Show WRONG IDEAS ON LAKES PREVALENT Lakes Ickes at the Provo river headwaters ers are arc not members of the Grand- Grand Granddaddy Granddaddy daddy addy lakes as is thought by many man people in to Utah it was pointed out here iere today by W. W W. W Blakeslee assist assist- 2 assistant ant nt district engineer er of ot the forest ser ser- service serVIce service vice who has just returned from that region He said there were dozens of ot cars tilled tiled with motorists at Mirror lake on the north fork of ot the Duchesne river on July 24 2 and most of those present were of the opinion that the lake ake was one of ot the Granddaddy group Tyrol Washington and Lost lakes at the head of ot the Provo river were also al o mentioned as sa not being among lakes The Granddaddy lakes are about 13 milts miles distant Blakeslee said and cannot be reached reaches by automobile |