Show COUNCIL AS REVERSED ITSElf Before the regular business ot of the session was taken up Councilman Thomas moved moel that the rules bo be sus suspended suspended for the tho purpose or of considering the tho communication or of Mayor A L Brewer submItted to the council last Monday night In which he recommended mended that the retail liquor license ot of George FrO Frye proprietor of tho Globe saloon be revoked Acting on this recommendation the council ordered revoked ut at th the thelast last Since Sinco then Fr Frye e has hasI taken the matter into the dIstrict I court and an order by J A Howell was Issued ordering the tho mayor and the members of the be council to appear bolero before hint him December 4 t with all ot of the records of the tho proceeding to show cause wb why Frye Fre should be deprived or of bl his license Frye Matter Causes Cause Trouble I IA A communication from Cram City noy no DeVine was rend read last night in which he be recommended that Fr Frye e bo be I given a hearing bearing This communication tion caused a storm of debate Coun Councilmen I Austin and Dana Dann criticised the actions ot of time tho cit attorney and nd de declared that he should ho bo present to explain this communication Council Councilman man Dana declared that the council h had d acted on the attorneys s advice when hen the license tine revoked and Councilman Austin suggested that there thero was wag danger of oC getting tho coun councilmen In a still muddle It was explained by CouncIlman Peery that DeVine could not be present Councilman DIckson moved moed to have havethe I the attorneys communication I to tho law committee An amendment to have It referred to the corn I was offered b by Councilman Pc Peery cry After ACter motions and amendments had been piled up Into an almost Inextricable In Inextricable extricable mat mass s Councilman Powers I cited Roberts Rules of Order that the council had no right to r re reconsider consider the tho action unless a weeks notice had been heon pr previously given More debate followed but finally n a tion was to conform with the tho 1 suggestions ot of the tho city attorney and next Friday evening was set for the tho hearing at which Mr lr Frye will appear before the council to submit his side of th the controversy The Ogden Rapid Transit company was ordered to place Its tracks on grade grado In all the paved d districts May Action The rhe outcome or of this hearing may mar probably result In the dismissal ot of the action In the thc district court should the council decide that it had no right richt to revoke All of the tho memo mem hers of the council voted In favor Cavor of I adopting the resolution allowing Frye a hearing bearing FrIday night e Comma COlin lImen Austin and Dana who ox plain cd that thO they believed the council was involving itself Itsel In a worse muddle than before b by such action CIty Engineer Parker submitted ab abstracts abstracts of oC all tho water rights which were prepared by Abstractor F FB FB B DeVoto The Tho records were ordered filed with the city recorder Short Line Gets Franchise An ordinance granting a franchise to the Oregon Short Line railroad company com company pany for the constructIon of a spur track on Vall Nall avenue between and streets and nn an ordinance creating sidewalk district and levyIng a special tax lax upon abutting property owners passed theIr third and final reading Upon the tho r recommendation of Coun due Con Contractor Contractor tractor Pat Moran oran for work In paving district was ordered paid The Thc Wheelwright Construction com coin compan pan upon the recommendation or of the thc city engineer was allowed I 40 as an estimate or of work done dono In district and a par partial estimate of work done In sidewalk I dIstrIct The Tho payrolls for tor the tho past two weeks for the various of the city amounting to 1 were approved Sanitary Inspector Shorten reported 23 3 cases casas ot of con conta contagious Ill dIseases In the tho city at the tho or of the week ending November 29 |