Show LIVESTOCK I I QUOTATIONS QUOTATIONS' I I I 1 OGDEN July 28 U. U. U S. S Dept of Agriculture Hogs Hogs Receipts 18 18 for market Sc to lOc bc lower lo er butt buli to averages 1015 1025 few v 9 90 few lb weights 8 60 packing sows down to 6 50 Cattle Cattle Receipts 47 47 for market practically no early sales four loads due to arrive before noon demand good for killing kUling classes clas es Sheep Sheep Receipts Receipts Including to market and the tile remainder to mar mar- markets lets east deck of 93 lb to feeders 3 00 few feeder lambs Jambs 10 1025 25 OMAHA Neb 28 U. U. U S S. De De- Department Department of Agriculture Re Hogs Hogs Re Receipts slow steady to weak spots lOc lie to lower to pound weights weight 9 75 top to 1010 bulk 20 to pound butch butch- butchers butch I ers era 75 to pound av av- averages averages av- av erases 9 50 to pound weights packing sows 0 O. O Cattle Cattle Receipts 2200 fed steers and slow stead steady she stock and bulls fully steady strong o SOc higher stockers stackers and feeders scarce steady slaughter steers 75 weighty steers 1308 1303 pounds x 1300 slaughter heifers 10 beef cows 8 25 5 bulk all cutters 47 i medium bulls practical veal top 12 1200 00 few lots stockers Sheep Receipts Receipts all classes steady bulk fat range lambs 13 top 14 10 natives 13 1300 00 fed clipped lambs 12 1265 1275 best fat ewes 6 50 range feeding lambs mostly 00 CHICAGO July 28 U. U S S. Dept of Agriculture Cattle receipts 13 fed j yearlIngs strong to high high- higher er matured steers steady to iSo low low- lower lower er cr grass cows and heifers helfers weak all cutters lOc be to off grain fed cows s cosand and heifers steady bulls steady to strong trong SOc higher best b t. t heavy steers 14 1440 40 medium weight 1425 14 25 5 yearlings 1350 cutters 1 heavy sausage bulls up to eaters veal rs 13 1450 50 largely 1400 market sorted kinds up to 1500 1500 Sheep receipts fairly ac ache ac- ac active active tive he generally steady with Wednes Wednes- Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday day bulk range r lambs eligible 1400 11 1450 choice westerns held above 1465 most moot natives 13 50 13 75 lightly sorted for best butchers 14 1400 00 culls bulk fat ewes good to choice medium weight feeding lambs 1350 SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO July Hogs Hoge 8 Hogs Receipts direct steady teady two loads l ds light weight east- east eastern errs ern rn butchers 1200 three loads light lightweight lightweight weight 1195 load Call- Call fornias unsold Cattle Receipts 80 medium grade steers lOc to higher load me me- medium medium medium pound 1080 cows steady load oad top medium me pound 1065 load oad low cutters and cutters SI 60 bulls none steady choice holce under pound dig Ible ble grass calves I 1 1050 5 I ILOS LOS ANGELES ANGELES- ANGE July ulY 28 HOgS Hogs Receipts quotable firmer around Mound 1275 12 75 for good and choice desirable weight grain feds Cattle Receipts better fin- fin finIshed fInIshed shed steers active actie e steady others othera slow low four loads steers 50 she stock sales mostly odd lots lots all cutters cullers bulls Calves Calves' Receipts 50 50 active steady load oad and half to pound Ari MI- Arizona zona 1200 medium me Jum calves and Including heavies 1075 Sheep Receipts none medium to choice holce lambs quoted at 11 00 medium to choice ewes 5 25 ST ST. JOSEPH Mo July 23 U. U S S. Dept of Agriculture Sheep re- re receipts fully steady six doubles choice hoice Idaho lambs Iambs 1410 bulk of ts naU 1325 ewes top tap 60 I KANSAS CITY July 28 U. U. U S S. S Dept of Agriculture Sheep re- re receipts lambs steady to low- low lower er Cr r. r mostly steady no westerns of- of offered offered ered sheep steady top native lambs 1 1350 others 1300 1335 top wp I wes ewes I |