Show RUNAWAY BOYS ARE CAUGHT IN ZION George Cowlishaw and Harold Grow ran away awa from rota homo home yesterday and were caught by b the tho Salt Lake Lalie upon their thel arrival In that city Juye Juve Officer Office I II H C Jacobs sent the tho Grow boy bor to tell Cow to report at the juvenile court this morning It Is thought that the boys s thought the matter mallet over and Grow was per pOl persuaded to beat lt It with Cowlishaw w wAt At an any rate both oth boys bo s started to sea seo the world Grows father got an ink lug of the matter and was Instantly in communication with the police de The Tho local officers telephoned to Salt Lake Lale to have havo the police there thora keep a look Jook out for the adventurers I and lu less Jess than twenty minutes the tho Salt Lake police oce telephoned back that the bo boys s were ill ht jail t Grow Gron told them to send his hay boy back on the next train and he In corn com pang Ian with ith Officer Tout Tom Bu Burl v went to lO the station to meet h fm o c boy Was too wil wily for them and not car carIng log Ing to bo be met met he slIpped awn away In somo luanner and arrived home before hs his fath father l did The rhe other othol IO boy was kept In lie tho Salt Lake jaIl jaIt lost last night but II lit will be sent back on the early trait train this morning I |