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Show LOCML PRIVITIES. Evtry photo from flalnibory A llaa-artb llaa-artb la an adtertltemml. The dnckttaion wai In oatbeloib, but aUot all the ducki wire killid off! before tbi law wie up. Palnibary A Hawartb, th photographer, photogra-pher, will remain about 10 dayi C. It. Weil, Uojl.tlltf. bat a few graded Lincoln Ilami of our State fair prlie atock tor iile. It A llcenie wai itiaed Saturdar by Ceanly Clerk Doyden to T. A Jonct end Mln Chtrlotto Judd, both ol llentftr Salmbury A llawartli, Ibepbolngta-pbttt. Ibepbolngta-pbttt. ar delng excellent work, and their prlcea ar vtryreaionebv, ItoUrt Jobnilun It back U Mi Ant lure, and ll uo btad putu on the I'eople'e Mercantile Co. dclliery agonf Born, Widnetday, to tbt wile ol Albert Stevcni, a boy. Molhtr and child doing nicely. Albert now alnga falitlto. John I'endleton hie accepted a po llllon with J. B 1111 ai iaitrndtr. John bit many frltndi and will glrc tatlifacllon Call on Ealntbury A Hawarth tl.f SaltLak Arilita, lor photo 26yrn experltnca In the builntei, trjiianteti you.Nu. 1 work. Old Mr. Franklin""! Ili.u Creek brought ue down a Ilia i. rimon if petrldctlon tbli week whlib be found near hie home It ie auppoir J to be a pelrloed watp neat, and Ititrtalnlya curloilty, A itrangtr In town tb othr. dny y.o Into a vary bad but odorout prnllca-inout prnllca-inout Hunday by (alllug down the vault ol tb depot outbouie. At ii it very deep, h m compelled to remain tber (or tome hour, until help wai attracted attract-ed by bla groane and well (oundrd pro- 0 R. Hancock cam dan fiom Beater Creek latt Saturday alter iuj-plln. iuj-plln. Th work on tbs Summit Mln Ing Company claimi it piogrceilag rapidly, and the Indication ar very farorabl. Th dlttriet tchooli, all exreptlrg Orait Creek, opened up Monday with the following enrollment i llrlck, IW, Reck,eS) Spring Hollow, U At the Mew Weil ecbool, ahlcU opened one week go, th enrollment now uacliti Q pupllt. Korma Jan, Infant dauehter of John and Jane Carrath, died Tueediy, September Sep-tember Ztil,ol Infliniitlon of thtboaelt, The faneral took place jeitmlay, Irpm the rlndence, al 1 p. m. The llttlo onr wai born March Sjth, and her leu it a very great one to the devoted parent, wbo are deeply lymptihlaed with. Mr. Auttln I'aca nod lamll , arcoiu panled by Mln Lulu Knonlio , arrlvcu in Vernal bunday etoulng froa Kma Miu Knowlton met ltho.ula pain (ul accident, while the party were ill dayi from their journey'i end, by being thrown from tho wagon. It u feareu by tb party that tk Lone tic broken, but upon reacblnx Vernal an i xaiulna tiou proved the injury to be a cry bad ipraln. Vernal Uxnrett. |