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Show -- TT T tf J - r DmUf PatUa. SALT UKECITY DIRECTORY. I, but the hor.e seen the situation nut stea th least duty, in duty, Svery knew the thing to be dona He eprani Atr obedl- -. like lightning, grabbed the end of thi velves th whole principle of l.AHI duties msk the wUl And little UII. with his teeth, swung roust 1 ain't no liar, said tha veteran lanyard Mitchell Farm an fnrtug Wtgoa. atlful that to. supple and prompt to to ti circle of comrades at n campfire, so aa to be out of the recoil and pullet MuWr Firm rbedlences toad Into Ameer nle lor Price. "and IH teil you about a horse we off that gun it wag the shot that obey, little BwvfieajiH Carrie pee. round of la full Th dally duty great g the aaved sad In our battery, We was day! it killed the commandand discipline;- - it trains ScScsl FanTfcrs Si';p!i3S, at a place which wasnt nothin ing officer of the enemy, hie adjutant ot probation heart aad conscience. We will, Office, Church end Ubrery Furniture. C. F. but a sandbar, and horses was shipped general and three aids and yet sorni the. or be to Salt Lake Hu. need not 'prophets apoattoi Wooer A to,, Tt W. FI ret South out there from the North. Many was folks tell yon hone aint human!" Ilf may he fun of per- Citv.ftah. k A. klokllUoa. Meneyer. commonest Ths "Do you suppose he la alive today? shipped but few waa landed. The Bla-'fection. The duties of hems are a MILLING Go Prince, she started out - wilt morS'fi asked on a ot the hearer.' tor the mlalatere ot hsavaa. 1L three hundred, and Just two beasts livI aint no liar, said the vetenn, EL Mannlnr t State 9treet. K Lake CUv.Uuh. tiSflUla m Salt Lake City. Sept, is, im Benjamin Franklin onoe saul : A punny saved la a penny earned, This U as true today aa when uttered by our Revolutionary 'Sea. If you would be proajwrou you must aava aomethinir ?tonaSaylngra Bank aad Trust Corn puny iwriru depwit la aay sunt from H up. and pays i percent Interest thereon, compounded quarterly, Kino 1S75 more than 21,Wki asvditr accounts hava been opened mul the bank has now oh deposit morv than two million dollars. Have you tn aeunntt 'Write tor any Information desired to Geo rye M. Cannon, Caahier, Salt Lake City, Utah EWIfOfcr 0gdIIsI!q Then the children get their feet wet end take cold give them hot foot bath, a bowl of hot drink, a doee of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and put them to b eL The chances are they will be all right in the morning. Continue the Cherry Pectoral a few days, until all cough has disappeared. Old coughs are also cured; we mean the coughs of bronchitis, weak throats and irritable lungs. Even the hard coughs of consumption are always made easy and frequently cured by the continued use of 7 BATTERY A HORSE I ti rendy-rooln- dle-elpl- ta IHTER-I'OUHTA- ed out the voyage and waa landed on the island.' Our captain, he froze to one of em. A ," and won't undertake to say whethei he to or not." William Ward Cat-rut- - Cluti With Matkare, CURES GUARANTEED. Book mailed tree upon reiuert. Mother remedy, eaay 1 he working clause form 69 per cent the bruts he was the horse, I mean but to take, aaf and pleasant. No hem eeui GIRLHOOD OF YESTERDAY. middle class as per ceutand the upper dam tbs captain saw something about him without it Croup, Cough. CoU, Favor. 