Show c RANDOM I REFERENCES RN CS Girls wanted at the Cannin CanninI C I Two weeks I Young Folks L J Ball Batt of McGill Nevada anti and Nellie L Comp Compton ton of oC ODgden were married maried In Salt Lake Lako City Thursday Nov 0 Mr and Mrs Ball will return to Ogden In a few days The Removal of the Forest Service from the First National Bank Build Building i ing will make vacant a 1 number of I oMco rooms hr by December 1st R lie lies s can ean now be bc made by apply appl applIng applying Ing nt at the tho build building In room I R It L I Ingram of Guaymas Mexico was an Ogden visitor Saturday and I Sunday I md and board b boung by young oung man employed In store lose close In InState State price B 20 care Standard I A number of changes wore were made at atI atthe I the Reed lintel hotel during tho past week Lorenzo Hales has been promoted to I timo tho position of day dar clerk and Ralph Uander succeeds Hales as night clerk I I I I If your neighbors do not use uso B BG Ba I G a Dutter ask aale them to tr try It be the best friends got if you OU do Mr Ir and Mrs William Watt of at La Laton LaY LaYton ton wore were meeting wi with th their friends In O Ogden clen durin during a part of last week Its Business Is to Burn and It does docs I LewIs Good Coal Phones Robert Hobert So of was an all Ogden vIsitor a few days das duro dur lug IlIg the latter part of oC last week Take advantage or of the big biS sale at atthe time the Princess MillInery Co 2374 Wash WashA A VO c A dolts dolls hat hal given shen away with every OO purchase 1 I I I have that good coal Asael Parr Farr i I Coal Co James Y spent tho great greater or er portion of last week In Layton via i I his For Sate Sale Real always have a farm to sell HUNTER KENNEDY KENNED Mrs Irs Charles Barton and children wore visitors during the hat at tor part of last week Coal guaranteed the besL Sold only b by M I L Jones Coal Co md Ind Bell Mrs Ellen Barton of ton Is spending a short time at the Utan Hot Springs for fot her health She II Is I feeling hotter hetter than lhnn wit when en she came to lo lotho tho springs Bu Buy Tour roar Approved d garments t the rhe he Utah Knitting Co They make them Sale now nouv on St SL I To Go and Mrs A D Balber will lea leave Tuesday on the Ov Os Overland erland Limited for tor Chicago where they wili for a few days Th They j jwill will spend ing with Dr Bat Bathers hers parents and return to Ogden December 1st I Coal Co 15 Vest Both phones 1074 a j T Ramsey his daughter Miss Ed Edna Edna na May and son Roy returned to their home in Oakland sunda morning af aC tel tar spending two in Ogden STORAGE at reasonable rates raten In good bood brick building jf It you ou need any room consult Jo Johi J 8 SODS Sona Company I Few men can get winter em employment at the tho Sugar Factory Factor b by ap applying plying to the Superintendent at the Factory Ran Into a runaway carl early this morning on lower fi th street At about time Troy Laundry delivery horses horse became frightened by tho th whis tie of time the laundry and ran awa awaIt away It dashed around the co cornei rn eJ ot of ValI avenue and streets and ran like a alon Tw Twenty nty fifth to Lincoln avenue H ho made madea 1 a udden dart for the Watkins gro cery cen store litoro The Tho Infuriated animal In plunging Into time the plate glass at the west side bf the store breaking it Into innumerable pieces The burse was as b badly lly cut but no bones bonesI were broken rho rhe cuts lIts on the animal I were sere about the nose and legs with slight scratches on the bod body Are re thing Is that the animal dragged cd by br the bit a weight attached to a strap United Cigar Whalon of the United Cigar Stores if f the tho United States was WiS In Ogden Sunday Sundar callIng upon his old friend Manager p J 1 Murphy of the Pacific hotel bile here Mr lr Whalen looked I over oer the field in Ogden Ogdon with a vl view w of a branch store In all cities of size the United company have hac from one to twenty stores They have two stores In Salt City New to the tho de deoC delight light of oC the people of oC Osden and the of oC time the posto co Ce department the Federal building contained tIme thu this morn morning Ing Many people went ent to the office who dId not expect to get tet mail They Ther want wanted d to see the magnificent The Tho interior 58 a marvel to the tho visitors and thc thy were In their praises of oC time tho building and the men who were instrumental In haslag haing it erected In Inthe time the city The old quarters are bar barred barred red and nii bolted against the public the tho Inscription upon the boards that fast fastened ened the front entrance being This l lace is Locked Up Sugar Pay Amalgamated Sugar company today Is paying the farmers for a part of their sugar beet crop at Ogden Logan and The amounts to be paid at the differ different ent places are O Ogden den la 10 lagan gan 1 and Lewiston or a total of The Tho local offic has been beon R a scene of much actIvity hundreds of farmers visiting the place placito to draw their checks I Rea Reasons ons for beginning I or cut