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Show THAIN WRECK ON A UniDOC. rmr I . . nt a Irjh. N...I I ton, tntiil llralli Murytlllc, Mo.hejit 97 All Omaha-ht Omaha-ht l.oult train load of exeuralonltt, riturulng from IhoOiunhn eolllou, wn nrnked on a bridge over the I'lntte rlir hire and all on board mlrneuloutl) iMapid Injur) lliu track Kprcnd Jutt Iwforo tho train pawed upon tin bridge and the rallt were torn up lhe bridge partially guru wu) and tho euglno and two roarhe toppled and Ml Into It a Abort illttance Inudlng on koiueof the uppi r timber 1 hoe proved ttrong enough to support then and the xii nger badl) frlghtined were able to climb nut of tho window and door and reach ml Id ground uninjured I ho bridge 1 tninty fcit high whero the i-oailieittruik uud the water In the river I nliout eipmllydiep. Irnln-nun Irnln-nun kh thut It teem llku a miracle that tho train uf live co.ii hen all of which wne heavily loaded wlthexiur-lonlU wlthexiur-lonlU did not po through |