Show WHERE SHALL THE LINE BE DRAWN The federal divisIon of Hon Is all tangled up UJ In a perplexing snarl by Ils slapdash ruling that no Asiatic may be admitted to American citizenship The Tho courts In CalifornIa Bays s the tho San Francisco Call have bad several cases before them at the tho In Instance instance stance of the division an and in these the rulings so far he hare not been heen uniform The Tho law says that none nono but free fleo white persons can be naturalized The dl di division vision Ision was cocksure that these words excluded all and Turks be besides skies sides Now ow there Is no runn nian living who knows enough to define Turk I for this purpose If It Is held to in I elude all subjects of the sultan suitan It I would exclude numberless Greeks Creeks and Armenia s The created hy hs tho ruling will appear from the tho tol fol following lowIng enumeration It Is Impossible to draw the line sharply against nil all simply be because cause como come from rom Asia or are aro des les irom froni people or of Asiatic There Thero are Bre man many In that thal part of the earth who are whites The Russians now Siberia are or of orthe the white race tio tho Georgians are of I Ithe the tite purest Caucasian t pc the ilie Pers much perhaps have Caucasian blood and the Arabs can I hardly he be called Mongolians The Tho Armenians have been een conquered from rom time to time b by Asiatic hordes and and there hns been considerable erable racial In intermixing between them and other I but they ther have preserved a distinct t type pe which While Asiatic like the Persian is not imd anti their civilization Is Christian As for forthe forthe the Turks how to them eth ethnologically I Is 15 a mystery If all sub subjects o of the tho sultan are to ho ha excluded from American citizenship Greeks I and lIa as well as Armen Armenians 1 Inns ians Kurds and Arabs would also have hae to be rejected The Tho Turkish em 4 pire Is a welter or of races aWl and It still stillI I has one leg on European so soil There Thero aro ar Turks who ho are undoubtedly Mon Mongolian Ion golian In type assuming Mongolian to Include the Tartar hut there are arc also very man many Turks or ordinarily so eo called who arc anything but bul Mon Iou goBan In iii race It is a ver very pretty puzzle The state department Is now Involved In the tan tangle le b by reason diplomatic of from the Turkish embassy and anth department of justice has been ord ordered d to rop action In the courts for c present Obviously some somo very cry dl questions arlle for settlement b by wIseacres of the Uon the law stands It is not ex cx a an ethnological question al a c judge Is to have hae l men of Aryan race might I be naturalized oven oon If born on Asiatic soil But the la law says sas nothing at all about Ar we c admit to citIzen without question n men who are not OL of that race The Tho law sa says 5 white but presumably we wc shall discover I that whIteness there thore are arc degrees 2 or ot |