construction work on time the Ely Gold Goldfield I field railroad Is beIng held back by bj bythe the absence of C B who has mis haul had charge of the New Ness York end of the he project and a recent accident to lohn Ryan superIntendent of time the Tonopah and Tidewater railroad who has been heen looking after the surveys Mr Ir Zabriskie after an attack of oC ill illness ness to Cuba sonic some ago for his health and will be absent I about aboul three weeks longer Mr Ryan Is In a hospital nt at Oakland Califor nm with a broken arm and a broken brokenleg leg JL It Is that the tho promoters ers era of the new coal road are arc delaying pending negotiations with time the big systems they are In bottar to negotiate for terms before beginning construction Stake MeetIng The regular monthly priesthood meet meetIng meeting Ing of oC the Tebe Stake convened In Inthe inthe the Ogden Second ward institute Sun Sunday day cia November 14 at 2 P m in with First Counselor Charles F presIdIng and amid Second Counselor John Wat WatsOn n conducting the exercises Thore present by br count an Increase of twelve as compared with October meeting After Arter general as meeting for 50 minutes de department work was taken up Mohl man of the police department has hns gone one to Salt Lake to set get requisition papers from G Governor Spry lou for David Woods a colored man who Is being held b by the officers of Boise Idaho Wood Is charged with forging the en endorsement endorsement of J T flitter Ritter on a check drawn rawn in Ritters favor by H L 1 for 1012 October Mi II will leave for Cor Boise Bolso some sometime sometime time during the da day and he expects to return within two ou 01 three days Sent to Industrial Bre Bremer mer mar and Ed Stewart were tried in the court Saturday for larceny and commItted to the State Stale Industrial schools The bo boys s lund had of late been gathering quite an n extensive arsenal from parties without their knowledge Or consent Girl airl Eastman the tho young woman who ran awn away from time the court here sonic some time ago go and took up quarters In iii Salt Lake Lale was arrested Saturday In 15 Officer Ja Jacobs cobs She will be charged with before Judge Through Ruby giving time tho cache away to the Salt Lake IlliO officers plunder worth to was found and anda a bad man maim landed In jail Cool temperature this morninG reached its lowest point so fat this fall Call The thermometer registered only 28 degrees degroes above aboc zero Civil the civil division of the tho Municipal court this morning Henry T J Garner flied filed suit against t Basil Spiers to recover alleged to be due clime on an open account AnnIe Meyers commenced a civil action ag against Mrs Irs Emma for Cor 55 claimed to bo be due on a contract New C Jacobs has granted permission to n a 2600 2500 r resIdence nce on Monroe avenue between and Twenty seventh streets The Pacific Realty company Is buIldIng three residences on BInford avenue het between and Jaks n a avenues md and and amid The fh wIll cost and arc aue expected to be rend ready for fOl occupancy pancy within four months time Depot Pay DayTime entire force of time the Union Depot company compan as well weli a atho as the tho of the tho freight yards wore ere paid off today by Secretary Fred FredN N Hess iress of the Depot company was uvas distributed to the boys bos bosIn In cheeks checks Departs for Omah T B Huntley chief engineer of time the Union Pacific left for Omaha this after n a afew few days das visit In iii Utah hooking over the local auti aud thIs end of the Utah divIsion of the Union Pacific John Philip Sousa wilt will Os a usual appear before his distinguished hand handoC of oC musicians anti and celebrated soloIsts at the Ogden Tabernacle this even lag Ing TIme Tho eminent composer and leader played yesterday at Reno Rena Nevada Neada and his unquestionably played In time the vast ast number or of encores quickly anti and pleasantly responded to toIl It Il Is claimed that the tho concert was one of the most enjoyable ever eol given ghen b by bythe the great bandmaster anti and was replete with treats and surprises Time The Glor Glory of oC the thc Yankee Navy Navr the latest Sousa march and the new Sousa Instrumental suite People who live In glass houses were heard for time the first time and proved to be beas beas as extremely popular as their predecessors predecessors Much enjoyment real realIzed realized by the rendition of Air lIr Sousas various encore concerts The Tho Misses lIsses Frances FIances and amid Grace Hot Hoyt HotIn In their duets and MIss lIss Florence with her masterful playing left nothing to be bc desired amid Herbert I 1 Clarke showed wonderful on time the cornet by his rendi rendition tion of Showers or of Gold said to he hethe the tho most difficult cornet soo ever While hil the sale of scats has been extremely encouraging choice seats scats may stIll sUll be had for tIme the local conS con concert cert cart The March KIng Is I In excellent health and a thoroughly con concert concert cert Is firm In time the expectation or of the local lovers or of the beat In |