Show LOOPED SKIRTS By this time lime next year car tho looped q skirt of toda today may be e n a monstrous and freak In III the tho closet while toLla today It is th the admiration or of overy oon woman But Buth Buter er why h look ahead Women are arc going to wear war and you may JUny der e act pond on It that not one dresser In 20 wm will cast asido a fine gown so fashioned for ono that I Imad Is mad made lip up with long an and high hight t neck If Is he be Yet such gowns are aro made In till the most I manner with little not nol very ery long longto to hp be sure Mun hut but sleeves nevertheless which In many cases are arc a portion I I of the gorgeous over OYO r trImmings furnished fur II in bertha and plastron On on one dress r f or of pale pink satin the 10 low cre cut bodice was wag surrounded with a 0 ere I I or of pearls and film filmy white lace laco over liver tissue It formed a two I Inh hand band around the edge odge also small r caps ap plastron front j and h V at the tho IJa bael It H was 11 the only trimming upon y 1 the gown yet et n a finish for forthe or ork k th the dress |