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Show H FOlt W03I UN AND II03IE H ITLM3 OP INTBnBBTPOR MAIDS MM AND MATRONS. H WaUt of IMITxtll Vrllaw Silk rrUrMk H f.r lllrli ! la-Hat Hi llaS A rroilnlne Ilat.ll Ilia Hah Oar H looking ai,i, Mm H In lil (turd!. H Cam. Iowa ii ih ii iil gantati Um Of !- ..-. . kllrW MM lin .,ui of iin I chllilhiiod B Th. ulra nf in.iiiilni. W'. 1 A "'I i h.nic ti..iv n wu plnll M In tt.r) Hi -i H Anil v.. ii inn tin- Ih. mr H Willi nil h.r vlrjln "imwa. j H And '" nn hi. lh tvnuljr 1 lilu i Hi' mM .ul I nllt hiw III' hirl WM Ih. ... It. w-r iiui btow.l 4m mil .liu I li I"' h'l"1" H MJ...n ' t !""" ,. , B I l.r i ir.kl .Mil' Ml"" " I"" J wiiii i"la i In M" -.!" H h.. olll Hi. ill hnv. "" Willi H Ami i ho i i HI' rb r H J Iom. ih l.r. .th .ir ..... mary. MMj IV Wflin ' r Ih aloe In. pruiMi i .mi". "' ',r (1'ur-att-lM B Th. imn liolllh h H I ii... ih. flaim-m ii'l , 1 And Ilia . i I '"' "clock. M itt 'hey hi if if rlin era! ngls H KOI rlunli. rt ro llisv.n IroWB. MM A aplrU hmalilK i.tl-r MM tn.al Mo., m t.-rni hrr efowa- MU J know It ll. h.rt MUM UM Clm aofllv tlmilns down. H Oil. Iirlaht tr.. h in.reW. H Ant ml hi. H..lln erw. H Th hlrll-wliua ..r Hi" enlumMn. Tia latkaptir lln na Mvt-Ilul Mvt-Ilul I will uk Hi" h-art's-seas And all the ml tnk rout . II rtUt I'norntl a)Mffanl In Ih Woman! Wo-man! llama i fimhanl'in. fal-a r III II.IB.U. A lllllas 1 1 mo to mak th lunula beau-tltul beau-tltul neid not be grudgd vn by lb busiest lomm. when It U Mid Unit beautiful hands are worthy IniUH-tnenU IniUH-tnenU ot beautiful acta. The nod. tooltt tkln thai make the touch of a woman' hand hi soothing to the fevered fe-vered brow, to Inspiriting tti tho tired. ntrvelet hand which It elatp, cannot t obtained or preirvl without due vbacnranea of hrsl'nlc laa anddetro. tlon to coatnetlca. UxcUa hrat or old r not onlr ru dutrttcllfe to Ih fbeaulr of Ih hamli a to th beauty of ,th tMf. but If Ions continued thr kniy to orffC th natwork ot the nerra m to mar Ih delicacy of th loueh. In -waihlng the handa th temperature of ID water ahould be made a matter of uarc and tepid water only ahatild b -uccl. Core ahould b taken lo dry th tiandi thoroughly before ekpoilng to th air. Aa the wind and tun roujhen knd dlitolor the handa. glove ahould Wlwaya be worn. The beat Rlovt are tma ot dogikln, which bai the properly prop-erly ot aotlenlnc lb tkln of tho band , and keeping It In good condition Next I to food home-made aoap. pur entile I III thtb?l IBS "!)'1 hand w-.r.n,nara'ii onlrt1 bS'thoTO'igMy'waan d with aoap and tepid rater, rlnaed nd then aoaped ngaln aud rubbed until un-til th aoap on them forma a lather, fler which they are to be dried without with-out again riming They ahould then -be lightly wiped with a oft towel tnoletencd with aom aromatic toilet water. Thta treatment will keep th akin line and white Th yolk of a treih egg, almond nnd theitnut meal, oatmeal and bran, are all tuetul for 1 -whitening and refining the akin of the j handi. Tho following recipe tor the Mme purpoee la a good one Sweet k , almond oil, CO grain, virgin wax, 11 I ' grain, apcrmicetl. 