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Show HIUTISII ULTIMATUM- NC0OTIATI0N8 WITH THAN8-VAAL THAN8-VAAL DBOLAIItlU OP I'. Wmir I mil. tlllln Male II I tl.it It, lurlh.r I iir.ue IH-raMton lleer Alu.l CSime In li-rn.. I oiidon, bept 97 The ofBelala of the foreign office hare given out the text of the letter of the aeeralory of atato for thu colonic. Mr Ihaniber-lnlu, Ihaniber-lnlu, to tho MrltUh high omoilwdotiir lu A fried, Mr Alfred Milner, dated Scptcmlicr 39 'I lie llrltli.li repl) ex retee regret that her innjcaty a offer number a of initemlier , bad been refuaed. ami m): "Tho objeat her mojeety govern-mint govern-mint had In vlen In tho recent nego-Hon nego-Hon ha been Mated In a manner whlih can not admit of mltapprehen-atou, mltapprehen-atou, via., to obtain Immediate representation repre-sentation for tho Dutlander a will i liable them to Men re for Ihemtelvi that fair and Jutt treatment whleh mm formnll) promised them In lictl nnd which her maletty InUndrd to (euro for lln. in whin the granted prlvlligi of telf (.ovcruincnt to tho Iriinhvaul No conditlona Iomcoiu prehcntlve thnn thote contalneil In the teltgram of Splimlitr 8 can be rilled upon to iffiit till object lhe rcfutnl of the houth African government to entertain the oiler thu made, mining a It doc after four month of protractrd negotiation end live year of oxtrndid agitation and mnkck it umlrkt to further purine the dltiUMtlon on the line hitherto fol- lonid and the Imperial government I lompeltcd to toimldir the tltuatlon nfreah ami foriuuliite IttownpropoMl for a Until ailtltmiiil of the Imui- whhh have bien created In South Africa by thu dlcy constantly fol-lowol fol-lowol for nuny yenr b) the government govern-ment of South Africa. Mr Chamberlain conclude b) haying hay-ing thu drmundtof llritalu aro Jutt, nud that charge and Inclination of hnach of faith tan not be patted over In allenre |