8 per cent of the population of America. bom, throat or that looked promising and be underVirtue, W, High WaC Quimiy, Catarrh, whothar stomach, piptberis and Bor Throata, all took to educate him. Wtoh Revived. Covte bv ovarcom umng DmI Tskeeea f ylt ms kmet tsar LUs Sam We was drilling hard every day, Arabella u safely shut sway In aa only i ; is worth it, weight in diamond. To quit tobaceo eatily sad forever, be atf-srit- We nood agaau. Writs lull of Ufa, serve end vior, take going thro the manual of the piece old dagherreotye, and then to nothlni Co r, the that makes week atea the eand, tnd we, had a , Chicago, LL boy tor a left to her memory hut a few dead roat strong. All draggieta, too. or ll. Curs guaraa-eBookies aad free. Add reel bugler who waa trying to sound the leaves aad the Chinos The only kindergarten to th uuylt fading dreams tn th bierUag JUmdy Ce-- . Chisago or New York. calls revelee, stable call, boots and hearts of the old, world la the on at HSn FVnciaoo. the Woman! says aaddlea and all that ' The "boy made Home Companion. But we should ofWe use 82S,SU0, 000 handkerchiefs In aysai some Te Can Caoetipattau Fooovow in this country.' progress, but thle 'ere. horse be fer to her memory a tribute of praise Tehe Ceaay Cethertla. R ortho learned faster than the boy, and in for., certain "sweet CL young U C. C tell to ease, drug lev refund money endearing three days the horse knew that stable charms" which are almost lost art 1 Hall's Catarrh Care Nothing take the oowceit Out of a mas call meant be was te.be fed, and at the threshold of I n conatitutional curat Prica, 75a the twentieth cen- Ik being boat at hi own game. 'boots and saddles' meant he'd got to tury. True, Arabella was a pals, falnl Some greet minds have some small go to work In the eand, so what does Btar tn (he brilliant light of tha new . Washing todone in Japan by getting into thoughts. he do but pall sway from his halter girl,' and yet, looking Into that old a boat and totting ths garments to b and off go up the Island whenever he daguerrsotype (In Just the TOE-GUCURES CORNS right lint washed drag after th host by s string, j, hears the bugle go 'Boot and saddles.' of Or money back. lto at ail druggists. vision), one sees some sweet, I believe my prompt us of pur "But the Cap, he got on to this trick, Tbs silent watches of the night are those and ao one propensities which have been prevented quick eouompttoa. MnC Lucy when he Intended to banished to day ot ths cobwebs and dust we forget to wind. Whllnoe, Marquette, Kane., De. XI, 118. mount and give us a drill he tol the lop-sid- ed wall-eyed- IN We a ill lhiv fOcvuUt p r Balt lake City, Utah, Everything la the Ha of FrtntotW S ppfleA Wrapping Paper. Paper Bag. Twtaee, IN, Carer oi and prompt attention to order hy Muco-Holvaa- t. c, n. -- wonder-worke- Mooo-Boivo- d. 0rru KUTIOm CASH REGISTER.,. . tl 4 Price from IK to Full line ethempleeea baud etOeoarUroeheUattl Mels, AfV (orUuk ail Orders and Gel Price From W. S. HENDERSON, end . Whole) end retail dealer In Imported k tb nad Dommlie, tlrren and Fancy Uroc-rui-, B. .ho?-'Mats Totwroo. Poultry, Ctjrar -- )) Xbusiiess JOS. NELSON, TIMPLCTOM. BALT LAKK CITY. .. ITKEWEY. M A young Indy says sha makes little things count. She teaches arithmetic In a primary school. Every doctor knows that wild cherry bark Is the best remedy .known to medical science for - Mrs. Wlsrtsw! br Atldwt soothing and healing inflamed throats and lungs. Put one of of a Ayers Plasters over your lungs Neht In yor nw. Addre, IX..j.o. Ann. Maa 1 A YOKE AN ACCIDENT AND LIFE PRESEBYEfL Owtoi Kscfc Tok frer t b i MBbislsv Htod--g 4urbillty Mit ssfety. toms) pafalod. Will sot slluv Iocmtus todvop ff trscs bsoouks ' o rtttis. loos. , and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ton cents, Alt druggists, satisfaction guaranteed. 