13 grain Heat the ubUnrr-4 In a water bath In thre aeparate rcviel When hot, pour all Into a cold vcrl and beat thur- 't oughly. Then put Ih mlxturo Into a bowl of cold water, contlm beating , until while Thle l lo be applied to f the hand and arm every night on go- EL lut to bed, or glovca apread with It ! may be worn. Another preparation I ! , a follow: Two yolk ot frr.h eggi, i two tablepoonfula of oil of tweet al-monda, al-monda, SO gram of rote wator, eight grama tincture of benxoln. Heat yolka l, with the oil, then add the ro water, fe; and l'tly the tincture of bcnjoln 7, Tli llalr. ft-' "V Th hair haa a great deal lu do with yt one' appcorotice. alinotl a much a ' ' the leeth; yet mauy pcrtona who lake fair care of their teeth neglect their (,. hair woefully. "Tlio very bct thlnt? if to du In order to keep the hair In good fT condition I to ruaaenge the tcalp dally. 1 Tola ayatematlo uianlpulallon kecpa B( . the akin from tightening aud proventa . the head from becoming, aa It were, i,v hide bound, llalr cannot grow on a p itlffened, glnwy akin, which ha gut m- Into tuch a dry aUte that It, to to B ipeak, no longer brratbe. It your M ball- !oa algn ot llfeleane&f, or th K, I icolp feel aoro lo tbo touch, go to a K I tood tnaueuia twice a week. It you Bu R tannot conveniently do that take a Hft iciaon or two learn, by all meant, to Hpr uanlpulato your tcalp yourtelf. It It BgV io great tatk, and It will keep what Rh lalr you have and encourage more to WSSt iome. At all cventt, don't drag the Bgg : lalr off your head by bruthlnt. It 1 Wm a l pretty well exploded Idea that bruth- gg. ng la beneficial. Above all thlug, T lever attempt to free the head or hair K, tf dual with a "fine conib"-thnt la "Mt " Icalb to the hair, aa I too much -uih- v jig, Fivs or six times a year 11 quite (j- if ten enough for a thampoo. One ot lie rcatoba why more men than a omen aro baldbeaded It becauae men, lavlnc ahort bnlr, aro apt to wet the lead dally, wblcb practice rarrlo oft g--.t the natural fertlllilng tecretlone. Too Mi such water rota the hair. & ' A rainlalu Mal.lU i' A vlgorout nolo ot wurnlng acaintt the ouentlally feminine habit of buld bis pint lu the mouth bat been A; lounded by Dr. A. iloaao t,wr. In a 1 teccnl lecture to the tied Crox nunv. S 'Don't do It," he ay. "Not to much PAnia mocK Fori aim. op twelve. ilade oi pialn and itrlpd blue nun'a torn, which fatten the little ttrapt oi vtlllng over white tatfla lining. Tlw black velvet ribbon. The ttocklngt nvcrtklrt and open bloute are trimmed are of gray tltk, embroidered with with broad cream lace and pearl but black. from fear of awallowlng It for that i would mean only a aurglcal ratv but I from fear, bated upon good grounda, of I contagion. Tuberculoma nnd many I other dlteniea can be trnntmlttod In I noxfjler way. A Under the ihend ot tbo plfnirklnrtt gerWrnaTle "located, and Irritating tbo tongue ever to little render one liable to contract dlieate. i:cn a new paper ot pin It not abovo auiplclon. In Europe rapcdally boyt prowl about the tlreeti, hunting for pint, which they carry to tho factory and tell to the manufacturer. Thrae are laid In rowt, and go In with tbo new pint, looking a Innocent at their fellow, though they are far from what they appear" The quettlmiablo habit of women putting pencil nnd allver money In their mouth waa alto placed In the aame category of "dungerou" and to bo avoided I ITalll or ItaRodll Tallow alia. I Ot dattodll yellow illk; bloute effect tn front, with row ot dark bluo ribbon running