistant Attorney Hodges he de I ant allt ProsecutIng I be would hn have several hundred deputy sheriffs in to close up thie blind Ill pigs an and other othor UI I places which he declares have hae been there I |