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Show , ! c i' ik y The Coalville Times LEY t i J m Kt $ & THE VOTE OF SUMMIT'COUNTY. RETURKS-8Y-PRECIHG- HOVTSV1LLR. ' As,.. TS 9.9,- (J "I't.v rj-r rm.sj rvv"rr rULHlDKIfTAL KLECTO&S. twm j The following are the prccinc t returns s far as obtained: FARK CITT, Following is tho total vote of PEsiaent KBit tie of Total Vote of All the Precincts in Summit County, ExceptRockport apd Echo. Dty: rmktors. msHiDiMTAb Henry W. Lawrence JohnJ. Paly ...... . 1077 1080 .. R.C. lund 0. W. Bennett .. J. D. Pago 1072 48 46 Joseph A. Smith IV. CONOlaKS. Warren Foster ........ Lafayette Holbrook William II. King ....... .Ticket : Is .Elected- The Entire Democratic HAS The - FaI win C. Charles W. Bennett, cratic Committee at Last Gives J. D. Page, It Up Bryan Reeeives His Joseph A. Smith, Defeat Gracefully and De- John J. Daly, W. Lawrence, clares the Fight For Free Sil- Henry Robert C. Lund, ver Has Only Just Begun. & Republican, Republican, Republican, Dem, Peop, Ind Rep Dem, Peop, Ind Rep Dem, Peop, Ind Rep Warren Foster, Lafayette Holbrook, William H. King, i Sat Lake City. Mt. Pleasant .. William Carroth Daniel LainUwt 224 COONVT Peoples Party Rep., Ind. Rep., Democrat, . 130 1 For Judges Third Judicial District Alfred N. Cherry, Albert G. Norrell, Morris L. Ritchie, HCKINLRY. Connecticut Delaware Illinois Indiana Iowa Maine 6 John A. Democrat, Democrat, Rep., Ind. Rep., Rep., Ind. Rep., Street, , . ' j, 4, 24 12 6 Maryland Massachusetts RP-- , 4 .... . Math District: Coalville, Summit Co Park City, Summit Co 2238 1283 3 . ..2 Pennsylvania Rhonl South Dekota Vermont 32 .. .... .............. . 128 ATTORNEY. Henry Shields Herberts. Townsend FOB 64 65a SHERIFF. William Archibald George L'ndsay, Jr., Ei 78 1220 WAMSHir, . returns for'Wanahlp pre- cinct ; 8UU Ticket: , O. W, Bennett, R., 6 j J. D. Page, R.,4 ; John J, Daly, D.,I, tt.,75jUenry Wi Lwrcnec, H., I.- TJ bert (f, Lnnd, D., I. R.,jf3. loot R, 1 0060 5 Joeeph A. Smith, .1.,., COUNTY Election ATTORNEY. 797 SHERIFF. 384 William Archibald George Lindsay, Jr For ItepreeeiUntlvrteeCentfrwJ Judicial Ticket: 773 1205 - Warren Foster, 0; LafayettoJUolbrook, It ; William 11. King, 65. "A, it. Cherry; 62; A? M.L, Richie, J4; John Slate Senator: G. Norrell 64; V A. Street, 16. Following is ibe result of the ballot R. C. Chambers, CO; Abram Hatch, in the three Coalville precincts: 8. 955 STATE TICKET. House of Representatives ; Presidential Eldutor: C, A. Callis, 05; Henry Wrelb, 11. 97 C W Bennett, R County Commissioners: 08 J D Page, It. .i William Carruth, 63; Daniel Lambert, ..107 Joseph A Smith, R 63; Bartley McDonough, 83; John Pack, 330 John J Daly, 1 T It 15; JoknPasketl, 10; E, C. Williamson, Law AV. 10 D. I 3! R. fence, n. 788 Henry Robert C Lun i, D, I R .... 333 County Clerk : .474 REP, W.COSOIIE-J. L. Boyden, 65: Alexander Wright, 5 13. 