acroa; vt of tacked yellow raotiatellne do tale; revert ot India embroidery. (Urban HUOoru. llolllug ta not the only method avail, able for vegetable). Some which have patted their prlmo may be rendered wholetomo and Bood by ttewlng, and firmer, toucher klrnl will l good when braltcd. Watery vegetablee, like cucumbers and ta.uantien, are very good baked, whllo vegetable aoup afford eiidlet variety. Young vegetable thould be cooked In boiling water but th temperaturo thould be reduced, according ac-cording to ate, old vegetable, late In tho teuton, being better It put on In cold water nnd cooked long and tlowly. Derrlea tor Jam thould be gathered In dry weather, and the bett tiiffar u,tHl. which I cheaper, at Iom kuiu Rather than when cheaper tugar U ued. Too lltUe tugar will make Jam ferment, and too much will retull tn candying; the name will happen If boiled too long, Tbo flator of bread pudding la Improved Im-proved by adding five or lx almond I chopped fine. A thin It tho richest part of meat for itcwt, na It contain to miicii marrow. Meal for ttowa thould alwaya b cut Into convenient pieces for tcrvlng. If apple are cored before peeling they are not ao apt to break. In making a desert when gelatine, gela-tine, milk nnd ingar are all med, mix tho gelatlno with the tugar before It la dlwolved In milk, to prevent the milk from curdling OUII COOKINO SCHOOL. Orel. Cultup. Take five pound ot grape; boll, thin rub through n colander llrtt aud tlero after; add two and oae-half pounda of augur, one pint ot vinegar, one tablcapoonful each ot (round elate, cinnamon, alltplce tad pepper, one-halt teaipoonful ot talt. Doll twenty minute. Dottle. Tomatc alui. To one gallon of tomatoet, after being be-ing boiled and attained throuth a col-under, col-under, add three tablctpoonfult of talt, one tablrtpoouful each of cloven, cinnamon, cin-namon, alltplce and black pepper, one tnmll leoapoonful caynne pepper, ono pint good vinegar. Hull to the proper contlttency and bottle while hot. lilcktn l'roaatta. Hare ready a cupful ot cold chicken; chop very lino, tako a iraatt lump of butter and boat very hot, itlr In a tpoonful ot milk, thicken vlth flour. When cooked, add a beaten egg. the chicken, pepper, talt and a llttlo thyme. Spread out on n platter to cool. When wanted form In croquette, dip In grated bread crumb and fry In hot lard. Appta tlrrlntu ri. Tare, tllce, ttew and inctten ripe, tart, and Juicy applet, math nnd tea-ton tea-ton with nutmeg, or ttew lemon peel with them for flavor; OH th crutt and bake them until done, preJ ocr the apples a thick meringue made by whipping whip-ping to a troth the whltet of three egg tor each pie; aecten with three table-ipoonfu! table-ipoonfu! of powdered tucar; flavor with tanllta; brat until It will ttand alone; cover plo three-quarters ot an Inch thick, tet back Into a quick oven until well tot. To be eaten cold. Ivltd Tumatu Skin and tllce thickly three tolld tomatoe. Sprinkle Uzhtly v. lib one teaipoonful salt and fry sic brown In two tablctpoonfult butter. To what It left In pan add on half teaspoon dry muttard, half teatpooa talt, bait teaapoon tugar and dath pepper. Heat lightly olk ono eg, add tlowly one tableepoon Worcestertblr tauce, itlr Into tbo other Ingredleott, cook and itlr till rlilck; ndd two tablespoons lemon Juice and pour overtomatoc. |