Show NOT MiT TO GO GOTO O OTo TO PRISON Gompers and nd th Other Labor leaders Are Granted a Stay No Nov court of appeals of the District of Columbia ullon request of counsel for the tho labor leaders leades today granted a stay star until November 29 of time the Issuance or of th mandate sendIng President Gompers Compers MItchell and Secre Secretary tan tary Morrison of the American Fed Fedoration oration of Labor to jail for contempt of the court of the District of Columbia in the tho Buck stove stoe anti and range case Chief f Justice stated that If the In or lenders would It by No I I W 29 time the the supreme court I of the United States reconvenes file flIe that court a rOle for n a further sta stay of the mandate would be on application allon granted pending the determination b by time the higher trl tn bunal of the application As a result of this action Gompers and Morrison need not has haston hasten ton ten to Washington as It would not be necessary for fOI them to surrender I nor wIll they have hac to l SOrl to habeas proceedIngs I I Cheers in Toronto Toronto Out No Nov greeted the tue announcement made marle b by nt Gompers In I time he conventIon of time the American of today that a stay lund had been heen granted In the matter of time the mandate sendIng I Morrison and himself to jaIl Ve re may be able to pat oat our Thanksgiving dinners at home after aCter all au remarked President Gompers I |