792 Warren Foster; P. . . Lafavetto Holbrook, R, I R ..185 County Treasurer : 257 67 William 11. King, 1 J. If. Doming, 15; J. F, McLaughlin, DIlsT. S. 4 Oregon 755 Miller .. 11. E. H. Rhead COUNTY TICKET. North Dekota E. It. Rhead ASSESSOR. Henry fahields Herbert S. Townsend ... 60 89 1206 fOVNTT SURVIVOR, 455 1071 46 84 Joseph J. Jenkins William H. Miller .....1429 J.J. Jenkins . RRCORDER. OOl NTY ASSESSOR, 729 COUNTY 43 Park City, Summit County., Heber City, Wasatch Co. , Democrat, Rep., Ind. Rep., New Hampshire New Jersey Ohio 1410 739 b05 005 1'dUVIlLR. Charles A. Callis, Henry Welsh, .Michigan Minnesota 1998 1356 60 77 . George F. Olson J. Alma Smith 658 a Ind. Repub, For Member of the Hoase of Representatives New York COCKrT 136 COUNTT J. McLaughlin Williams 69 TREASURER. John II. Deming Frank J. McLaughlin 686 COUNTY For State Senator Fifth District. Democrat, Rfcbsrt C Chambers, Abram Hatch, 'ur4-- 666 71 Hoyden COlNTT SORTEYOR. JA. Smith LEGISLATIVE T1GKET. - 15 . 768 1271 George F. Olson 1098 ....... .... Williamson COO NTT OLISK. II. Deming John 1090 Frank 2321 Salt Lake City Salt Lake City Salt Lrke City.,....,.; Salt Lake City f f v 3 -- 1185 COl'KTV VKASUBHR. 101 JUDICIAL, TICKET. Result-FO- California............. ........ 70 48 38 Alexander Wright couwrr RECORDER. dispatches leave no doubt of McKinleyls election. Chairman J nes oncedes 264 electoral votes to him, while Mark Harm claims 205. The folios ing is the list: V John L. 1099 ,,, . John L. Boy den Alsxauder Wright To-day- s Ths ...,i Bartlev . McDonough , , .. John IW: John Pashett... Kdaln C. WilVamsott 1287 3292 3281 Salt Lake City .... ; Provo, Utah Co . . Salt Lake Citj'.., 643 rep. ...... .... 06 68 COUNTY CLERK. COI NTY COH MISSION EES. 209 . . hod sic or Vharlet AMIis Henry Welsh 2ia . Logan, Cache Co. .. . Salt Lake City Salt Lake City. St. George, Washington Co. For Representative in LT Congress. n TOTAL TOTE. r. MAJ. RESIDEKjRI. 1430 . of tub mkmber COMMISSIONERS. JoknPack SENATOR, Abram Hatch 87 46. .............. a. T...... SEKATon. William Carrnth Denial Lambert Bart lev McDonough 840 , ............. 1236 768 - for FOB BTATE Abram Hatch M.L, Rich to DISTRICT. 7$ 79 47 16 1313 JobnA.Btrwot TICKET. PARTY. NAME. Chairman Jones of the Demo- R.C. Chambers 1134 STATE For Electors of President and Tiee President of the United States: - COUNTY Cherry A.GNorrell R. C. Chambers STATE 112 644 DISTRICT. A. N. Totals and Majorities. 264 ELECTORAL TOTES. JIIKIBSOF THIRD JlIXlKtf THlftO Alfred N. Cherry Albert G. Norrell Morris L. Ritchie John A. Street 46 KEPRKMKNT ATIVK IK s rO 4 Out HT. JUiiOM 1 63- - .....221 Cherry, P. A N 218 AG Norrell, D..7V7,, M L Itilchle, R, I K..v...'..2o8 795 J A .199 Kireef,U,I LEGIFLATLSE TICKET, btato ltenator: A 1262 County Record, r : George F. Olst-u- , 13; J. A. Smith, L County TJoseph J. Jenkins, 15; William H, , Miller 61. , Surveyor: E. II. Rhead, 76. 