Show I I COLORADO HAS MARBLE EQUAL TO THAT OF ITALY New cw York Nov o Corsi whose family am II controls control the out outI output put of fin fine marble marbo has returned hero from an Inspection of the tho Colorado marblo fields and declares then them to tobe tobe be or of inestimable There Thoro I pen plenty or of beautiful marble In Colorado sald id Mr Consi COnil who sails loila for boise Tho pure pur white marble Is IR quite quit 85 5 good as s ours oura The green marble I is nOd we wC have hao nothing hike It In i Italy They The have havo produced no statuary marble In Colorado ns as yet t but thy they Are bound to find It as they go on The quarries out there thoro are aae neW and th the further they thew KO go In th the better r marble th will find nd Our some m or th them m at least leas nn arc lii it II ars 0 old Id Wr Vc do nr et the hI as U thc tin n ru rub t b hr f t j 11 J a 1111 and cut tut It down as w we go along The quarries here are better than ours In that they have on only I one OM of marble Ours have hao four oua 01 o fic |