0c,8o,60o. Footlight Who is tbs most promising person in your company! Son Brette Oh, tha manager, by all means. . strsif PRICKS. J onntekctaL m4 Loops ikk) HSSdSeeeae .......... 81.00 Asm .see wee.eee Csatsrs... picks! l tekst Tips ssd Centers... Cestsmr without Yoks... 189 Steep l.as .?S M M liraedekiotiriMitii...vs la three sizes, to St pol Ups 1)4 SS Ilfof rsss IHsatrsted etrealsr. - your tea; don't boil it . jt d S Directions ip every pack-igoSchilling Best, m Said Liberal TmmstoAfnto. Address. w GRIP KECK YOKE CO. 1 Herding Street, Indianapolis, lad. ol AUTOMATIC .uIckTellef and Seed for Souk of teetlimiol! and aesa. . JMmra Wiihkiitoai treatment free, " D. C, thee HICUrOKU, will reoalra quick replies. B. Stk N ILVols HA Corps. Prosctatlad Claims siacslS7S Ca a yen bltb age, hut which even thb proud new girl would do well to adopt If It to to be modest, then It to a grand, good old fashion, and we need to dig It up out of the peat and give It a genuine nineteenth-centur- y "boom." . gowns, old songs, old play, are born again after years of burial, and delight new generations. Happy if some virtues long abandoned aad forgotten might be resurrected and become the rage? After the cheap Jests and shrug! and mannsrlama of society a purs, frank, unspoiled manner to like sun shine on the waters ot a brook aftei the yellow glare of gaslight Arabella waa wont to alt- - in a state of aweet receptivity and absorb ths eloquence of man, which, though perhaps Inglorious, was at least restful. Therefore, she bad that pearl of all manners repose. The new girl, on the contrary, to all the time making a palpable effort to sustain her - reputation for - brilliancy, Now, the conscious effort tc be continuously witty and entertaining may be as trying tq ths nerve at those deadly pauses which occur between ideas (and which unquestionably occurred pretty frequently between th Idea of our lost Arabella). Th girl who I determined at all hazards tc Eli up silence, and take that task wholly upon herself to' sure to become exhausted, end exhausting. lent th Bavr'slrl, by demonstrating her powet to do anything. In danger ofe bavin everything thrust upon her? ed A St Louis mmmm " n 0 m a. A FAMILY HOTIL , . Aaerlcee Flea. Xete ILtO b H ft f young woman klassd 100 moo tn 100 minutes. 0w A FRED WET, - MANAGER. or fifty Conte, Guaranteed tonaeoe habit cure, seaka weak GIVEN Kea tuong, blood pure toe, tL All druggist AT la ths United States S? per eent of children under I year of ago die from , gastro- minrttrtfeflStai tcssti intestinal disorders. it t::i-i::-i t'.!y. 170 8. Main St. Salt Lake City. With All Our New Fall Goods. DR. C.W. CHORES EXPERT SPECIALIST IN ALL DISEASES OP MEN, irmcTtV mm he. PAY -- i:e VWKEN YCJ f; ED'VUUA1 he ocniBCE cf sitcr cf nss CUF.EO,.;, ARE Dollar Required In Advanoo, Not On . W J Is due Dot only to' ths originality and IP YOU 8UPFER PROM aimplicity of the combination, but also to tbe ear and skill with which it to manufactured by scientific processes known to the Cauvoknia Fin Sraur Ca only, end we wish ta impress upon Sentnei WmkuoW VrVoo)u, Rjrdroeala nU ths importance of purchasing ths Syphilis. Gonorrtitr. htriolur, . auU el Shrank true end. .origins! remedy. Aa tbe or, no, pramutur eld r ndtrno eihr prirat JiMhreM4 hy gen nine Syrup of Figs 1s manufactured vr MeXMsereautMl'.non(terS0W VV by the Cautouxia Fio Srnpp Ca you eo consul! Iw.U. Khomu Mi physiols a haa of ok ebroni Ilf toourtnt that fact will only, knowledge give iUmsm, assist one In avoiding ths worthless end b umld, kdvked. Ire tod ad erad one without him eur until th dollar peylns imitations manufactured by other pareSeeted. The duo tot reserve Mi