Show COAST LEAGUE Standing of the Clubs Won Lost Pet Pct Oakland 72 72 51 Seattle 67 53 San Francisco 67 55 Sacramento 63 61 Portland 57 63 Hollywood 57 67 Missions 56 68 Los Angeles 50 71 Yesterdays Yesterday's Results r Hollywood 3 4 Sacramento 0 Portland 4 San Francisco 2 2 Missions 0 O. O Oakland 2 Seattle 7 Los Angeles 1 Toda Today's s 's Schedule Hollywood at Sacramento Portland at San Francisco Missions at Oakland Seattle at Los Angeles At Sacramento sacrament Sacramento First First t game 1 R. R H. H E. E Hollywood 8 12 1 Sacramento o 0 6 2 Batteries McCabe and Murphy Keele and Se Second game R R. R H. H E E. Hollywood 4 9 6 o 0 1 i 6 5 1 Seven innings Batteries Jacobs Batteries Jacobs Mulcahy and Ag- Ag Agnew Agnew new Kallio Vinci Shea and Koch- Koch ler At Los Angeles R. R R H. H E B Seattle 7 11 n 1 j Los Angeles 1 i 6 4 Batteries Edwards Batteries Edwards and Schmidt Peters McClelland and Sandberg At Oakland R R. H H. E. E Missions 0 o 7 2 Oakland 2 3 1 Batteries Batteries Weinert and Whitney Gould and Bool At San R. R H H. E. E Portland 4 10 0 San Francisco 2 8 0 Batteries Couch Batteries Couch and Yelle May and Rego Res-o. |