Show Till CIIIIAN itriiKiitov The Itporl Hint JJnrto linn < rmri I list Trachn Denied Havana Nov 2The report that Antonio An-tonio Maceo ha crossed the military line alter attacking Artlmcia and being repulsed with great Ion according to official account 10 I again denied Ill Is I Stated that Ihe Insurgents upon Hut ocCASIOn oc-CASIOn acted with unison dltobeyed order made no attack upon the forts and were unable to capture the Spanltl Incumbent Arllmcia In n con crill tlon with the manager ol n firm nea Mangaia Ilnar del Hlo deplored the Ion hit forces sustained and Admitted that It was no Italy mailer to efosis Ihe military line The Spanish forces arc slowly ocru prlnj the poilttont Macco may have Intended In-tended to use and lie li bald to be rettIng rett-Ing In order 10 care for the wounded There are two versions of Ihe where about of Maceo One his Ii thaI JJaetjo and Kubla are In the mountain nil the limit ol Cabana and Caytjabcu v hlch conilltulct part part 01 State del KeV Hlo Another report says lie In I In On rang of mountain ofSltrra toutli if I San Crlitobal The S mth front I art continuing to advance m rttuard to van the Insurgent Strongholds ulllioul r < ctlvlng allY Assistance from tin ti ion I stationed along Hit military line v hlc li being Hill further trcrglhciuil I I |