34 ...... Hatch, Jt, 1 R... Attorney: MEM RIB HOUSE REP. 889 Charles uuUjt-ouw"- II84 HenryJShields, 59 ; H. 8. Townsend, A Callis, D...... COUNTY TICKED, 6ers : io .. WiiUsin Archibald, 15; George Jr,, 63. Wm CarruS D, Daniel Lanjrrt, D . , LlnJ-sa- y, i SEOA. f following i the vote from this Ta plats! John Paak4, R, IR... 93 EC WillialMnR, I R 1 3 H 39 rwm 266 .168 R,... ;rj82 DnjiJ. K,I J McLajhjm, D.... ...... 2.15 I recorder. F R, I R , . , . George F . J Alma 2122. gbI 11 1 Rhe 11 leitglh by j,li r lean, lull the -- JjLuvp j0,irncy w 11I1 out A LiUleof CtiainiH-r- l : and ( and iliarrhnei lZeiiil. uanl Notieirg Champl .ins t uhd. Mk.rejm U K .Km ,A I cure n.v b.ivu inF Jthn lycrtn-egive raV t. the l,y mii Cou,h Remedy a t e .r.tv eafe cure I r rhi.dren. It l 11- I Rul v.dkf Zeilnrg r I roeu red a W Ke.lt mi- HIV'S n me ly tost prod 1, frter ,1 eotuietu i,l &. it a abort whi.e ar d ai er . Jo'fii SI - i I, e. I e, em t . Jy wt!5. I now . ol hearuiv r . ? it.l.t ,1,1 . )r .1 I 1111 tins remedy d n. rfd-.e Kell. Wm. wi.h a 0788aILy Vie., i I. ' tHd. it u r h:a fti . . Ke sale uti-J him John f.r Paul, rsc Mlnnv by '.yley jaigt. gubM-i- i for The Timi s. . tieulara. , den Avon. phyt. ciaii. Ch-ier- e. 1 ia-ti.- 2 juu-u- 1: 1 ie Oet tit j i j j It GalE-S-a- . to -- The Galena IDs., river is ont of it- bank threatens to flood the surrjundu, - 11 8 Wm ? 312 187 ...., , 421 421 attorney. jfy ....id.NrT TICK LL - 1. OK 1HK L, KD f 1 CKt It, , A( ,, , . f p J- , , . i ..n.u Vi' ' Fifth Lhottict. D, 52; hram lui-nd- tlifH rs oi , -0 , f NihJi li.Hirjct. .arieg Callis, D. 44, ila .5., 56. i i Y ii'ijl-io- Tiklf. a !, lCQntinfJi.il ft . r COUM .. 21 i h, I. K.,48. 4 ,r County Co ii!i in Ctr Ifeu., R, I R LEOIM.ArlVE Til. KET. fir State Smalor i 1 R., fh'teriG. Chambers, .2 t is. k .Srrell, D., 66; Morris L. Richie, I. John A. Street, L R , 5'). ' 5- - 2 - 5f 17 5 u . . i I) Two Drowned la th Platt. , La Platte. Neb , March 1 L- - EJ 111 Bury and A tdrew B li.rl, bridgotuen, veje drown e 1 tn tha ihatte. JoVJ h Kit route PI. II N ew York. March 13. -There fa tiU Jam of tbe NaioniCt John V 48; William H. King, D. Dr Judges Third Judicial District: idred N. Cherry, D., 61; Albert G. 204 TihP' td, R, I R 221 tltUIlF, b R, I R.T777. .HO ir t bk, I. R 6i 125 di. D, Henry N representative in LV Congress. Fiwren Foster, P., I ; Lafayette. Hob JUDICIAL TICKET. SVEYOa, 1 r Si-- 108 Vke-Prwd- Mr H AS8ESSOR, 794 J J Jenkiff K, I R E 63 . 273 WHMi!l4 I wepks ago J safferel with a voir severe cold ; w a almot unable to eo--ak Mv Trie!) b a'l aivicd me to loi.suh n of President and of the United States : Carles W. Bennett, 2; J. D. 1ige, 08 RJI; Joeeph A. Smith, R., 2; Joha J. Di3yf D.( I. R., 97; Henrj Lnwreoc, D I. Iy 0! RoltertC. Lund, D., I.- - R ' ' I , TREASURER. 467 TICKET, fr electors (COUNTY CLERK. J LBoydejD Alexnder6'right, R, IR. WATR f , 290 90 1 1 n , I" 4 .mo |