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Show COALLOON 8PIDERO. H Vliat rloat Thronsh tl Air In Ilaaftet (sssl They llaaa Tfn.aa. jH Tho ordlnsry California buzzard, and. jD tho singular ravens of Hants. CaUllnaJ fMi laland, often give marvelous exhlbt- .JtHri tlons ot altering or rising In the sin JlVH without moving tbelr wine-, and when i Iffl It la remembered that their bodlea artti IHE reduced to a minimum weight, and Ua3B that even the bone an filled with sJr.i RBI It Is almost r,ml0. mid literally true) IHM that they ure living Ulloons Aa or HI stroller who had dtwetidrd tho bank! VfS, by n little trail crouched low In tbo tUft hndow tit n wild lllnr b saw axitntt' HH tbo dark green lnk ot lhe opposlto 1 RAV ranyon a utlineb antait men nnomer,, YWki drifting down the uitral channel on H the wind Othera followed rt procci- nsjw slon of webs waa immIiik. some wer IH long and formed nt single thread oC HI silk, othera had w dcllcatn rami ot. IfH fabric attached Pirwtitly one ot them. iH caroo so near thai be put out his hand. H snd caught It It was a perfect bal- . B loon, and the aeronaut it small spider M aat complacently on It basket, a M fluffy mas of neb hull an Inch In H length lUbt as a f'nitbrr, end sup- H ported by a long thread which reaches H away, undulating and curving upward. H Scores of these aeronaut pasted by, drifting up tho Utile ninjun, borno aloft by the upward i urrriit of the air. H The droller noticed number ot apt H ders on the leaves and branches In sin- gular attitudes, and then It occurred to) him that there was n apldor migration and that Instead of walking or crawl- Inn away, tbo insects wero going, us essj Andree, by balloon More on tho I leave of the wild lilac wir preparing; for the Journey acme thu ihosm, forming, form-ing, building and Iauucbln4 their balloons. bal-loons. A spider that bad been actively climbing up a branch uf neighboring; oak now stood on nn outer leaf on prepared to make It balloon. It had n wonderful arrangttuent ot spinnerets spinner-ets In which Iho Ulltion-maklng ma- tcrlal, which I also employed tn con- ' struct nets and trai . I stored Born ot lb spiders have an additional spinning spin-ning organ and a comb-Hko Implement upon tbe hind leg by which thoy l comb out the silk, mnklng a tangle ot fine weba Thu Ibcy urn well pre- l pared to make cable for balloons, gny rope, net, and, by tho aid ot tb comb, a fluffy platform web. Some, of tho spider made Utile platforms ot fluffy web as they went, nllier merely w clung to tbe thread, but. In ono way or j the other, score of them rroreed tha canyons and traveled through the air, aeronauts In all the mime) Implies. |