right, how. Views of eu Kipvra Caij-foeh- ia ties. The of tha ea-high standing U he euaV ever, te refuse sny ineturuhl Beeler "Tou are th last man ) Fia Stkvp Co. with the medi- eur you h don't wsat your mouey. . Huch 1 should have expected to find opposing cal ws before' sever offer mad by Tesponilbl profession, and th satisfaction snd Pr. U. Vi: gboree to eeiy sbl u the 'pensioning ot government em- which tbe genuine Syrup of Figs has physiol, e U beenuM he poslllvely cure these auk Heelwork." to no able longer ' ployes given to millions of families, makes Don't wseto snotber eeut Bn queattoa. er "When a man get so ha Isnt abls the name of ths Company XWd ebto doe Mm Bad Dnttor" but eoasult a guaranty SACREDLY CONFIbeuiwd. BLSIMtaa to do what little work there to In a of ths excellence of its remedy. to It ' DENTIAL he taken government job he ought to far In advance of all other laxatives, Cull SI at BtruMrSM (Ird. Shoe 4 out behind the barn and shot" sis It acts on tbs kidneys, liver and ' ' m) yvA ? ' bowels without Irritating or weakenEnquirer. VDB. USW. SHORES, ing them, and it does not gripe nor f Look Bos SAM, nauseate. In order to get its beneficial PERSONAL POINTS. LAKK UTf tTA UlT affects, please remember th name of - , , ; Dr. John M. Willis of EUot, Me., owns the Company three rare blblea. Two of them are CALIFORNIA FIG SIRUP CO. " Breeches blbles, one printed in Lon" SAM rRAROiaO. OuL don in 1585, and the other in Geneva UromiAKs VMWTOMK.M.Y. In 1560; the third to an Eltoiver blhle, two volumes, elephant folio, French print of 1669, on" of th tew copie extant. Prof. E. J. James of tbe University ONKFOff A DOSE. Hbmispe hwwi of Chicago, who to mentioned tn con- BUieeeeww, Fanff tbBlod, UMMlaobs aad Dympowu, Leiand ot 0r nection with tbe presidency DR. C. c wesrs A MOTrianK of the IrhmU tNWMrf Sipo nm-imnz- zi Stanford, Jr., University of California, WlBM TOM, fFPTbPvnpHhwrrrtp' Dill jf H rMtttlpiP f INK OfliblftAU AU 0(MA$ miiAFiONS, tvs at on tlm connected with the tb. BrM la Iftdir GatrtntM, hf staff of the University of Pennsylvania Jaeutofry. oalf, lo rtirc WodJi Lock ml d and to now one of the 4 itMti, H 8k8fan8, Fit, b?wna LmoIUhJw, ot Ex"aaivt Cm q4 hNlt loadE to MtMry, la Chicago. Tu(Mko. fl8B,er iJqitor, Sr.'s CofidumptwiE, Ikfini(y ftnf ivn At M(fD Of D A Among the ceremonies attending the writ too mail. i box, at eartor ucid piwifh In U honor held festival kiony. Iiiitk4 pafkai, recent centenary 9 eontAtnliic Avt dnv irwaiutaol, vlih full Ibium W Id Mob Mfu8-A- t 4ims, K DeatA. On MmrMeonir of tbe Italian pessimist poet, Leopardi, A e- -o or by uir irBH ti hoci aii (of at hto birthplace, Recanatt, were four tr tirarth for Lum of Pwww; DUF8 U m dajA 85, VHT) wriLtn CHEIUbtM lo concerts under the direction of Mas. r hr Alttora cagni, the unveiling of a bust of the F. C. SCKRAmM, Druggist, ' poet by Monteverde, and the naming , Seel Sta., SALT LAMM CITY. of a hall in the palace after him, )X Austria has lost her most eminent CURE YC'JZStlF! KEEP YOU DRY. botanist, Kerner. What Saussure and ft I'ai Blf nnattiral Ottrbarfei, (bdammauaik, Oremll did for Switzerland he did for o or EtMTEUuhi irntatu Austria-Hungarof in i a Nt ttiaaibracM. Before him the bot- a A- Don't h footed with a mackintosh ma4 but or rubber coat If you wMcot f8inl8, OaCBCkCOL any of th awampa and forests ot the toCVLTtttEnx In h,J-ewill ttx i or poiuoom$t k that keep you dry Fsh Brand Danube had been only partly explored, Mora boy Hi IkMMBuMb 1 or ml ! Slicker. If aot for sale I gout Hto book-ovnipift tbe "Plant Life of the at J town, writ for to by S8FP88, 88ld, lot ctk(ut 