Show Eavesdropping still stilt Is 15 punishable as asa asa a crime In England mo o I 0 0 I ODo a fragrance J PO a sealed I I 1 IThe The only tea whose flavor Savor In vacuum is completely protected kept fresh and fragrant from tea-garden tea to tea table Fire Fie kinds kindt of protection all aU exclusively Schilling for the true tea flavors known Drown only in the Orients Orient 1 T Twice toasted toasted the only way to unmask rich rieb hidden flavors of a tea leaf 2 Then the leaves sealed in vacuum like your coffee but sealed seated j II f HOT at its most aromatic moment II 3 The worlds world's only key key d vacuum tin for tea tu with m a Snug Cover to protect it even after you open it 4 Of the many bUn grades of Orange Pekoe only the choicest most mOlt fragrant are blended with ith Pekoe in Schillings 5 Your grocer protects you jou ou he ae returns your our money instantly instant y if rf you 0 dont don't like Schillings Schilling's best I You keep ke the tea 0 Orange ran e Pekoe e oe Your money oney back if you dont don't like like Schillings Schilling's s best Tea I 1 L t S l-S Time creates the I matchless mellow 1 Flavor avor Clicquot lic Club Ginger finger Ale e VOU you OU find it this it-this this aged mellow softness softness only only in Clicquot Club Ginger Ale and it is there because skill joins loins hands with Time in the making of this delightful beverage creating the bouquet and aroma of a veritable vintage And what wh t accounts for this haunting charm of flavor The rare quality of pure natural that flows from its natural spring water source I Ito i ito to a modern sunlit plant The choiceness of the flavoring and sweetening ingredients whose quality is higher than the highest government standards And most And most important of all this all this careful process procesa of aging With Clicquot Club as with old wines this aging releases hidden tones in in the flavorings and permits their perfect blending into an exquisite bouquet One sip of either the full-flavored full Golden or the delicate Pale Dry reveals the differ differ- difference difference difference ence that gives Clicquot Club its distinctive- distinctive distinctiveness ness that ness that rich flavor no other ginger ale can match ma That is why the offering of Clicquot Club is a compliment to any guest why its use with other beverages produces such satisfying results To have it in your home to order it at your club hotel or restaurant to insist on Clicquot Club everywhere is to show l appreciation of those rare qualities which 1 always have made J vintage wines famous I IJ M W i. I IL L. j 1 ti rah Js rt r- r rI 4 7 rl J 1 Il oz Wl I 1 g. g tv Q e ot Wo C I Two kinds PALE DRY and GOLDEN The Ginger Ale That's Aged Heres Here's Speedy Relief From Bunion Pains and Soft Corns Emerald Oil Must Give Complete Satisfaction or Money l Cheerfully Refunded Get a two-ounce two bottle botu of Moones Moone's Emerald Oil full strength today Every well stocked drug store has I this with the distinct understanding that your money will be cheerfully returned if it does not reduce the Inflammation soreness and pain much quicker than any remedy you OU ever used Two or three applications of Moones Moone's Emerald Oil and in fifteen minutes the pain and soreness dis dis- dis- dis appears A few more applications at regular Intervals and the Inflammation matlon mation is gone And as for Soft Sort Corns a few ap applications ap- ap applications each night at bed time and they Just seem to shrivel right up and scale oft off No matter how discouraged you ou have ha been with pads pad shields or other ot er applications if It you have not tried trie Emerald Oil then you have some some- something something thing to learn leam Its It's a wonderful formula this formula this com corn combination of essential oils with cam cam- camphor camphor camphor and other antiseptics so marvel marvelous ous that thousands of bottles are sold sod annually for reducing varicose 01 o swollen veins Every good druggist guarantees th the first bottle of Moone's Moones Emerald Oil tc end your foot troubles or money back Advertisement 4 u a. a 7 T- T ot 1 S d Time That L I Ili Lost Lost Lost- Can never be regained but such auch articles as Jewelry p pets tg glasses pocketbooks or most anything that folks frequently lose may usually be recovered In short order order- order order- By putting the Lost and Found classification In The Standard Examiner Classified Ads on the Job Lost anything Found anything Let Id your first fint thought under such circumstances be the Classified Lost Ads the Ads the finder will wUl no doubt look there to get In touch with you yo Th The e Standard- Standard Examiner x amm e r Telephone Ad Ad Tal er f Hii I 1 H 1 I. I and I I then some I 1 d dr dET r ET YET ET your speedometer tell the story I L tank to the very top with Gasoline Then note your speedometer reading When you refill have the tank brimful again The number of gallons required for for refilling shows the num num- number number number ber of gallons you have used Read your speed speed- speedometer speedometer ometer again subtract again subtract your pour first j reading from the second to obtain the th number of miles trav trav- Divide the miles by the number of gallons used and you'll be surprised st I For then you'll know that does deliver extra miles with with every gallon Is it any an wonder that who demand maximum mileage insist upon And they get these extra miles without sacrificing the theother theother other essentials of a good motor fuel ready fuel ready start start- starting starting J ing irig and a rapid pickup r J Why dont don't you travel farther this summer at atless less cost with J Look for the sign CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY Producers Refiners and Marketers I of high-grade high petroleum products in Arkansas Colorado Missouri Montana Ne Nebraska braska broke New Mexico Oklahoma Oregon South Dakota Texas Utah Washington and Wyoming Packed with f o v r r |