Show I i VOTE IN N ALABAMA I Birmingham Ala Aa XO Nov In point to 10 a majority of 11 hr t en and In n a against th the prohibition constitutional todo today I Chairman J Ue Lee Long who ball ba baI I been In or of the fight the tho amendment claims calms that the majority against t tho amendment will ahI bu be full fully Early returns Indicated a against the tho amendment anti and succeed succeedIng tag Ing bulletins Cully bore bolo out th the early Iud indications leat Ions Jefferson n county In which is s HI the the UIO largest city in the stale In spite of the fact that th the fight has been bean concentrated herr here gave a nut mH of more titan than one thousand against t the Mobile Montgomery and Cullman coun 06 show lOw the tho largest on the I torJus side and apparently the I amendment carried earnd In coun il i n M b iu I anti and Sumter Ur I II I I II 1 her ip II I 1 ro rod l cart ll not cc i i I ed Cd as a straight lt vim Ie 1 or orv because of personal persona polItics In Injected Injected into the Its association with the administration of Corner Comer and his reported ability to I name a I to the governorship II in Judge S N KI Kley of the tho prohibitIon bills hn have e figured prominently In the tho result A f significant feature of the result Is tire the fact that sentiment a against the amendment Is Isso isso so widespread Rural precincts small towns owns nut cities for fill the mot most part rot majorities on art the tho inning side k A fact or of especial t In election was that It was the first time In the history of the state late that thal an ox ex expression of the tho whole had bad beet been on prohibition The statewide prohibition bill wa pa passed h by a l legislature elected on a acol heal col option In Ii Birmingham the tho election was wag the tho 1 most exciting ever r witnessed here I o ot people crowded around I adl pla place c women anti chill ehll I don ang and brass band hanth statIoned hy by the played patrIotic I Ii i airs I |