88. or botUmm, i h, field ft Danube Countries" covert this A J. TOWER, Me. CilXkir MAI fQB8i thoroughly. , . Demetrius Koromllaa, an Athenian WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." who was well known In Paris sporting ' circles, died last month, aged 17. He GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF was very. wealthy, and in Greece was known aa an Jntrepld Journalist. He wrote 25 plays, 15 ot which have ap," peared in print His last play, aroused a great deal of feeling against the author. Jt is a picture of certain phases of Athenian lit painted in glaring color. , - A majority ef the general in our When you re b mud t walk atnlylit sod o pul. WetakeFLAS-TE- B army are well along in years, and tha FABIS CAST OF FEET, sad rat left far your feet end you will ages of some of them are given by the ' for ye I yra lwy look like uy other person. Tbe but w Buffalo Express, aa .follows: Gea. eomfort ere In will for sad ow. long 4 ye lie. JO h to 68. 62, Shatter 63, Wheeler Toung 69 EAST THIRD SOUTH 8T, Hawkins will reach th retiring ag SALT LAKE OITY, UTAH. of 64 this year, Kent Is 62. Lawton 65 and Sumner. Betea and Chaffee each 66. These are the general officer! In Cuba with 8hafter. The age of the general In ctmp at home to also advanced. Coppinger la 63, Brook 60, , IF TOU WANT ANITUINO IN THE Corbin 68, Sheridan 68, Henry 69, Cootfi 64, Graham Wthroirfftr Butler Shooting, Fishing, Camping, BasetaH, kihknc of Sporting Le 63. Wade to 65, th d Ceuerm or rad Brad BappUee, aead tot eur new euulogtM, which wll Fhetagrwphl Du, youngest of the J t or west. ItU free for theaakine. give yra the beet wholesale price, which esunot be equl-also hare complete line of BABDWABM at eur Ogtle store, ami the moat eea prw ' Grasshopper M thCg ta some ptote BEFA1B SHOPS la th country. ' parts of Canada that it to said that Insects often ths my bo seen floating a foot thick down th Sooraloto river. 159 Moln 8L, Sal! Lsk City 348 VooMngton Av Ogdon, Utnh. SUvlmoD, 11 dlae. 111 die-es- tr. tha of bad Send S eenta la Btpaa. Chemical York. ter w mmplae aad thus isstlmnalala WAHTXD--O wfU aot benefit. Cobae wue, smi. wa 0 (F 0, Wvfk Wwww vWwwf wWawwwe dm, j o OVI new discovery: nDHD cure, O UKwr IS day. mm. e. a a. PENSION Ota sura eonatlpatioa feravar faikdrugglata rafuadsaoaaf Beauty la Blood Deep. Clean blood means a dean skin. Ns beauty without It. Caeca rets, Candy Cathartic cleans your blood and keeps It dean, by Imll, put 11 C. C. Cl The festive oyster U beginning to look cheerful. ' "r " The young man who starts ont In Ilfs with money to burn, sooner or later finds his match. ' 6RIP NECK m Educate Year Bewels With W n w knt Mm. t th BMl Ml MM pkyeleiaii la IM lalM State. Uaiaaal ei'portumtie. and leaf url-en-e mlnently St ttiwa for fliuii yon media! ad. lea. Writ. freiy U lb AUTOMATIC lip girl In San Francisco thinks nothing out into tha Pacific. Cbndy Cathartic, AfMomFemmt aarueular. tstkts the si A Japanese hFlde gives her wedding pn ents to her parents as some slight recompense for their trouble in rearing her. Cherry Pectoral fie Sm( HMhaf ft tklsf bugler to aound stable-cal- l. , The horse woke up hie appetite for a square meal, and you could see how mad he was when Instead of a feed ha waa ect to work flying about with the Cap on him. "I was watching him, and I said to the boy, Tou look oat, that horsell get even with your The boy snickered; but In a minute, aa the Cap was riding past him and pulled up tor a second to swear at a number one man for not handling the sponge-sta- ff right, the horse he let fly with both hind feet and caught the boy