Show WIll fORM FO lARGE LAROL l LA Largest Dam in World is Being Constructed On Rio Grande Orande El EI Paso Texas Nov II senatorial Irrigation commit tee headed by br Senator Carter Is to tolay lay eJay Spending the thic day clay at time the Elephant flam dani site fille of El EI Paso in iii New cw Mexico Pius h th the greatest Ir Irrigation project lii tile world oven even larger than time the dam In It will wIli cost eight million dollars and require eight years in iii constructIon The Flie lako halic to he be formed b by the will willbe ho be rort forty mIles nilles long arid will hold time the entire low flow for years or of the Rio Grunde G ran d C The damn dam Is being built between two solid rock roch banks and will IrrIgate 25 acres of land In New Mexico Tex Texas Texa as a and Mexico The of the darn dam fulfils a treaty obligation with Mexico leo The country complained for t twenty wen ty years I against time the stoppage or of the flow ot f the Rio Grande hy 13 denuding time the Colorado watershed and time the matter was finally settled by treaty by which the United States agreed to Impound the waters of time the International stream and aud iii vide them with Mexico cost to the latter iatter cOuntry |