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Show Hi wAimnoTox lbttsii. Hi & da eu RUf CtrmpOBaesl) HJI EiniMBtli90tb,1899. HJf Aboijwtii (orlhi admlnlilretlon If etoied with th leparlar of tbAmrl- I? ug Nee Comlnlonri, who will nil Hi (rem Nw York to-morrow. Tb whole HJ matter bti ben torn our carefully na Hi a deiila rtbd i towbatlhl gor HJ trnmintlntiridi to d martlnr lb HJ Vhllllploti, and lb Piac Coiatuliilon Hi r iMlruct. ateordlnilv. TLei In HJ ilruelloni bar not 71 Mn pat upon HJ ppr, bat wr glvtn to lb Corn el ltilonr vtrballfur tbt I'reiMint. HJ Jtiamalttroleoarii ntarltirv cor HJ rtrnditInWaihloiteo bat lint what HJ urporli to U an abilratl U tht In- HJ tlruelloni, but m a matlir ol fact oal; HJ tbt I'rtitdint, tb numUr of tbt Cb. Hi nt, all ol wboru, pt berlrr Al HJ r, wr lommoned to Wathlngton to 1 Maildir thiro, and tb Ftc Com- aliilooirt, know what thoit Imtruc lloeiart. It li known In a itceral war tbat loenbert of tht Cabinet bara x prtmd opinion, ndvn tb fml dat at titan dropped bint a to till at tltnd. iMttlui tbn toithr and drawlsidedaetloni lbrfromli about tb protia bjr wblcli tb publlibd In-itrncttom In-itrncttom war vottd. It I eartalu tbat w ar I bar tb liUnd e,l Luton, ol which Manila I the principal cltj, bat thr tb etrlatntjr tndi. It I probabl that Spain will bat to glv up it authority oir th other litandt, HJ and that thv will llhr be given an H lndpndnt government under Ameti- H nan protKtlon or btrou abtoluleljr oar H prsptrtjr, although thr ar reatoni (or H tb bll( that th Initruetloni a fur H I thivrtlit to tb Iilandt othir than J j town ar aoraewbal alaillc, and that II H Ipaln will (arnlih ploptr guaranteei H tad villi offar certain trade eonrettloni B to hi ah may bo allowed to maintain a M nominal, II not an actual, control our HJ tkirs. B Two Important diplomat! morn war H medebr tbli gorernmtat thl wak, HJ which hav rHivd Ini public atten B tlon thtn thajr dmrv. Thtflritwai H, a communication itnt to th Ctarof B Bnnl tiprtiilng iriapathr with bla Hft propoilllon (or tb holding ol an in K tarnillonal cenrentlou (or th purpoi r l arranging lor th portlel dliammant H el tb saltan el tb world which ar HI praollcellr on a war looting all th lima, M anda wllllognnaon the part of thai). H B. to tali part In inch a convention H Tnothrwi a commanlcalloa to th H Saltan ol Turktr, Informing bin in HH polltabul plain langatg that tblJ. 8. H did ael loUn to allow hint toe tea p B pajlaglor tb properly ol American M UlHloiartoideilrojed brTurklih mobi (a Amenta, under hit otea ol non-ra- M iponilMIIir, rrcantlw put (orwanl, H TktraUno dailr on tb patt ol th H adrolalilrallon to bulljTurktj, buttblt H c4tlajliauit ot and ll lolindi to HJ dTikef pay It, II It la) nteoiiary to H raate aaval dtmonitratloa In order to HH slU j 'I Hen. Chai. Denby, who wit lor more H tban tkUteen jreari U. 8. Miolatar to B Ohlaa, and who It eonieqututly well H poiladupoa the eommtrc ol th eatt HJ nd th prt tbat tb 1'bllllpln lelanda H can be raade to play therein, ha been H la Waiblngtoa tbli week, ami hi buil H Mllkargamnt4 Inlaw e' our re. B Ulnlng control ol all th litand bare H eontlaced many whot mind had not H beta tatlrtty mad up tbat Ilia U. S, H abould certainly retain control, if not H abaolat ownerahlp, ol all th lilandi. T UrDenby kai bad literal fitendfd t coortnnce with th rraldul and with H Mtaabtri ol th Oablntt, and till J knowledf el thtiltuatlou hat doubtlate H bttn aa Important factor la deterrutn J laglhtlnitructlon lvn to thAnitri ean Peace Ooramlulontre. AlttrgWin hliiraton why we iboulJ coutroltha HJ rhtlllplnei, Mr. Denby ald "II w withdraw now, throw aany tbli B great oppertunlly, which bat bttn opened aad accepttd aa th manlfttt B deatluy of tlilt nation. V doit lb H door. and cloitll to that it will nttir H optn to nt taln. We iliut (lit far Em P Iron our lurluenc and do II dtlibtra H lily. Wvcau neier recontlder tuch a itepj aud If wo take it.lt aeuld ha Hj bttu lar belter for uur irad hiiJ our In HPVJ flbenee, ruiuuicrvUI anJ rellglout, if HH tlmlral Dewey bad sever goae near the HH KJHJ HftfMrttary Hhtrniaa may bo too IjHH okl to iiiako a tatlifactory Secretary ol PSE Male, but hoetlllha tb ui of bli BWj5 rweonlng facultltt, lad wai tb flnt H9ffi man to point nut tb weak ipot In th hDJh propoeed eoramlailon tolnyoitljato tli HBJ ouoducl ol tb war,, itt want ol legal 9MB etatui, and lie coniijuint Inability to HjH eompcl wltneiiee t leitlly. Sine Mr, HH Sherman )olntd out tbat dtlKt, which BBj ll nowgtntrally aeknowladged to taiit, BBB tb propoied Inveitigatlon I nnt at BBS popilai at ll wai. It ie likely aleo that BBB tb lack ot legal italue Influenced torn H el tb prominent gtntltmtn who bar waWaMP il.dlntd la itrrt on thacomniliiioa. HBj Dytpipila Cured. Bhllob'e Vltallatr HJ tnraedlitelr rilltrei Bour Blomach, Coming ap ol fol Dlitreet, ad It the m ajrtat kldaey aad lltf rwaady. Sold by |