right tn the Jaw That youngster didnt sound no more calls right or wrong for a month, can tell you, but the next day I could see the horse was sorry, for now h didnt have mo sign of a warning whether It was to he dinner or drill. "Well, wp got over to Louisiana and ths battery was all honed up, elx to every gun and caisson, hut that hone of the Caps (for they stuck together) could double discount every , other beast In the crowd. He give up a to trick of dodging drills, for hed learned to like, em. and It waa better than A circus to see him aod jthe Cap flying np and down the line when the guns was In battery. They was a pair, tell yon! The Cap with his tongue and the hone with hit heels,' both reedy to let fly at any man or beast that didnt come up to the scratch. Boms days we hoys would swear they M a pair of devils together and ought to be dismissed ths service, hat generally we waa mighty proud of em, and Always watching out of tho corners of HOTEL SSVT LAX Pi' ed Dr. for ho. i mlll-tn- g Bull, Slat road hu-h- ui a heel, delivered t Uulr tl r Shr' WRITE Health is Voaltb. - Dn.QUnnS: PILLS A oo o o o - () ( () o () wasin danger there would be an army of men (who chew h) ready to rescue it: large enough to shovel No Spain off the map of Europe. other chewing tobacco in the world plug ( Jy ( )Thas er C) To the Rescue everhad somany friends7 hee-plta- , () o o o o () o () o () o o ) oo , Pemember the name; () () when no you buy agam. o () r.cccccscc;occcocccu ' g Awa Are our DiinaiM, Eyes Sore? tji -wit$r IWaautru (la.M.I jGn3 K, CtSaJJ or rw, , mwDba rIWWCU- - W gOHNJL i To. MS, - I "t! MwveefVTV 'ispx Syrup. Tim Oooi Ce I I 3 W. N. U Salt Lake-N- o. PULLED THE LANYARD.. our eyea to see what theyd be np to . next. , "The first fight we wa ln'a hoil bust mfghty near the Cap. and out of th saddle he went juat by the conat cussion. 5 He warnt'hit,-andvwome to go beck to my gun when I ran to pick- - him up. H waa trying te mount, but the horse wouldn't let him. and w could aee the beast hold. up one for leg while he sidled and swung about on wbat was left. And then the Cap quit him and called the guidon-bearto let him have hto horse, which the bearer was darned glad to do and run back and get under a caisson. , "And after the scrimmage was over where do yon suppose we found the l, Caps horse? Why. at the field with the brigade surgeon dressing Ills wound! Walked right back there, so the surgeon said, like a bounty. Jumper, and held up his leg for treatment .But that aint ao remarkable when yon think of it, for hed seen th men go to lick-ca-ll every day, and, of course, he could see the bandages and smell the ether. So there aint anything so remarkable about 80. 1808 that! rent " what gin him hto great reputation was what happened - In another battle a little later on. He'd got aB right by that time, and he and th Cap was plunging about as usual while be was In battery and the enemys guns was making it hot for ua. Ws was all doing our part noble, the men working the gun hard as they could amj the Cap swearing as bard' aa be could, wheif we got a volley of musketry among tbe gun detachment where Was number three Utah, and th num her four man went down, shot thro tha bead. He had Just stepped off tn pull the lanyard when be tell, and the Cap waa sitting on bis bora right In rear of th gun, while the rest of ua had nil Jumped clear of th piece as the sergeant called1 'FlrsT "There was confusion tea aa lastaat. . best-Uke- nm ku pro-feaso- rs rf 1 Ml mi J y, (dt t n nt tA L f a-to- "Ma-rouia- DONT LIMP! a, WHOLESALE prices. one-legge- major-general- ' OROWrJiriG BROG. CO. |