Show Ir INSANITY CAUSES TO Greeneville 0 Nov mur daring his mother and t a deputy sher lff who had attempted W to arrest him and probably fatally Injuring another I woman Boll nad her hor husband Clyde CIde Weaver I Ier er 34 years old committed this afternoon Weaver Voyer was d declared by physicians to be afflicted with witt TA ego eso and was under suspended from the probate C court At this afternoon Sheriff John I F Haber and Deputy Deput Sheriff William H Farra o atT went to leavers house to arrest him The appearance or of the officers seemed to drive the man violently insane He opined lire re upon them from rom an upper window and Farra fell feU wounded A moment later Weavers mother ran from rom the house crying Jm Im shot bot fell dead dMd at tho feet of oC the sher sheriff iff While Haber nas trying to revive the woman Weaver walked from the tho Louie LOU e carrying a revolver He went to the woodshed where FArra had bad crawled and tired fired twice at the wounded wound ed d ottS r killing him He then lumped Jumped Into the buggy baggy In which the I had bad come to th the house bouie and Z i drove ro to the home ot of Levi a neighbor from Whom ht he demanded protection Wh n Minnich hesitated t tJ nilow him to enter the tho house t r drew his revolver and shot Min Minnick lIn nick through the back bRck Weaver then tt on Mrs Minnich and shot her twice it A largo large posse poN quickly surrounded the house and two deputy sheriffs broke through the tho door They Thoy dis dh discovered covered the body o of Weaver VeaTer under n bed lie he had used hi his last bullet to blowout blow out his own brains The condition or of Mr And Mrs Min lIn r Ilch ich Is critical |